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  1. P

    How do I set rules for my database?

    Dear all, I would like to know how to set certain rules for my database relationships with parent and child tables, such as cascade, restrict.... I am using SQL Server, but I cannot find a way to accomplish this task, I am using VB.Net to design my application, using VB.Net to view my database...
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    Another stupid question on combobox

    Dear all, I am trying to filter data by using dataview and display the results on the combo box, but the problem is it displays more than 1 exactly the same results on a combo box, how can I do it to prevent this happned? Thanks PlayKid
  3. P

    Possible to read a specific line on a text file?

    Dear all, I am trying to read something from a text file, and each line representing different thing, how do I do that? Thanks PlayKid
  4. P

    How do I prevent user from entering strings other than numeric onto the textbox?

    Dear all, How do I do that? To prevent user from entering "abcd", the user may only enter "1234"..... Say if the user enter something thats not numeric, then the textbox wont response.... Thanks PlayKid
  5. P

    DateTimePicker Differences in numbers of days problem

    Dear all, I am trying to calculate the difference between 2 DateTimePickers values, and I am unable to calculate the differences in numbers of days, it is fine if they both within the same month, but if the month is changed, the problem arise, it just calculated the differences in day and not...
  6. P

    Double Clicked the DataGrid and obtained specific information from specific row

    Dear all, I am attempting to do something interesting with the datagrid, when I click a specific row on the datagrid, it open a form and the information that was on that row transferred to the form that just opened. Is it possible to do that? I know that it is possible on VB 6, but how can I...
  7. P

    Combo Box.....HELP

    Hi all, I am try to make something that can update my database from my combobox, since I have 10 comboboxes on my form, and each perform the same function and had the same data source. The scenario is that: 1. I have 2 tables that needed to update 2. I need to check whether the string that I...
  8. P

    Passing integer value between forms

    Hi all, I am having 2 forms, and I have declared an integer variable in form 1, then I assign something from from2 to that integer value, but it just didnt pass my value, can somebody tell me why??But when I am passing a textbox value, it can be passed. PlayKid
  9. P

    Possible to hide columns in the Datagrid?

    Dear all, Just wonder is it possible to hide any columns in the datagrid? I have read some books, but they didnt say anything about this issue, but is it possible. Thanks PlayKid
  10. P


    I would like to create a procedure which is fitted for all forms within the program, how can I do that? Thanks PlayKid
  11. P

    AutoNumber in MSDE

    Hi all, I am trying to create a program with Client Number, but I want the program to automatically generate an auto number for the Client Table, how can I do that? Note that I am using MSDE Thanks PlayKid
  12. P

    ToolBar Image problem

    Dear all, I am trying to make a toolbar with images, such as the one which is on IE, but no matter how I do, the image is not appearing. I have created ImageList, and have linked to the ToolBar properties, I can see the image when I am on the design phase, but after I run the program, the image...
  13. P

    MSDE simple question

    I am trying to create a program for my school, and I am using MSDE as the server, since this is the first time I am using this, I am not really sure how it actually work. I am making this program at my house, but will be transfer to my school after the program is complete, but what about the...
  14. P

    Special Keys?

    Hi all, I am trying to create an application which allows user to enter special keys, such as F1, F2, etc....How may I do that? Thanks PlayKid
  15. P

    Measuring a picture

    Hi all, I am trying to measure the size of a picture, when I enter x and y values, then a dot would display onto the picture, how can I do it? Dont have to type me the code, since I know it will be a huge list of codes, can somebody maybe give me a direction on how to do it? Thanks alot PlayKid
  16. P

    How can I make a textbox which I can type paragraphs

    Hi all, I am trying to make a textbox which I can type paragraphs, just like when I am posting the thread on this forum. But I tried many times, all I can get is have a textbox which I can only type one line. Can anyone tell me how can I make a textbox to do that? Note that I am making an...
  17. P

    Form within a form

    Hi all, I would like to know, how do I create a form within a form, say for example I have created a main form, which contains all the controls, and also, some other forms that is within the application, all the maximization, minimization, resizing are all happened in the main form. Thanks...