Re: cannot change Program Files to full control
barryadam wrote:
> Thanks Paul. I have Vista Home PREMIUM not PRO. As a simple end user with
> limited time on this system, I'm lucky to remember anything.
> I tried your suggested tests and they performed just as you predicted. I
> guess I sort of understand a bit about what's happening in Vista from that
> excercise, but I'm still not clear on what I can do about the WMP Icons
> directory in order to load the MS Info Exporter.
> I'm sorry, but I'm a bit slow here. I was able to add a user in the test
> directory and change the control for the user level. But I cannot do the
> same in WMP or in the Icons directory. It will not allow me to add a user.
> What do I do to get this thing to load?
> Barry
Yes, I see your problem. If you go to the Programs File the top folder,
you can't do anything there at that point too for account permissions.
It looks like that folder and some folders within the folder are in a
total locked out and total protected user permissions state when it
comes to user permission modification, even for user/admin.
You could try to enable the hidden Admin Account on Vista, which is
suppose to have Full Admin rights permission on Vista like it does on XP.
You can enable it and see if that Admin account has the power. You
should read first before you do it.
Get back to me on this and let me know what happened? Can you even add a
new account or modify an existing account on a protected folder?