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  1. K

    Generating HTML at Runtime

    Im doing a website that has a master page and the main content is updateable through a administrator interface and instead of just posting content I would like it to be more dynamic and be able to be edited with HTML. Response.Write dosnt specify where the code will appear?
  2. K

    Generating HTML at Runtime

    Is it possible to generate an entire <DIV> at runtime using a string with HTML in it? If so how?
  3. K

    Problem with 64-Bit Windows & VB.Net 2.0 COM Class References

    Thanks Nerseus, you are indeed correct. I did some research and found this known issue for the IDE. 1.3 References to 32-bit COM components may not work in VB and C# Applications running on 64-bit platforms Most existing COM components are only available for 32-bit platforms and will not run...
  4. K

    Problem with 64-Bit Windows & VB.Net 2.0 COM Class References

    Ive run into an extremely strange error which Im guessing has something to do with the pathing of the references in Windows XP 64-Bit. The first time I ran into this problem was with Pepperwhite; a GPS mapping control kind of like Google Earth but 2D. I shrugged it off and used Visual Studio...
  5. K

    Slow Loading Controls

    I have created an application that is extremely graphic intensive and uses many controls; im having a visual problem with labels loading in a linear fashion when I would rather them load in the background and then all show at once. In example: I have a form with 28 labels, when the form...
  6. K

    Silent DLL Registering

    Thank you, ill try that right away!
  7. K

    Silent DLL Registering

    Hello, I have a program that copies two .OCX files to the %SystemRoot%\System32 folder and then registers them using shell cmd """regsvr32 C:\Windows\System32\MSWINSCK.OCX", null shell cmd """regsvr32 C:\Windows\System32\MSCOMCTL.OCX", null This brings up a message box saying that the...
  8. K

    How do I remove this bar?!

    How do you make it blue like that? :rolleyes:
  9. K

    Movie Controls

    Im looking into finding the most efficient movie controls and need some advice. I have been working with Windows Media Player and it just takes *way* to long to load the video and pause it at the first frame. If you know a good movie control that loads movies quick and possibly has a built in...
  10. K

    Mouse Down Event Triggers While Looping

    Solved! Added a Do Loop that would loop nothing until all six movies were loaded. It looks great! Thanks for the help, I can see threading will be extremely useful in the future.
  11. K

    Mouse Down Event Triggers While Looping

    I studied into Threading and I have done pretty well with it. It fixed the problem I was having with the buttons. I decided to use threading to load six movies onto a form and pause them at the first frame. The problem with this is that I need to know what thread is last to finish so I can...
  12. K

    Mouse Down Event Triggers While Looping

    Okay, sorry I probabally could have made it a bit more in depth: There are two buttons that involve this problem: (These buttons are actually PictureBoxes because the GUI uses buttons that have an up and down image) btnExpandSearch btnStopSearch When I click btnExpandSearch, I have a...
  13. K

    Mouse Down Event Triggers While Looping

    I have an application that searches a CSV document. The document has over 8,700 lines so it takes a few seconds for it to get through it, which is represented by a progress bar. I have a picturebox that acts as a button that triggers this sub routine. I have a stop button which I want to trigger...
  14. K

    Loading Video Asynchrously

    I have a form with six Windows Media Control videos on it. I was wondering if it is possible to load videos to the controls Asynchrously? Pseudo Code: Grab video URL from XML Load Video(i) from URL Pause Video When it Starts Playing Grab Next Video Any help or suggestions would be...
  15. K

    Loading Flash SWF

    I figured it out, the Flash background was taking 100% of the CPU in 32bit color mode. The Application.DoEvents() would freeze code execution because the CPU was at 100%. Lowering the colors to 16bit fixed the problems but the Flash file is still taking up a good 60% of the CPU. All in all...
  16. K

    Loading Flash SWF

    Im having a little problem with my Macromedia Flash control. I have a program with multiple buttons in front of a Flash background. In one of my modules I switch to a picture box background instead of a flash background. When switching from picture box (setting visible to false), the buttons...
  17. K

    Get filename without path

    Thanks, now I can stop messing around with that split statement for this. =p
  18. K

    Get filename without path

    dim stringBuffer() as String stringBuffer = split("C:/path/to/file.txt", "/") fileName = stringBuffer(ubound(stringBuffer))
  19. K

    WMP10 Control - Pausing at First Frame

    Hello, I have been trying for the past few weeks to load a movie using the Windows Media Player 10 control and pausing it at the first frame of video. I have tried turning auto start to true and setting the controls.CurrentPosition to 1 and then playing and then pausing but it just continues to...
  20. K

    Casting String Color to System.Drawing.Color

    Solved my own problem, it was simple: Color.FromName("White")