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  1. J

    image list - image quality

    They are both 72 px by 28 px EDIT: turns out the 2nd picture was a few pixels off the first pictures size, after correcting this and making them the exact same size, it works nicely. Cant thank you enough marble, for the dedication!
  2. J

    image list - image quality

    Nope, I only have 2 images in the collection so far, until I get this sorted out and both are 96dpi. Any thoughts on what the above poster said about an array list ?
  3. J

    image list - image quality

    Ive tried that but still no good :confused:
  4. J

    Click Event

    Aw, I was so close to figuring it out on my own :) Thanks again
  5. J

    Click Event

    MarbleEater, im back :-\ Ive realized I dont want a generic click, but instead, a generic "mouse down" event. Ive tried : Private Sub AddGenericClickHandler(ByVal Parent As Control, ByVal Handler As EventHandler) For Each thing As Control In Parent.Controls AddHandler...
  6. J

    image list - image quality

    Can you give me a sample declaration of the array and how to add bitmaps/jpgs. Im not very familiar with arrays yet :o Thanks!
  7. J

    image list - image quality

    When I load an image into a picturebox through code, the images quality is diminished. I have the same image loaded into a different picturebox from design time, yet its good quality. How do I preserve the quality when loading from an image list, during run-time? Thanks!
  8. J

    Click Event

    falcon, that would require me to list every label and picturebox, which would probly tally up to 100 :)
  9. J

    Click Event

    Well, if you (or anyone that reads this) ever want an introductory to the basics (being able to send a string of data across the network to an endpoint) then Id be happy to teach.
  10. J

    Click Event

    Wow, Brilliant. Just curious, Im guessing this is an initialization statement which must be put in the New() sub? On a side note, would you happen to be familiar with sockets ? Thanks a alot
  11. J

    Click Event

    I have a panel, and inside theres many labels and pictureboxes. Basically, I want to be able to catch the users click event whether its on a label, or the panel, or anything else and do something. I am aware of how to catch a click event on a particular label/picturebox, but there has to be a...
  12. J

    Way to find a String after spaces?

    Ahh, that explains it. I thought Ive seen .Net formatting already, but maybe that was in the sister forum. :D
  13. J

    Way to find a String after spaces?

    Then why dont the keywords and comments appear in their proper color?
  14. J

    Way to find a String after spaces?

    Thanks, Ill have a look into what you suggested. As for formatting in .NEt i meant for the forum, instead of VB tags what are the tags? :p Thanks again!
  15. J

    Way to find a String after spaces?

    Any Help would be greatly appreciated I need a way to find a number after either one space, or two. Ex: Number1: 555 <---one space Ex2: Number1: 666 <---two spaces I know how I could do each one independantly, but Id need it all in one code. This code will find the number 555 in the...
  16. J

    Form.Opaque memory usage

    I posted this in the sister forum as well, but no response there, so Ill post it here. Need a solution: Under a button click, I have Me.Opaque = .5 to set the transparency of the form to 50%. It works fine, but theirs excessive memory usage - mainly when moving the form. Even when I hit the...