Server Downloads

PHP, mySQL and other software and tools that can be used for Linux, Unix and Windows servers.

Top resources

MySQL Community Server 8.4.0 LTS Cloaked
MySQL Community Server 8.4.0 LTS
PHP 8.3.7 RSchwarz
The latest release of PHP for Linux/Unix servers.
PHP 7.2.4 RSchwarz
PHP 7.2.4 for Linux servers.
PHP x64 NTS RSchwarz
PHP 7.2.4 x64 non thread safe.
MariaDB 10.2.14 RSchwarz
MariaDB 10.2 is the current major stable version. It will be supported until May 2022
MariaDB 10.0.17 Stable x64 MSI Installer RSchwarz
MariaDB is a drop-in replacement for MySQL.
MySQL Installer 5.6.23 RSchwarz
MySQL Community Server 5.6.23 MSI installer.
PHP 5.6.7 for Windows RSchwarz
VC11 x86 Non Thread Safe
PHP 5.6.7 for Linux RSchwarz
The PHP development team announces the immediate availability of PHP 5.6.7.