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  1. K

    Casting String Color to System.Drawing.Color

    I have run into a little problem, I have an XML document that I read controls from and instance them to a form. What I want to do is without if statements, cast a string color like "White" to System.Drawing.Color. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
  2. K

    Getting Control Properties from EventHandler

    That worked great, thank you! I guess Ill have do do some studying into direct casting, seems to be very useful.
  3. K

    Click Event

    But how do you identify the control that is being pushed?
  4. K

    Getting Control Properties from EventHandler

    I am designing a program that grabs PictureBox information from an XML file and puts them on the form. I want to have an EventHandler that handles every PictureBox I create, which I have done. The problem is that in order to identify which PictureBox has been clicked I need to get the name. I...