My Code with a single progressbar took 42.374 seconds to copy a 483,005 kb file, File.Copy took 46.343 seconds
two progressbars:
My Code: 68.28 Seconds
File.Copy: 37.343 Seconds
No Progressbars:
Mine: 23.796 Seconds
.NET: 41.499 Seconds
that last one surprised me.
figured that at best mine...
I changed it to write and update the progressbars every kb and that helped a lot.
It copied a 75.5 Meg file 1.53125 Seconds faster then File.Copy :-)
Thanks for the help.
Im attempting to make a program that will copy files reclusively in VB.NET.
basically I have a function that calculates the total size of every file in the directory and sub directories then goes through all of them and calls the CopyFile function.
this works alright in that my progress bar...
I have a project thats being a pain.
I have a form that I want to draw simi-transparent but I want the controls to be solid (IE Not Transparent) everything Ive found ether worked for the form but didt let me add controls (PerPixelAlpha) or seamed to work untill you moved the form.
Im Guessing German, Spanish, Russian, ect
Visual Studio.NET 2003 includes VB.NET Samples located in <Your VS.NET Installation Path>\Vb7\VB Samples\WinForms-Localization-VBMultilingualForm\VBMultilingualForm\
Dont know about C# or C++
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