Dim pass = txtPass.Text
Dim user = txtUser.Text
Dim joinin As String
joinin = user & "," & pass
Dim swriter As IO.TextWriter
swriter = IO.File.CreateText("E:\text.txt")
I try, but cant.
It does not read and compare the value in the TextBox1 and 2 to the text file at E:\text.txt.
Can help
Dim sPassArray() As String
Dim pass = TextBox1.Text
Dim user = TextBox2.Text
Dim eii As String...
Can anyone help me to convert this into vb.net, mine cant convert. Thank!
Or can someone know how to save the array to a file (text, ...what ever) and when the app start, read the file back into an array, and validate user inputs (example: login password)
Thank again in advance.
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