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  1. C

    Text removed at startup on custom control

    it worked!! (not that i doubted you) ill have to read up on DesignerSerializationVisibility when i get the time. thanks for your help (again)
  2. C

    Text removed at startup on custom control

    here is the project. the problem is with the control ButtonEx. the rest are just unfinished controls that i was experimenting with as i am sorta new to programming. thanks for your help
  3. C

    Text removed at startup on custom control

    i dont belive so. i have the property declared shadows (otherwise it doesnt accept the declaration) i have had this work on some of my other controls. ill try to see what is different about this one. thanks
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    Text removed at startup on custom control

    anybody had this problem before?
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    Text removed at startup on custom control

    i made a custom button control just for fun but when i start the test program, the text i entered in the designer disappears from the button. in the designer, it works. i found out that for some reason is not adding a me.button.text property under the code properties of my control. the...
  6. C

    Read File Path Error

    i am using a ini file so that it is easier for the user to change the path if required. i have attached the project. the ini file is in the bin directory also this launcher is for my grandpa so that explains the project name Removed binaries (1 EXE, 1 DLL) from attachment
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    Read File Path Error

    ok i have a program that has three buttons, each launch a different program. on the form load i read in the paths from a .ini file and set the paths to separate process components. now, when i try to start the process, i get a "file not found" error but when i type the path directly into the...
  8. C

    Access Denied -- Can't figure it out

    has anybody had this problem before with the .ShowDialog() ?
  9. C

    Access Denied -- Can't figure it out

    No, these applications are all different (Media catalog, zip, applicaion bar). however, they DO have something in common. all of them throw this exception when i close or get rid of a form that was shown using .showDialog(). on other apps, this doesnt happen (even with showdialog) so im confused...
  10. C

    Access Denied -- Can't figure it out

    there is no single line of code that causes this error. on the form frmExtract, after the End Sub statement of cmdExtract_click, i get this error. when i click break, the pointer highlights the main declaration for frmMain like this: Imports C1.C1Zip Public Class frmMain This is where the...
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    Access Denied -- Can't figure it out

    thank you for your help. this sorted this problem (access denied). i know im using a lot of vb6 syntax (im still a student and i was trained in vb6). im working on changing to .net syntax. Also i get another error that i think is unrelated to the previous. When i close the extract form, i get...
  12. C

    Access Denied -- Can't figure it out

    Yes the one by ComponentOne thanks for the quick response -matt
  13. C

    Access Denied -- Can't figure it out

    the errors im getting are when i try to extract a file. i can open the zip just fine but when i got to extract to ANY directory i get the error. i am running Win XP Home thanks -matt
  14. C

    Access Denied -- Can't figure it out

    Yes that helped, however now i get access denied error in every places except C:\ (i get a "not a valid path" error there) thanks for your help there. i cant believe i missed it. any chance you know how to solve this access denied error? (i even tried a new directory such as C:\ziptest\ but it...
  15. C

    Access Denied -- Can't figure it out

    here it is thanks for your help
  16. C

    Access Denied -- Can't figure it out

    No the declaration in the module is the only delcaration
  17. C

    Access Denied -- Can't figure it out

    here is the code right after this the value changes to nothing Public Sub Open() Dim dlgOpen As New OpenFileDialog dlgOpen.Filter = "Zip Files (*.zip)|*.zip" dlgOpen.ShowDialog() If dlgOpen.FileName <> "" Then Zip = New C1ZipFile...
  18. C

    Access Denied -- Can't figure it out

    Thanks for the reply, the line that throws the error is: Zip.Entries.Extract(lvi.Index, ExtractPath) this is the error An unhandled exception of type System.NullReferenceException occurred in FreeZip.exe Additional information: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. when i...
  19. C

    Access Denied -- Can't figure it out

    anybody...? your help is greatly appreciated :-\
  20. C

    Access Denied -- Can't figure it out

    they were not in the same code. the declaration was public in a module and the extraction was in a form. i moved the extract code into the module (slightly modified) and ran it and it gave me the same error. however i did try adding zip to the watch and it game me the following error: cannot...