Re: Offline Files: "Delete Files" vs "Re-initalize the chache"
The date and time was 9/23/2008 12:57 PM, and on a whim, Brendan pounded
out on the keyboard:
> Terry,
> I guess on a whole i dont have a question to ask. I am on a fact finding
> mission.
> I was asked by the rest of my IT team to find out what exactly the
> difference is between the 2 features. To be truthful i did not even know the
> "ctrl + shift + delete file" option as even an option untill yesterday.
> I can see why i would use "ctrl shift delete files" now, you described its
> function rather well the first time and i thank you for that. I think i can
> go to my team and explain what you have told me, and they will probably
> understand it even before i finish reporting my findings.
> I think your last post really has hit the nail right on the head for me.
> Its sad that sometimes i cant see things as plainly as others can sometimes,
> but this is as difinitive as it can get.
> Don't use "Ctr; + shift + delete files" unless you have curruption. If no
> files are currupt and as long as the folder structure has not changed, i will
> continue to use "Delete files"
OR if your target location changes. Otherwise files will not sync and
the error; Cannot find server... (something similar) will keep appearing
on the dialog after failure. Re-initializing removes any target
locations that no longer exist.
> Thank you very much for taking the time to reply to me as many times as you
> did. I can be a very trying person at times, cause things just wont sink in.
> Thank you again,
> Brendan
> "Terry R." wrote:
>> The date and time was 9/23/2008 11:53 AM, and on a whim, Brendan pounded
>> out on the keyboard:
>>> Terry,
>>> Thank you for taking the time in trying to explain this to me.
>>> I think i am finally starting to understand the differences. But another
>>> question pops to mind. So if re-initializing the cache looses any changes
>>> that where not syncronized and stops the file from syncing on its own in the
>>> future (or untill setup again). Does that mean that Deleting Files (deleting
>>> offline files button) will also loose the changes that i have made to my copy
>>> and not sunk, but will still try and re-sync the file(s) when my computer is
>>> connected to the servers again?
>>> I can see re-initilizing the cache to be like a hammer, as it will kill
>>> every offline file i got, while Delete files is more of a scaple where it
>>> will only kill the files i delete. Is that a better train of thought to take
>>> or is that still wrong?
>>> Thanks,
>>> Brendan
>>> "Terry R." wrote:
>>>> The date and time was 9/23/2008 10:36 AM, and on a whim, Brendan pounded
>>>> out on the keyboard:
>>>>> Just giving it a bump to see if i can get more info on this.
>>>>> Terry,
>>>>> So your saying with Re-initializing the chache the files will be there (one
>>>>> copy on the local computer, and a copy no the server), but the sync between
>>>>> the files on my computer, and files on the server will be broken?
>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>> Brendan
>>>>> "Terry R." wrote:
>>>>>> The date and time was 9/22/2008 9:08 AM, and on a whim, Brendan pounded
>>>>>> out on the keyboard:
>>>>>>> The other day i got asked the question as to what the difference in
>>>>>>> functionality was there between the following two options
>>>>>>> Offline files:
>>>>>>> Delete Files
>>>>>>> and Ctrl + Shift + Delete Files
>>>>>>> I probably should know this, but unfortunatly i cant seem to find any
>>>>>>> diffinitive statements. I have found documentation on both options, but they
>>>>>>> both seem to do the same thing.
>>>>>>> Delete files is very straight forward:
>>>>>>> "This method of cleaning up the cache allows you to delete individual files
>>>>>>> reguardless of where they are lcoated on the network or the folder in which
>>>>>>> they are contained"
>>>>>>> Re-initialize of the offline files chache and database:
>>>>>>> "The offline files chache and database has a build in capability to restart
>>>>>>> if its contents are suspected of being corrupt"
>>>>>>> So I would be very grateful if some one could please help me try and
>>>>>>> understand the difference between these 2 option.
>>>>>>> Thank you
>>>>>>> Brendan
>>>>>> Hi Brendan,
>>>>>> Ctrl-Shift-Delete files button is useful when your target has changed
>>>>>> location. Say user files were on server01 and were moved to server02.
>>>>>> OF will continue trying to sync files on server01 and give error
>>>>>> messages until the cache is re-initialized and the new location is set.
>>>>>> You can't delete files this way as you can when you just click the
>>>>>> Delete files button by itself.
>>>> Brendan,
>>>> Changes that haven't been synchronized will be lost. Any files or
>>>> folders made available offline will no longer be available offline. The
>>>> original files remain in place although the OF do not, until you re-sync
>>>> (see below).
>>>> Be warned; I recently replaced a hard drive on a workstation in a
>>>> network I admin. I copied bookmarks, cookies, etc. to the network drive
>>>> to restore after Windows was reinstalled (data was already on the
>>>> network drive). On shutdown, OF started to run and I canceled it, since
>>>> I knew everything was already on the network and there was no reason to
>>>> "sync". When I went back to the network drive after reinstalling
>>>> Windows, the files I had copied were no longer there! Somehow, OF on
>>>> canceling, saw the files I copied were not in the cache and deleted them
>>>> from the network drive. IMO, this is a major flaw in its design. There
>>>> shouldn't have been any files deleted from the target drive when the
>>>> sync was canceled.
>>>> Usually there isn't any reason to re-initialize the cache unless you
>>>> have file/folder corruption or your target location has changed and it
>>>> needs to be updated.
>> Brendan,
>> I guess at this point my question is; Exactly what are you trying to
>> accomplish? I can't describe it any better.
>> Deleting files individually will remove them so they will not be
>> available "offline", UNTIL you sync next. The "copy" as you put it is
>> gone and only the original remains.
>> There isn't any reason for you to reinitialize unless as I stated
>> before, you are experiencing file/folder corruption or your target has
>> changed location and OF needs to be updated of the new location.
Terry R.
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