here is the project. the problem is with the control ButtonEx. the rest are just unfinished controls that i was experimenting with as i am sorta new to programming. thanks for your help
i dont belive so. i have the property declared shadows (otherwise it doesnt accept the declaration) i have had this work on some of my other controls. ill try to see what is different about this one. thanks
i made a custom button control just for fun but when i start the test program, the text i entered in the designer disappears from the button. in the designer, it works. i found out that for some reason is not adding a me.button.text property under the code properties of my control. the...
i am using a ini file so that it is easier for the user to change the path if required.
i have attached the project. the ini file is in the bin directory
also this launcher is for my grandpa so that explains the project name
Removed binaries (1 EXE, 1 DLL) from attachment
ok i have a program that has three buttons, each launch a different program. on the form load i read in the paths from a .ini file and set the paths to separate process components. now, when i try to start the process, i get a "file not found" error but when i type the path directly into the...
No, these applications are all different (Media catalog, zip, applicaion bar). however, they DO have something in common. all of them throw this exception when i close or get rid of a form that was shown using .showDialog(). on other apps, this doesnt happen (even with showdialog) so im confused...
there is no single line of code that causes this error. on the form frmExtract, after the End Sub statement of cmdExtract_click, i get this error. when i click break, the pointer highlights the main declaration for frmMain like this:
Imports C1.C1Zip
Public Class frmMain This is where the...
thank you for your help. this sorted this problem (access denied). i know im using a lot of vb6 syntax (im still a student and i was trained in vb6). im working on changing to .net syntax.
Also i get another error that i think is unrelated to the previous. When i close the extract form, i get...
the errors im getting are when i try to extract a file. i can open the zip just fine but when i got to extract to ANY directory i get the error. i am running Win XP Home
Yes that helped, however now i get access denied error in every places except C:\ (i get a "not a valid path" error there)
thanks for your help there. i cant believe i missed it. any chance you know how to solve this access denied error? (i even tried a new directory such as C:\ziptest\ but it...
here is the code
right after this the value changes to nothing
Public Sub Open()
Dim dlgOpen As New OpenFileDialog
dlgOpen.Filter = "Zip Files (*.zip)|*.zip"
If dlgOpen.FileName <> "" Then
Zip = New C1ZipFile...
Thanks for the reply,
the line that throws the error is:
Zip.Entries.Extract(lvi.Index, ExtractPath)
this is the error
An unhandled exception of type System.NullReferenceException occurred in FreeZip.exe
Additional information: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
when i...
they were not in the same code. the declaration was public in a module and the extraction was in a form. i moved the extract code into the module (slightly modified) and ran it and it gave me the same error. however i did try adding zip to the watch and it game me the following error:
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