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    Determine whether the User is copying? (c#)

    Wasnt meant that seriously ;) I considered it and still waiting for a reply, the one finding an answer to how to find out whether a user is copying maybe knows an answer too to the question why the filesystemwatcher class can check the size of a directory without knowing it ;) regardz
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    Determine whether the User is copying? (c#)

    No reply in ages... i guess this forum is teh dead?
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    Determine whether the User is copying? (c#)

    Hi can anyone tell me how i can determine during runtime whether the User is copying or deleting? Situation is that i have a filewatcher and a timer class which both check a certain directory (my Docs in my case) for its size. So while the size is smaller than a certain value (determined in the...
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    Get Directory Size

    By the way this is how u do it in c# U call that method with a ne DirectoryInfo(YourPath). E.g.: public class SomeClass() { public SomeClass() { DirectoryInfo aInfo = new DirectoryInfo(_sMyDocPath); getDirectorySize(aInfo); } } private void getDirectorySize(DirectoryInfo...
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    Get Directory Size

    Isnt it somehow strange that the FileSystemWatcher class can check for changes in the size of a directory without knowing how big it really is? Would be nice if some1 explains this. Thx Ash