Recent content by CJLeit

  1. C

    DefaultFocus Problem

    Well it turns out the focus works when I run it from my real web server but now when Im running it in debug mode from Visual Studio. Is there something I need to set on the debug server visual studio uses to fix this.
  2. C

    DefaultFocus Problem

    I am using Visual Studio 2005 and Im having a problem getting the DefaultFocus property of a form to work. I made a very simple page to test and it still didnt set focus to my text box. Am I doing something wrong? <body> <form id="form1" runat="server" defaultfocus="TextBox1"> <div>...
  3. C

    TableAdapater data refresh

    Im calling a table adapter fill method to fill a dataset that is bound to a datagrid. The fill method has a parameter for an order id. The order id is set when the user picks it from a drop down list. When they pick a different id from the list I want to refresh the grid to show the new data...
  4. C

    Require Interface Implementation

    Thanks, I think the MustInherit is what I was looking for on the first questions. On the second example right now I just have them passing an object as the parameter. Is there a way to make sure that object implements a certain interface.
  5. C

    Require Interface Implementation

    I have 2 quick questions about interface implementation. 1. Is there a way to require someone to implement a certain interface if they inherit from my base class? 2. I have a function that the user passes a class to as a parameter. Is there a way to make sure that that the passed class...
  6. C

    Timer Question

    Thank you very much! You second example was exactly what I was looking for.
  7. C

    Timer Question

    I have an application that has to run a test on a piece off eqipment based on 12 time intervals stored in a database. I have the app working but it seems like there must be a better way to do it. Below is a simplified version of what I have now. I would like to have one event handler handle...
  8. C

    Ignore errors in Finally section

    Unfortunetly for this project I have to use VS 2003 or else I would try the Using function. Thanks for your reply!
  9. C

    Ignore errors in Finally section

    Hello, I have a database connection that Im closing in the finally section of my error trapping. The problem is sometimes an error occurs before the connection is open so when it hits the finally the connection.close line causes another error to happen. Is there an easy way to ignore errors...
  10. C

    AddHandler vs Handles

    Why with some function do I have to use an AddHandler statment but with other I can create a function and use the handles statement? For example with the format event of a bound control you use the below statement but there is no way I know of to make a sub and use the Handles keywork...
  11. C

    Events with class declared as objects

    The only problem I have using an interface is that some of the classes may have properties that are unique to them that I wouldnt include in the intefece. In that case would the following code be the correct way to access those properties? Thanks! Public obj As intTest Private Sub...
  12. C

    Events with class declared as objects

    Below is a sample of some code I am working with. I need to be able to declare a class as a generic object because I will load a different class based on some user selection. The code works OK but I wondering if there is a way to use the AddHandler without having to convert my object every...
  13. C

    Debug mode from IDE

    Ive got the below line of code in my program that checks if the program is running in Debug mode. #If DEBUG Then msgbox(idNum) #End If If I compile in debug mode and run the program it gives me my message box. However if I have release mode selected in the configuration manager and...
  14. C

    ComboBox Items

    I have a combo box that I want to loop through all of the items in it and if the string returned from a function is in the list items I want to set the text to that string. I found a way to do it but it seems like there must be a better way to do it. Here is the way Im currently doing it...
  15. C

    TextBox ViewState

    I have a textbox that I set the EnableViewState property to false. The problem is that it is holding its state after postbacks. I have other controls that I do this for and they work fine. How can I make it so my textbox doesnt hold its state after postbacks? Thanks!