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  1. E

    DataReader + Get numbers of rows + retriev string from ranome row

    Sorry, thats only to count the amount of fields in the table. I also use the loop method. Cheers Mila
  2. E

    DataReader + Get numbers of rows + retriev string from ranome row

    Try this: myReader.FieldCount Cheers!!!
  3. E

    Please help!

    Hi all you clever people!!! I want to use the Session_Start and Session_End events to show how many users are using my site at one moment. Ive used a text file to store the number, which will be the number zero initially. Then when the Session starts, I use the above events in the global.asax...
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    Session_End does not respond!!!

    Hi! Im trying to use the Session EventHandlers in a web application, but it seems like the Session_End EventHandler does not want to work. I accually want to read from a text file as soon as the session ends and then change the values in the text file. Ive set Session.TimeOut to one minute just...
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    Explanation needed please

    Hi. Im confused again. With this new validation controls from ASP.Net, is it not better to do your form validation on the Client-side with some script? Can you accually do form validaton with a client-side script on ASP.Net controls, because if you do put an event on a ASP.Net control it will...
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    Trying to work through a ASP.Net book I bought and Im struggeling with this concept. It is not explained in the book. When using subroutines what is the use of example "Handler Button1.Click" Im getting error messages!!! Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As...
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    Very confusing, but where can you use this object then?
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    Hello Im new in ASP.Net and would just like to know why I get the following error message when using MessageBox.Show: Name MessageBox is not declared. :confused:
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    Sender as Object, e as EventArgs

    Thanks for the quick reply I appreciate it!!!
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    Sender as Object, e as EventArgs

    Hi, this may sound stupid, but I would really like to know what the need for Sender as Object, e as EventArgs in a sub routine is. How do you actually pass a value to a sub routine? Cheers! Mila:confused: