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  1. V

    Outlook 2007 Plugin

    Hi, I never wrote a plug-in for Office products, but this is a very useful thing... This is what I want: In outlook 2007 when user right clicks on an email message and select one, a menu item should be added with a custom name, and when user select it, it runs my program with a command... I...
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    Excel 2007 Problem

    Hello, I use Visual Basic .NET 2008 and want to create a new Excel workbook and save data into it... I was using this code for Excel 97-2003 workbooks and it just works fine: --- Dim ExcelString As String = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=" + FileTextBox.Text + ";Extended...
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    Create Visual Studio .NET 2005/2008 Toolbox

    Is it that hard ? :(
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    Create Visual Studio .NET 2005/2008 Toolbox

    Hello, I have written a .NET 2.0 component (.dll) which I am creating a setup for it. The hard thing is that I wanna create a Toolbox in the target system Visual Studio Toolbox. I wanna create this Toolbox at the installation time. Anyone knows a way to do this both for VS.NET2005 and...
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    System Monitor

    Hello, I know there are some programs that monitor the system for changes. For example you run it and install a program, it says that your installed program has made what changes to the registry, to the file system, what files have been added and removed during the installation, etc... I...
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    Help me choose the edition of VS.NET

    Hi, I just dont know use which edition of Visual Studio .NET 2008? Express, Standard or Professional ?! I have express and its OK just it wont allow me to select target .net framework when I want to create a new project. The professional version allows you to select your new project is for .net...
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    Upper Case

    Hi, How can I convert the first letter of each word in a sentence to upper case? I cannot simply use .ToUpper because some words like "of" shouldnt be converted. Is there an internal function in VB.NET FW2 which do it for me automatically? Capitalization I mean. Thanks :)
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    Copy and Merge 2 Arrays

    Hi, I have 2 arrays, I dont know their length... I wanna copy both arrays into 1 single array. So the length of output array will be sum of my 2 input arrays. I know I should use Array.Copy but dont know how, for my case, it wont merge the contents of 2 arrays into 1. Anyone can help me? I also...
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    System.Management in VB.NET 2008

    Hi, Anyone has VB.NET 2008? Wheres System.Management? When you select the properties of a project, from References tab, there is NO System.Management and even if you write its name manually into the "Imported Namespaces" text box, it wont import. I wanna know what the problem VS have with...
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    Windows Controls Problem

    Hi, I have a TabControl on my form with 1 TextBox in EACH Tab, total 2 TextBox... I fill each TextBox during a loop like this: For i As Integer = 1 To 100 ReportTextBoxX1.Text = ReportTextBoxX1.Text + i.ToString + vbNewLine ReportTextBoxX2.Text = ReportTextBoxX2.Text + i.ToString +...
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    Access or SQL

    Hi PlausiblyDamp, Thanks for all your help :) Anyway theres a question in my mind if its possible to read .sdf file from my VB.NET application on target systems WITHOUT SQL Server 2008 installed on them? Either its not possible or I cound not figure its connection string after a lot of search on...
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    Upgrade from OleDb to SqlCLient

    Hi, I want to upgrade from OleDb to SqlCLient, I mean from .mdb file to .sdf file. I have installed MS SQL Server 2008 Express Compact edition and designed my database files and created tables/fields and now gonna copy it to my application directory so my application will work with that on...
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    Access or SQL

    Well, there is no Text, and ntext has length of 16 and length is not changeable...:confused:
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    Access or SQL

    Hi again:) Do you have any idea whats the replacement for Memo data type in SQL Server? Memo type does not have a field size... But it cannot be found in SQL Server 2008... :confused:
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    Access or SQL

    Hi and thanks for your professional comments :) I am so glad you are here to help other people, God bless you! :p Everything is going well, I have installed SQL Server Express 2008 and am re-creating my database and its tables... However, there is one thing I cannot find it in the new...
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    Access or SQL

    Thanks, well I use Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0 to work with Access files, this driver has NOT a 64-bit version. I decided to switch to SQL Server Express 2008. So in my VB.NET 2008 with .NET Framework 2.0, what driver/referece should be used? I think my code should remain intact or with minor...
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    Access Problem

    Dim ReadUsers As New OleDb.OleDbCommand("SELECT * FROM Emails WHERE GroupID = " + MyID + "", GroupConnection) Dim MyReader2 As OleDbDataReader = ReadUsers.ExecuteReader While MyReader2.Read ... End While Hello, I have a critical problem in reading data from database! But the above code reads...
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    Access or SQL

    Hello, I have written an address book and for its database, I used Access to create a .mdb database and store my data programmatically into this .mdb file. However, the problem is that when reading and saving data to this kind of database I have to use Jet 4.0 which is NOT available on 64-bit...
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    OpenFileDialog Filter String

    Hi everyone :) I have no idea why my OpenFileDialog Filter String is NOT working as expected? All Picture Files |(*.gif;*.jpg;*.jpeg;*.jpe;*.jfif;*.png;*.bmp;*.dib;*.wmf;*.art;*.ico)|All Files (*.*)|*.* Well, when running my application and show OpenFileDialog it will filter and show *.bmp and...
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    Load and Save Settings

    Help me please!:(