Search results

  1. M

    Read/Write grid settings to/from ini file

    I searched a lot and I found a way to create a file like the attached.. (This one was made by me :rolleyes: ) Now I need to know how can I read from each section, in order to get a collection with columns information, another with groups information, etc.
  2. M

    Read/Write grid settings to/from ini file

    And how can I do that? I never worked with xml files :o
  3. M

    Read/Write grid settings to/from ini file

    Hi!! I have a grid in my project that must have some properties saved and loaded.. I created a sample txt file with some things that I have to save about that grid. I was wondering if it is possible to read the file doing something like this: Dim c as column for each c in columns Do...
  4. M

    Bip sound

    When my program shows some message box, a form, or simply fill a grid, a bip is heard. Is very annoying for the user :-( I already checked sound properties in control panel and my sounds are all off :-( How can I avoid this from happening??
  5. M

    For each

    How can I do this?? I cant do this, because the database structure is already defined, and already has a table wich contains all messages in all languages. If I could change this, maybe it would be easier, but this is a small part o a huge project, and I must continue with what was already...
  6. M

    For each

    In my project I have a collection with the texts to translate the controls. This collection is filled when the program starts, with a number that identifies the text, and a default text. To be easier for me, I need to do is in each form: - define all control.tag (label, checkbox, or something...
  7. M

    Custom Comboboxes

    I hope Im not replying too late.. If you really some very good controls, take a look at It take some time to lear how to work with them, but youll not regret. :) Good luck
  8. M

    Signed assemblies

    Hi :) Can anyone tell me, in a simple way, what means signed assemby? Thankx ;)
  9. M

    Calling .NET from VB6

    To test this you should open a new project (Visual Basic Project \ Class Library) and copy the code below to the class: Imports System.Runtime.InteropServices <Assembly: ComVisible(False)> <Assembly: ClassInterface(ClassInterfaceType.None)> <ComVisible(True)...
  10. M

    Calling .NET from VB6

    If you need some help with the COM Class, please let me know. Im finishing something like that now ;) and I have a simple sample that might help you.
  11. M

    Open help file (chm) in specific page

    I tried your suggestion, but it didnt work. It open the help file, but not in the page I want it to.. But, finally, a light came to my mind :) The solution was in front of my nose :rolleyes: And I couldnt see it.. Here is the code: Thanks everyone who spend more than a second reading this...
  12. M

    Open help file (chm) in specific page

    The problem is, when I use something like it will open the file in internet explorer browser, not like an chm file :( The page is the correct, etc, but I have to open the file like chm, not like html.
  13. M

    Open help file (chm) in specific page

    Hi! Im trying to open a chm file in a specific page, but i cant find out how to do this.. In my old vb6 project I had a module with the code: I used the upgrade tool from to have an idea on how to do this and the result was exactly the same peace of code. I verified that it open the...
  14. M

    Testers Needed!!!

    Hi! Im downloading your project now. Ill test it ;)
  15. M

    Print document

    Now I tried this: But it doesnt print the page correctly.. I need it to print with the font type, colors,.... that I see when I open the html document in a browser..
  16. M

    Open chm file

    No, the file name really is HOSTGestaoPontos.chm. But now I know what was going on.. It was related to the permissions.. I change some things in file properties, and now it works fine. Thankx a lot for your help ;) For someone who need.. Here is the code:
  17. M

    Open chm file

    Now, with that code, I got the attached error.. Says something like: Its not possible to open the file: mk:@MSITStore:[FilePath\FileName] :confused: Does someone have any other idea?
  18. M

    Open chm file

    How can I open a chm file? I tried the following: but nothing happened :( Does anyone knows what am I doing wrong or if there is another way to open this kind of files?
  19. M

    Print document

    :( Thanks for your post.. I really dont know what to say.. I thought it was something simple, and I have to solve it very fast.. Id appreciate if someone came up with any idea..
  20. M

    Print document

    Hi! Its the first time im using vb .net to an application. I need to know how can I print an htm page because everything I tried failed. Im shore Im doing something rong :( but I dont know what it is. You can see my code in the attachment. It happens that when I see the print dialog and pess...