Re: 3GB RAM and it's always telling me to close apps
"Ringmaster" <bigtop@VistaGeneralCircus.net> wrote in message
> RAM isn't consumed. That suggests it gets used up and needs to be
> replaced. No matter how much RAM you install Windows is designed to
> STILL USE THE PAGING FILE. Trying to limit it's size is working
> against you and making your system slower than it would otherwise
> would be. Vista is designed to constantly shuffle things between the
> Paging File and your RAM regardless how much physical memory you have.
That has always got me thinking why Windows bother to use (snail speed)
paging file when there's more than enough physical RAM. I can understand use
of paging file in the old days (Windows 3.x) when RAM was very expensive and
limited (x MB). These days memory is affordable. Why does Windows need (x
GB) paging file when there's 3, 4, 6, 8 GB of RAM or even 64GB and up?
Why does the paging file have to be so huge (1.5x RAM size)? Isn't 3GB of
RAM large enough for Vista + applications? What if we put 8GB of RAM? Why do
we need 12GB of paging file when we have 8GB of RAM?
> I don't understand why you're so set against giving Vista the room it
> needs to run correctly. Even on a "small" hard drive we're only
> talking about 3-4 GB for a typical paging file. Surely you can give up
> that much space can't you?
The biggest deal for me isn't about HD space. It's about speed (physical RAM
as opposed to paging file access on a HD). I guess Windows is designed to
not work efficiently without a paging file. It would be nice if Windows runs
faster without using any paging file.
"Ringmaster" <bigtop@VistaGeneralCircus.net> wrote in message
> RAM isn't consumed. That suggests it gets used up and needs to be
> replaced. No matter how much RAM you install Windows is designed to
> STILL USE THE PAGING FILE. Trying to limit it's size is working
> against you and making your system slower than it would otherwise
> would be. Vista is designed to constantly shuffle things between the
> Paging File and your RAM regardless how much physical memory you have.
That has always got me thinking why Windows bother to use (snail speed)
paging file when there's more than enough physical RAM. I can understand use
of paging file in the old days (Windows 3.x) when RAM was very expensive and
limited (x MB). These days memory is affordable. Why does Windows need (x
GB) paging file when there's 3, 4, 6, 8 GB of RAM or even 64GB and up?
Why does the paging file have to be so huge (1.5x RAM size)? Isn't 3GB of
RAM large enough for Vista + applications? What if we put 8GB of RAM? Why do
we need 12GB of paging file when we have 8GB of RAM?
> I don't understand why you're so set against giving Vista the room it
> needs to run correctly. Even on a "small" hard drive we're only
> talking about 3-4 GB for a typical paging file. Surely you can give up
> that much space can't you?
The biggest deal for me isn't about HD space. It's about speed (physical RAM
as opposed to paging file access on a HD). I guess Windows is designed to
not work efficiently without a paging file. It would be nice if Windows runs
faster without using any paging file.