Windows Update Error: 0x800704DD

  • Thread starter Thread starter Smokie
  • Start date Start date



OS: Windows XP Professional (SP3)

I've been having problems with the Windows Update site for a long time. It
used to download the updates but not install them.

Yesterday I installed Service Pack 3. Now I'm getting a straight error
BEFORE the site even scans my computer (no matter if I select Express or

The error code is: 0x800704DD

Searching around I have the SensLogn registry entries (see screen shot at:

Automatic Updates Service is on Auto and can be started or stopped.
BITS Service is on Auto and can be started or stopped.
Automatic Updates is set to ON and does download updates occassionally.

I have already read and tried KB article: 910341 so please DON'T give me
that link.

Now for my Update Log:


2008-10-02 08:06:16:093 756 fdc Misc =========== Logging initialized
(build: 7.2.6001.784, tz: +0200) ===========
2008-10-02 08:06:16:093 756 fdc Misc = Process:
2008-10-02 08:06:16:093 756 fdc Misc = Module:
2008-10-02 08:06:16:093 756 fdc Service *************
2008-10-02 08:06:16:093 756 fdc Service ** START ** Service: Service startup
2008-10-02 08:06:16:093 756 fdc Service *********
2008-10-02 08:06:16:109 756 fdc Agent * WU client version 7.2.6001.784
2008-10-02 08:06:16:109 756 fdc Agent * Base directory:
2008-10-02 08:06:16:109 756 fdc Agent * Access type: No proxy
2008-10-02 08:06:16:109 756 fdc Agent * Network state: Connected
2008-10-02 08:07:01:109 756 fdc Agent *********** Agent: Initializing
Windows Update Agent ***********
2008-10-02 08:07:01:109 756 fdc Agent *********** Agent: Initializing
global settings cache ***********
2008-10-02 08:07:01:109 756 fdc Agent * WSUS server: <NULL>
2008-10-02 08:07:01:109 756 fdc Agent * WSUS status server: <NULL>
2008-10-02 08:07:01:109 756 fdc Agent * Target group: (Unassigned
2008-10-02 08:07:01:109 756 fdc Agent * Windows Update access disabled: No
2008-10-02 08:07:01:671 756 fdc Agent * Found 2 persisted download calls
to restore
2008-10-02 08:07:01:703 756 fdc DnldMgr Download manager restoring 2
2008-10-02 08:07:01:718 756 fdc Agent WARNING: fail to get update
deployments with error 0x80248007
2008-10-02 08:07:01:796 756 fdc Agent * Successfully loaded 2 persisted
download calls.
2008-10-02 08:07:01:812 756 fdc AU ########### AU: Initializing Automatic
Updates ###########
2008-10-02 08:07:01:812 756 fdc AU # Approval type: Scheduled (User
2008-10-02 08:07:01:812 756 fdc AU # Scheduled install day/time: Every
day at 3:00
2008-10-02 08:07:01:828 756 fdc AU # Auto-install minor updates: Yes
(User preference)
2008-10-02 08:07:01:828 756 fdc AU # Reconnecting download for 1 updates
2008-10-02 08:07:01:828 756 fdc AU # Reconnected 1 pending download calls
2008-10-02 08:07:01:828 756 fdc AU Setting AU scheduled install time to
2008-10-03 01:00:00
2008-10-02 08:07:01:828 756 fdc AU Obtained Post reboot hr from
2008-10-02 08:07:01:828 756 fdc AU AU setting pending client directive to
'Forced Reboot'
2008-10-02 08:07:01:828 756 fdc AU Triggering Offline detection
2008-10-02 08:07:01:828 756 fdc AU AU finished delayed initialization
2008-10-02 08:07:02:218 756 fdc Report *********** Report: Initializing
static reporting data ***********
2008-10-02 08:07:02:218 756 fdc Report * OS Version = 5.1.2600.3.0.65792
2008-10-02 08:07:02:250 756 fdc Report * Computer Brand = ASUSTeK
Computer INC.
2008-10-02 08:07:02:250 756 fdc Report * Computer Model = A7N8X-X
2008-10-02 08:07:02:250 756 fdc Report * Bios Revision = ASUS A7N8X-X
ACPI BIOS Rev 1011
2008-10-02 08:07:02:250 756 fdc Report * Bios Name = Phoenix - AwardBIOS
2008-10-02 08:07:02:250 756 fdc Report * Bios Release Date =
2008-10-02 08:07:02:265 756 fdc Report * Locale ID = 2057
2008-10-02 08:07:02:265 756 890 DnldMgr *********** DnldMgr: Regulation
Refresh [Svc: {9482F4B4-E343-43B6-B170-9A65BC822C77}] ***********
2008-10-02 08:07:02:265 756 890 DnldMgr Contacting regulation server for 2
2008-10-02 08:07:02:265 756 fdc AU #############
2008-10-02 08:07:02:265 756 fdc AU ## START ## AU: Search for updates
2008-10-02 08:07:02:265 756 fdc AU #########
2008-10-02 08:07:02:265 756 fdc AU <<## SUBMITTED ## AU: Search for updates
[CallId = {9225F8AF-FBE7-4841-A7E8-3175400C7DA8}]
2008-10-02 08:07:02:296 756 890 Misc Validating signature for
2008-10-02 08:07:02:312 756 890 Misc Microsoft signed: Yes
2008-10-02 08:07:02:328 756 890 DnldMgr Regulation server path:
2008-10-02 08:07:14:812 756 890 DnldMgr Per-Update:
a18cc936-da41-421f-9ad9-303d806ec128 at rate 6700
2008-10-02 08:07:14:812 756 890 DnldMgr Per-Update:
adbbf7d2-e869-4128-a597-8456ca518839 at rate 600
2008-10-02 08:07:14:812 756 890 DnldMgr * Regulation call complete.
2008-10-02 08:07:14:812 756 890 DnldMgr *********** DnldMgr: New download
job [UpdateId = {A18CC936-DA41-421F-9AD9-303D806EC128}.107] ***********
2008-10-02 08:07:14:812 756 890 DnldMgr Regulation:
{9482F4B4-E343-43B6-B170-9A65BC822C77} - Update
A18CC936-DA41-421F-9AD9-303D806EC128 is "PerUpdate" regulated and can NOT
download. Sequence 6901 vs AcceptRate 6700.
2008-10-02 08:07:14:812 756 890 DnldMgr * Update is not allowed to
download due to regulation.
2008-10-02 08:07:14:812 756 890 DnldMgr Regulation:
{9482F4B4-E343-43B6-B170-9A65BC822C77} - Update
A18CC936-DA41-421F-9AD9-303D806EC128 is "PerUpdate" regulated and can NOT
download. Sequence 6901 vs AcceptRate 6700.
2008-10-02 08:07:14:859 756 890 DnldMgr *********** DnldMgr: New download
job [UpdateId = {ADBBF7D2-E869-4128-A597-8456CA518839}.100] ***********
2008-10-02 08:07:14:859 756 890 DnldMgr Regulation:
{9482F4B4-E343-43B6-B170-9A65BC822C77} - Update
ADBBF7D2-E869-4128-A597-8456CA518839 is "PerUpdate" regulated and can NOT
download. Sequence 6901 vs AcceptRate 600.
2008-10-02 08:07:14:859 756 890 DnldMgr * Update is not allowed to
download due to regulation.
2008-10-02 08:07:14:859 756 890 DnldMgr Regulation:
{9482F4B4-E343-43B6-B170-9A65BC822C77} - Update
ADBBF7D2-E869-4128-A597-8456CA518839 is "PerUpdate" regulated and can NOT
download. Sequence 6901 vs AcceptRate 600.
2008-10-02 08:07:14:859 756 fe4 AU AU checked download status and it
changed: Downloading is paused
2008-10-02 08:07:15:000 756 890 Agent *************
2008-10-02 08:07:15:000 756 890 Agent ** START ** Agent: Finding updates
[CallerId = AutomaticUpdates]
2008-10-02 08:07:15:000 756 890 Agent *********
2008-10-02 08:07:15:000 756 890 Agent * Online = No; Ignore download
priority = No
2008-10-02 08:07:15:000 756 890 Agent * Criteria = "IsHidden=0 and
IsInstalled=0 and DeploymentAction='Installation' and IsAssigned=1 or
IsHidden=0 and IsPresent=1 and DeploymentAction='Uninstallation' and
IsAssigned=1 or IsHidden=0 and IsInstalled=1 and
DeploymentAction='Installation' and IsAssigned=1 and RebootRequired=1 or
IsHidden=0 and IsInstalled=0 and DeploymentAction='Uninstallation' and
IsAssigned=1 and RebootRequired=1"
2008-10-02 08:07:15:000 756 890 Agent * ServiceID =
2008-10-02 08:07:15:000 756 890 Agent * Search Scope = {Machine}
2008-10-02 08:07:15:421 756 890 Agent Update
{4C811AB7-3E1C-4D53-A572-61E553D597C9}.100 is pruned out due to potential
2008-10-02 08:07:15:421 756 890 Agent * Added update
{CEF090EE-D94B-4E61-9E2E-604F7387BE97}.100 to search result
2008-10-02 08:07:15:437 756 890 Agent * Added update
{3DE030BB-2666-44F6-9B15-E02FE518833F}.100 to search result
2008-10-02 08:07:15:437 756 890 Agent * Found 2 updates and 13 categories
in search; evaluated appl. rules of 151 out of 454 deployed entities
2008-10-02 08:07:15:437 756 890 Agent *********
2008-10-02 08:07:15:437 756 890 Agent ** END ** Agent: Finding updates
[CallerId = AutomaticUpdates]
2008-10-02 08:07:15:437 756 890 Agent *************
2008-10-02 08:07:15:437 756 fe4 AU >>## RESUMED ## AU: Search for updates
[CallId = {9225F8AF-FBE7-4841-A7E8-3175400C7DA8}]
2008-10-02 08:07:15:437 756 fe4 AU # 2 updates detected
2008-10-02 08:07:15:453 756 fe4 AU #########
2008-10-02 08:07:15:453 756 fe4 AU ## END ## AU: Search for updates
[CallId = {9225F8AF-FBE7-4841-A7E8-3175400C7DA8}]
2008-10-02 08:07:15:453 756 fe4 AU #############
2008-10-02 08:07:15:453 756 fe4 AU Setting AU scheduled install time to
2008-10-03 01:00:00
2008-10-02 08:07:16:828 756 fdc AU FATAL: CAUClient::Launch failed, error =
2008-10-02 08:08:02:281 756 4bc Service WARNING: GetUserTokenFromSessionId
failed with error 800704dd for session 0
2008-10-02 08:08:02:281 756 4bc AU AU found 0 updates for install at shutdown
2008-10-02 08:08:02:312 1908 79c Misc =========== Logging initialized
(build: 7.2.6001.784, tz: +0200) ===========
2008-10-02 08:08:02:312 1908 79c Misc = Process: C:\WINDOWS\Explorer.EXE
2008-10-02 08:08:02:312 1908 79c Misc = Module:
2008-10-02 08:08:02:312 1908 79c Shutdwn Install at shutdown: no updates to
2008-10-02 08:08:08:671 756 fdc AU ########### AU: Uninitializing
Automatic Updates ###########
2008-10-02 08:08:08:750 756 fdc Service *********
2008-10-02 08:08:08:750 756 fdc Service ** END ** Service: Service exit
[Exit code = 0x240001]
2008-10-02 08:08:08:750 756 fdc Service *************
2008-10-02 08:09:13:265 756 55c Misc =========== Logging initialized
(build: 7.2.6001.784, tz: +0200) ===========
2008-10-02 08:09:13:265 756 55c Misc = Process:
2008-10-02 08:09:13:265 756 55c Misc = Module:
2008-10-02 08:09:13:250 756 55c Service *************
2008-10-02 08:09:13:265 756 55c Service ** START ** Service: Service startup
2008-10-02 08:09:13:265 756 55c Service *********
2008-10-02 08:09:13:531 756 55c Agent * WU client version 7.2.6001.784
2008-10-02 08:09:13:531 756 55c Agent * Base directory:
2008-10-02 08:09:13:531 756 55c Agent * Access type: No proxy
2008-10-02 08:09:13:546 756 55c Agent * Network state: Connected
2008-10-02 08:09:50:343 756 750 Agent *********** Agent: Initializing
Windows Update Agent ***********
2008-10-02 08:09:50:343 756 750 Agent *********** Agent: Initializing
global settings cache ***********
2008-10-02 08:09:50:343 756 750 Agent * WSUS server: <NULL>
2008-10-02 08:09:50:343 756 750 Agent * WSUS status server: <NULL>
2008-10-02 08:09:50:343 756 750 Agent * Target group: (Unassigned
2008-10-02 08:09:50:343 756 750 Agent * Windows Update access disabled: No
2008-10-02 08:09:52:140 756 55c Report *********** Report: Initializing
static reporting data ***********
2008-10-02 08:09:52:140 756 55c Report * OS Version = 5.1.2600.3.0.65792
2008-10-02 08:09:52:406 756 55c Report * Computer Brand = ASUSTeK
Computer INC.
2008-10-02 08:09:52:406 756 55c Report * Computer Model = A7N8X-X
2008-10-02 08:09:52:468 756 55c Report * Bios Revision = ASUS A7N8X-X
ACPI BIOS Rev 1011
2008-10-02 08:09:52:468 756 55c Report * Bios Name = Phoenix - AwardBIOS
2008-10-02 08:09:52:468 756 55c Report * Bios Release Date =
2008-10-02 08:09:52:468 756 55c Report * Locale ID = 2057
2008-10-02 08:09:52:734 756 750 Agent * Found 2 persisted download calls
to restore
2008-10-02 08:09:52:812 756 750 DnldMgr Download manager restoring 2
2008-10-02 08:09:52:828 756 750 Agent WARNING: fail to get update
deployments with error 0x80248007
2008-10-02 08:09:53:015 756 750 Agent * Successfully loaded 2 persisted
download calls.
2008-10-02 08:09:53:093 756 148 DnldMgr *********** DnldMgr: Regulation
Refresh [Svc: {9482F4B4-E343-43B6-B170-9A65BC822C77}] ***********
2008-10-02 08:09:53:093 756 148 DnldMgr Contacting regulation server for 2
2008-10-02 08:09:53:093 756 750 Service WARNING: GetUserTokenFromSessionId
failed with error 800704dd for session 0
2008-10-02 08:09:53:093 1292 4cc Misc =========== Logging initialized
(build: 7.2.6001.784, tz: +0200) ===========
2008-10-02 08:09:53:093 1292 4cc Misc = Process: C:\Program Files\Internet
2008-10-02 08:09:53:093 1292 4cc Misc = Module:
2008-10-02 08:09:53:093 1292 4cc COMAPI WARNING: Unable to listen to
self-update/shutdown event (hr=0X800704DD)
2008-10-02 08:09:53:093 1292 4cc COMAPI WARNING: Unable to establish
connection to the service. (hr=800704DD)
2008-10-02 08:09:53:140 756 148 Misc Validating signature for
2008-10-02 08:09:53:281 756 148 Misc Microsoft signed: Yes
2008-10-02 08:09:53:343 756 148 DnldMgr Regulation server path:
2008-10-02 08:09:56:000 756 750 Service WARNING: GetUserTokenFromSessionId
failed with error 800704dd for session 0
2008-10-02 08:09:56:000 1292 4cc COMAPI WARNING: Unable to listen to
self-update/shutdown event (hr=0X800704DD)
2008-10-02 08:09:56:000 1292 4cc COMAPI WARNING: Unable to establish
connection to the service. (hr=800704DD)
2008-10-02 08:09:58:671 756 55c AU ########### AU: Initializing Automatic
Updates ###########
2008-10-02 08:09:58:671 756 55c AU # Approval type: Scheduled (User
2008-10-02 08:09:58:671 756 55c AU # Scheduled install day/time: Every
day at 3:00
2008-10-02 08:09:58:671 756 55c AU # Auto-install minor updates: Yes
(User preference)
2008-10-02 08:09:58:718 756 55c AU # Reconnecting download for 1 updates
2008-10-02 08:09:58:718 756 55c AU # Reconnected 1 pending download calls
2008-10-02 08:09:58:718 756 55c AU Setting AU scheduled install time to
2008-10-03 01:00:00
2008-10-02 08:09:58:718 756 55c AU Obtained Post reboot hr from
2008-10-02 08:09:58:718 756 55c AU AU setting pending client directive to
'Forced Reboot'
2008-10-02 08:09:58:718 756 55c AU Triggering Offline detection
2008-10-02 08:09:58:718 756 55c AU AU finished delayed initialization
2008-10-02 08:09:58:718 756 55c AU #############
2008-10-02 08:09:58:718 756 55c AU ## START ## AU: Search for updates
2008-10-02 08:09:58:718 756 55c AU #########
2008-10-02 08:09:58:734 756 560 Service WARNING: GetUserTokenFromSessionId
failed with error 800704dd for session 0
2008-10-02 08:09:58:734 1292 4cc COMAPI WARNING: Unable to listen to
self-update/shutdown event (hr=0X800704DD)
2008-10-02 08:09:58:734 1292 4cc COMAPI WARNING: Unable to establish
connection to the service. (hr=800704DD)
2008-10-02 08:09:58:734 756 55c AU <<## SUBMITTED ## AU: Search for updates
[CallId = {14B2906A-EBD1-4092-B100-6DD460EF31E6}]
2008-10-02 08:10:03:296 1292 4cc Misc =========== Logging initialized
(build: 7.2.6001.784, tz: +0200) ===========
2008-10-02 08:10:03:296 1292 4cc Misc = Process: C:\Program Files\Internet
2008-10-02 08:10:03:296 1292 4cc Misc = Module:
2008-10-02 08:10:03:296 1292 4cc Misc Validating signature for
2008-10-02 08:10:03:421 1292 4cc Misc Microsoft signed: Yes
2008-10-02 08:10:03:546 1292 4cc Misc Validating signature for
2008-10-02 08:10:03:546 1292 4cc Misc Microsoft signed: Yes
2008-10-02 08:10:03:562 1292 4cc Misc Validating signature for
2008-10-02 08:10:03:578 1292 4cc Misc Microsoft signed: Yes
2008-10-02 08:10:03:718 1292 4cc Misc Validating signature for
2008-10-02 08:10:03:734 1292 4cc Misc Microsoft signed: Yes
2008-10-02 08:10:04:359 1292 4cc Misc Validating signature for
2008-10-02 08:10:04:359 1292 4cc Misc Microsoft signed: Yes
2008-10-02 08:10:04:375 1292 4cc Setup *********** Setup: Checking whether
self-update is required ***********
2008-10-02 08:10:04:375 1292 4cc Setup * Inf file:
2008-10-02 08:10:04:468 1292 4cc Setup Update NOT required for
C:\WINDOWS\system32\cdm.dll: target version = 7.2.6001.784, required version
= 7.2.6001.784
2008-10-02 08:10:04:468 1292 4cc Setup Update NOT required for
C:\WINDOWS\system32\wuapi.dll: target version = 7.2.6001.784, required
version = 7.2.6001.784
2008-10-02 08:10:04:500 1292 4cc Setup Update NOT required for
C:\WINDOWS\system32\wuapi.dll.mui: target version = 7.2.6001.784, required
version = 7.2.6001.784
2008-10-02 08:10:04:500 1292 4cc Setup Update NOT required for
C:\WINDOWS\system32\wuauclt.exe: target version = 7.2.6001.784, required
version = 7.2.6001.784
2008-10-02 08:10:04:500 1292 4cc Setup Update NOT required for
C:\WINDOWS\system32\wuaucpl.cpl: target version = 7.2.6001.784, required
version = 7.2.6001.784
2008-10-02 08:10:04:515 1292 4cc Setup Update NOT required for
C:\WINDOWS\system32\wuaucpl.cpl.mui: target version = 7.2.6001.784, required
version = 7.2.6001.784
2008-10-02 08:10:04:515 1292 4cc Setup Update NOT required for
C:\WINDOWS\system32\wuaueng.dll: target version = 7.2.6001.784, required
version = 7.2.6001.784
2008-10-02 08:10:04:531 1292 4cc Setup Update NOT required for
C:\WINDOWS\system32\wuaueng.dll.mui: target version = 7.2.6001.784, required
version = 7.2.6001.784
2008-10-02 08:10:04:531 1292 4cc Setup Update NOT required for
C:\WINDOWS\system32\wucltui.dll: target version = 7.2.6001.784, required
version = 7.2.6001.784
2008-10-02 08:10:04:546 1292 4cc Setup Update NOT required for
C:\WINDOWS\system32\wucltui.dll.mui: target version = 7.2.6001.784, required
version = 7.2.6001.784
2008-10-02 08:10:04:546 1292 4cc Setup Update NOT required for
C:\WINDOWS\system32\wups.dll: target version = 7.2.6001.784, required version
= 7.2.6001.784
2008-10-02 08:10:04:546 1292 4cc Setup Update NOT required for
C:\WINDOWS\system32\wups2.dll: target version = 7.2.6001.784, required
version = 7.2.6001.784
2008-10-02 08:10:04:546 1292 4cc Setup * IsUpdateRequired = No
2008-10-02 08:10:04:890 756 148 DnldMgr Per-Update:
a18cc936-da41-421f-9ad9-303d806ec128 at rate 6700
2008-10-02 08:10:04:890 756 148 DnldMgr Per-Update:
adbbf7d2-e869-4128-a597-8456ca518839 at rate 600
2008-10-02 08:10:04:890 756 148 DnldMgr * Regulation call complete.
2008-10-02 08:10:04:890 756 148 DnldMgr *********** DnldMgr: New download
job [UpdateId = {A18CC936-DA41-421F-9AD9-303D806EC128}.107] ***********
2008-10-02 08:10:04:890 756 148 DnldMgr Regulation:
{9482F4B4-E343-43B6-B170-9A65BC822C77} - Update
A18CC936-DA41-421F-9AD9-303D806EC128 is "PerUpdate" regulated and can NOT
download. Sequence 6901 vs AcceptRate 6700.
2008-10-02 08:10:04:890 756 148 DnldMgr * Update is not allowed to
download due to regulation.
2008-10-02 08:10:04:890 756 148 DnldMgr Regulation:
{9482F4B4-E343-43B6-B170-9A65BC822C77} - Update
A18CC936-DA41-421F-9AD9-303D806EC128 is "PerUpdate" regulated and can NOT
download. Sequence 6901 vs AcceptRate 6700.
2008-10-02 08:10:04:890 756 148 DnldMgr *********** DnldMgr: New download
job [UpdateId = {ADBBF7D2-E869-4128-A597-8456CA518839}.100] ***********
2008-10-02 08:10:04:906 756 148 DnldMgr Regulation:
{9482F4B4-E343-43B6-B170-9A65BC822C77} - Update
ADBBF7D2-E869-4128-A597-8456CA518839 is "PerUpdate" regulated and can NOT
download. Sequence 6901 vs AcceptRate 600.
2008-10-02 08:10:04:906 756 148 DnldMgr * Update is not allowed to
download due to regulation.
2008-10-02 08:10:04:906 756 148 DnldMgr Regulation:
{9482F4B4-E343-43B6-B170-9A65BC822C77} - Update
ADBBF7D2-E869-4128-A597-8456CA518839 is "PerUpdate" regulated and can NOT
download. Sequence 6901 vs AcceptRate 600.
2008-10-02 08:10:04:906 756 370 AU AU checked download status and it
changed: Downloading is paused
2008-10-02 08:10:05:093 756 148 DnldMgr *********** DnldMgr: New download
job [UpdateId = {A18CC936-DA41-421F-9AD9-303D806EC128}.107] ***********
2008-10-02 08:10:05:093 756 148 DnldMgr Regulation:
{9482F4B4-E343-43B6-B170-9A65BC822C77} - Update
A18CC936-DA41-421F-9AD9-303D806EC128 is "PerUpdate" regulated and can NOT
download. Sequence 6901 vs AcceptRate 6700.
2008-10-02 08:10:05:093 756 148 DnldMgr * Update is not allowed to
download due to regulation.
2008-10-02 08:10:05:093 756 148 DnldMgr Regulation:
{9482F4B4-E343-43B6-B170-9A65BC822C77} - Update
A18CC936-DA41-421F-9AD9-303D806EC128 is "PerUpdate" regulated and can NOT
download. Sequence 6901 vs AcceptRate 6700.
2008-10-02 08:10:05:093 756 148 DnldMgr *********** DnldMgr: New download
job [UpdateId = {ADBBF7D2-E869-4128-A597-8456CA518839}.100] ***********
2008-10-02 08:10:05:093 756 148 DnldMgr Regulation:
{9482F4B4-E343-43B6-B170-9A65BC822C77} - Update
ADBBF7D2-E869-4128-A597-8456CA518839 is "PerUpdate" regulated and can NOT
download. Sequence 6901 vs AcceptRate 600.
2008-10-02 08:10:05:093 756 148 DnldMgr * Update is not allowed to
download due to regulation.
2008-10-02 08:10:05:093 756 148 DnldMgr Regulation:
{9482F4B4-E343-43B6-B170-9A65BC822C77} - Update
ADBBF7D2-E869-4128-A597-8456CA518839 is "PerUpdate" regulated and can NOT
download. Sequence 6901 vs AcceptRate 600.
2008-10-02 08:10:05:093 756 148 Agent *************
2008-10-02 08:10:05:093 756 148 Agent ** START ** Agent: Finding updates
[CallerId = AutomaticUpdates]
2008-10-02 08:10:05:093 756 148 Agent *********
2008-10-02 08:10:05:093 756 148 Agent * Online = No; Ignore download
priority = No
2008-10-02 08:10:05:093 756 148 Agent * Criteria = "IsHidden=0 and
IsInstalled=0 and DeploymentAction='Installation' and IsAssigned=1 or
IsHidden=0 and IsPresent=1 and DeploymentAction='Uninstallation' and
IsAssigned=1 or IsHidden=0 and IsInstalled=1 and
DeploymentAction='Installation' and IsAssigned=1 and RebootRequired=1 or
IsHidden=0 and IsInstalled=0 and DeploymentAction='Uninstallation' and
IsAssigned=1 and RebootRequired=1"
2008-10-02 08:10:05:093 756 148 Agent * ServiceID =
2008-10-02 08:10:05:093 756 148 Agent * Search Scope = {Machine}
2008-10-02 08:10:07:500 756 148 Agent Update
{4C811AB7-3E1C-4D53-A572-61E553D597C9}.100 is pruned out due to potential
2008-10-02 08:10:07:500 756 148 Agent * Added update
{CEF090EE-D94B-4E61-9E2E-604F7387BE97}.100 to search result
2008-10-02 08:10:07:500 756 148 Agent * Added update
{3DE030BB-2666-44F6-9B15-E02FE518833F}.100 to search result
2008-10-02 08:10:07:500 756 148 Agent * Found 2 updates and 13 categories
in search; evaluated appl. rules of 151 out of 454 deployed entities
2008-10-02 08:10:07:515 756 148 Agent *********
2008-10-02 08:10:07:515 756 148 Agent ** END ** Agent: Finding updates
[CallerId = AutomaticUpdates]
2008-10-02 08:10:07:515 756 148 Agent *************
2008-10-02 08:10:07:515 756 370 AU >>## RESUMED ## AU: Search for updates
[CallId = {14B2906A-EBD1-4092-B100-6DD460EF31E6}]
2008-10-02 08:10:07:515 756 370 AU # 2 updates detected
2008-10-02 08:10:07:515 756 370 AU #########
2008-10-02 08:10:07:515 756 370 AU ## END ## AU: Search for updates
[CallId = {14B2906A-EBD1-4092-B100-6DD460EF31E6}]
2008-10-02 08:10:07:515 756 370 AU #############
2008-10-02 08:10:07:515 756 370 AU Setting AU scheduled install time to
2008-10-03 01:00:00
2008-10-02 08:10:09:453 1292 4cc COMAPI -------------
2008-10-02 08:10:09:453 1292 4cc COMAPI -- START -- COMAPI: Search
[ClientId = WindowsUpdate]
2008-10-02 08:10:09:453 1292 4cc COMAPI ---------
2008-10-02 08:10:09:453 756 560 Service WARNING: GetUserTokenFromSessionId
failed with error 800704dd for session 0
2008-10-02 08:10:09:453 1292 4cc COMAPI WARNING: Unable to listen to
self-update/shutdown event (hr=0X800704DD)
2008-10-02 08:10:09:453 1292 4cc COMAPI WARNING: Unable to establish
connection to the service. (hr=800704DD)
2008-10-02 08:10:09:453 1292 4cc COMAPI - WARNING: Exit code = 0x800704DD
2008-10-02 08:10:09:453 1292 4cc COMAPI ---------
2008-10-02 08:10:09:453 1292 4cc COMAPI -- END -- COMAPI: Search
[ClientId = <NULL>]
2008-10-02 08:10:09:453 1292 4cc COMAPI -------------
2008-10-02 08:10:09:453 1292 4cc COMAPI FATAL: Unable to initiate
asynchronous search, hr=800704DD
2008-10-02 08:10:13:718 756 55c AU FATAL: CAUClient::Launch failed, error =


Any help to fix this would be greatly appreciated!


Re: Windows Update Error: 0x800704DD

Updates are not downloaded or the “Automatic Updates” icon does not display
the status of downloads when you enable the Automatic Updates service:

Absent any serious numerical Errors in your windowsupdate.log, you're seeing
a delay caused by excessive demand on the servers ("Update is not allowed to
download due to regulation"). AU should eventually be able to synch to
download/install the 2 (probably minor "Recommended" or "High Priority")

You can try downloading/installing the updates via Windows/Microsoft Update:
Understand that by doing so, you're pushing all the Automatic Updates users
further back in the queue (which may explain, at least in part, why
Automatic Updates hasn't brought them in for you yet).

NB: Required reading IMHO before installing IE7:

Sandi's Installation Tips <= Steps #1-8, #10 & #11; take note of #12, then
(ignore any references to Vista)

And I strongly recommend using as the
installation source, not Automatic/Windows Update.

Alternately, use this Direct Download link:

Tip: Save the installer to your desktop, do not Run it.

Make *certain* that you check in at Windows Update immediately after
installing IE7 and install any critical updates offered. If Optional
Updates category offers Root Certificates update, I recommend installing it
to take full advantage of IE7's additional security.

IEBlog : IE7 Installation and Anti-Malware Applications

What's New in Internet Explorer 7

Release Notes
~Robear Dyer (PA Bear)
MS MVP-IE, Mail, Security, Windows Desktop Experience - since 2002
AumHa VSOP & Admin

Smokie wrote:
> OS: Windows XP Professional (SP3)
> I've been having problems with the Windows Update site for a long time. It
> used to download the updates but not install them.
> Yesterday I installed Service Pack 3. Now I'm getting a straight error
> BEFORE the site even scans my computer (no matter if I select Express or
> Custom).
> The error code is: 0x800704DD
> Searching around I have the SensLogn registry entries (see screen shot at:
> Automatic Updates Service is on Auto and can be started or stopped.
> BITS Service is on Auto and can be started or stopped.
> Automatic Updates is set to ON and does download updates occassionally.
> I have already read and tried KB article: 910341 so please DON'T give me
> that link.
> Now for my Update Log:

> 2008-10-02 08:07:01:671 756 fdc Agent * Found 2 persisted download calls
> to restore

> 2008-10-02 08:07:14:812 756 890 DnldMgr Regulation:
> {9482F4B4-E343-43B6-B170-9A65BC822C77} - Update
> A18CC936-DA41-421F-9AD9-303D806EC128 is "PerUpdate" regulated and can NOT
> download. Sequence 6901 vs AcceptRate 6700.
> 2008-10-02 08:07:14:812 756 890 DnldMgr * Update is not allowed to
> download due to regulation.

> 2008-10-02 08:10:05:093 756 148 DnldMgr * Update is not allowed to
> download due to regulation.
> 2008-10-02 08:10:05:093 756 148 DnldMgr Regulation:
> {9482F4B4-E343-43B6-B170-9A65BC822C77} - Update
> ADBBF7D2-E869-4128-A597-8456CA518839 is "PerUpdate" regulated and can NOT
> download. Sequence 6901 vs AcceptRate 600

Re: Windows Update Error: 0x800704DD


Thanks for your reply.

The RESOLUTION in KB 910340, that you provided, is impossible as the WU site
gives the following message after pressing Express OR Custom:

'The website has encountered a problem and cannot display the page you are
trying to view.'

I uninstalled IE 7 following the link you provided and tried in IE 6. The
same error. Reinstalled IE 7, the same error.

I deleted the SoftwareDistribution folder and my WindowsUpdate log to clear
any waiting download conflicts, retried WU but got the same error. I did see
some some traffic activity, which I see from my log was AU downloading
updates, but no notification *yet* (and after a reboot).

I simply want to use the WU site manually as I don't like to rely on AU.

Any ideas? I'm pulling my hair out here!

Thanks again.

*Download my WindowsUpdate log here*: (smokie.txt 132kb)
Re: Windows Update Error: 0x800704DD

To whom are you replying? Without quoting the post, we have no idea. (And
I'm not about to download anything.)

Smokie wrote:
> Hi,
> Thanks for your reply.
> The RESOLUTION in KB 910340, that you provided, is impossible as the WU
> site
> gives the following message after pressing Express OR Custom:
> 'The website has encountered a problem and cannot display the page you are
> trying to view.'
> I uninstalled IE 7 following the link you provided and tried in IE 6. The
> same error. Reinstalled IE 7, the same error.
> I deleted the SoftwareDistribution folder and my WindowsUpdate log to
> clear
> any waiting download conflicts, retried WU but got the same error. I did
> see
> some some traffic activity, which I see from my log was AU downloading
> updates, but no notification *yet* (and after a reboot).
> I simply want to use the WU site manually as I don't like to rely on AU.
> Any ideas? I'm pulling my hair out here!
> Thanks again.
> Craig.
> *Download my WindowsUpdate log here*:
> (smokie.txt 132kb)
Re: Windows Update Error: 0x800704DD

As YOU were the only person who replied to my post I was replying to you. I
thought that would be obvious as I clearly responed to each part of your

I put it in a text file because it was too large to post as it passed the
character limit.

If you can't download a text file then don't. I thought for sure I would get
some resolve here but I guess not.

Thanks for your time.


"PA Bear [MS MVP]" wrote:

> To whom are you replying? Without quoting the post, we have no idea. (And
> I'm not about to download anything.)
> Smokie wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > Thanks for your reply.
> >
> > The RESOLUTION in KB 910340, that you provided, is impossible as the WU
> > site
> > gives the following message after pressing Express OR Custom:
> >
> > 'The website has encountered a problem and cannot display the page you are
> > trying to view.'
> >
> > I uninstalled IE 7 following the link you provided and tried in IE 6. The
> > same error. Reinstalled IE 7, the same error.
> >
> > I deleted the SoftwareDistribution folder and my WindowsUpdate log to
> > clear
> > any waiting download conflicts, retried WU but got the same error. I did
> > see
> > some some traffic activity, which I see from my log was AU downloading
> > updates, but no notification *yet* (and after a reboot).
> >
> > I simply want to use the WU site manually as I don't like to rely on AU.
> >
> > Any ideas? I'm pulling my hair out here!
> >
> > Thanks again.
> > Craig.
> >
> > *Download my WindowsUpdate log here*:
> > (smokie.txt 132kb)

Re: Windows Update Error: 0x800704DD

Not everyone here uses that clunky web-interface to access this newsgroup so
we don't necessarily have all previous messages in a thread available. As
such, I can't tell what your problem was in the first place nor do I know if
anyone else replied to your first post.

To keep track of things, it helps immensely if you include all of previous
message(s) in your replies to the newsgroup. Thank you.

Tip: Temporarily disable real-time protection by your anti-virus and/or
anti-spyware applications (e.g., CounterSpy, Spysweeper, Spybot, AVG
Anti-Spyware) and/or any third-party firewall (e.g., ZA) before attempting
to install the update(s). If you disable a third-party firewall, do NOT
connect to the internet without having the Windows Firewall enabled!


Start a free Windows Update support incident request:

Support for Windows Update:

For home users, no-charge support is available by calling 1-866-PCSAFETY in
the United States and in Canada or by contacting your local Microsoft
subsidiary. There is no-charge for support calls that are associated with
security updates. When you call, clearly state that your problem is related
to a Security Update and cite the update's KB number (e.g., KB123456).

If your problem relates to a Cumulative Security Update for IE, call the
above number and ask to be transferred to the Consumer IE7 queue (which is

For more information about how to contact your local Microsoft subsidiary
for security update support issues, visit the International Support Web

For enterprise customers, support for security updates is available through
your usual support contacts.
~Robear Dyer (PA Bear)
MS MVP-Windows (IE, OE, Security, Shell/User)
AumHa VSOP & Admin;

Smokie wrote:
> As YOU were the only person who replied to my post I was replying to you.
> I
> thought that would be obvious as I clearly responed to each part of your
> reply.
> I put it in a text file because it was too large to post as it passed the
> character limit.
> If you can't download a text file then don't. I thought for sure I would
> get
> some resolve here but I guess not.
> Thanks for your time.
> "PA Bear [MS MVP]" wrote:
>> To whom are you replying? Without quoting the post, we have no idea.
>> (And
>> I'm not about to download anything.)
>> Smokie wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> Thanks for your reply.
>>> The RESOLUTION in KB 910340, that you provided, is impossible as the WU
>>> site
>>> gives the following message after pressing Express OR Custom:
>>> 'The website has encountered a problem and cannot display the page you
>>> are
>>> trying to view.'
>>> I uninstalled IE 7 following the link you provided and tried in IE 6.
>>> The
>>> same error. Reinstalled IE 7, the same error.
>>> I deleted the SoftwareDistribution folder and my WindowsUpdate log to
>>> clear
>>> any waiting download conflicts, retried WU but got the same error. I did
>>> see
>>> some some traffic activity, which I see from my log was AU downloading
>>> updates, but no notification *yet* (and after a reboot).
>>> I simply want to use the WU site manually as I don't like to rely on AU.
>>> Any ideas? I'm pulling my hair out here!
>>> Thanks again.
>>> Craig.
>>> *Download my WindowsUpdate log here*:
>>> (smokie.txt 132kb)
Re: Windows Update Error: 0x800704DD

PA Bear [MS MVP] wrote:

> Not everyone here uses that clunky web-interface to access this
> newsgroup so we don't necessarily have all previous messages in a thread
> available.

Doesn't OE provide a threaded view?

Re: Windows Update Error: 0x800704DD

Harry Johnston [MVP] wrote:
> PA Bear [MS MVP] wrote:
>> Not everyone here uses that clunky web-interface to access this
>> newsgroup so we don't necessarily have all previous messages in a thread
>> available.

> Doesn't OE provide a threaded view?

Yes, but then I'd have to enable "Show all messages" and archive downloaded
headers and messages just to accommodate one contrarian OP. <eg>
Re: Windows Update Error: 0x800704DD

"PA Bear [MS MVP]" wrote:

> Not everyone here uses that clunky web-interface to access this newsgroup so
> we don't necessarily have all previous messages in a thread available. As
> such, I can't tell what your problem was in the first place nor do I know if
> anyone else replied to your first post.

Then I apologise ;o)

"PA Bear [MS MVP]" wrote:

> Updates are not downloaded or the “Automatic Updates” icon does not display
> the status of downloads when you enable the Automatic Updates service:
> Absent any serious numerical Errors in your windowsupdate.log, you're seeing
> a delay caused by excessive demand on the servers ("Update is not allowed to
> download due to regulation"). AU should eventually be able to synch to
> download/install the 2 (probably minor "Recommended" or "High Priority")
> updates.
> You can try downloading/installing the updates via Windows/Microsoft Update:
> Understand that by doing so, you're pushing all the Automatic Updates users
> further back in the queue (which may explain, at least in part, why
> Automatic Updates hasn't brought them in for you yet).
> NB: Required reading IMHO before installing IE7:
> Sandi's Installation Tips <= Steps #1-8, #10 & #11; take note of #12, then
> (ignore any references to Vista)
> And I strongly recommend using
> as the
> installation source, not Automatic/Windows Update.
> Alternately, use this Direct Download link:
> Tip: Save the installer to your desktop, do not Run it.
> Make *certain* that you check in at Windows Update immediately after
> installing IE7 and install any critical updates offered. If Optional
> Updates category offers Root Certificates update, I recommend installing it
> to take full advantage of IE7's additional security.
> IEBlog : IE7 Installation and Anti-Malware Applications
> What's New in Internet Explorer 7
> Release Notes
> --
> ~Robear Dyer (PA Bear)
> MS MVP-IE, Mail, Security, Windows Desktop Experience - since 2002
> AumHa VSOP & Admin
> Smokie wrote:
> > OS: Windows XP Professional (SP3)
> >
> > I've been having problems with the Windows Update site for a long time. It
> > used to download the updates but not install them.
> >
> > Yesterday I installed Service Pack 3. Now I'm getting a straight error
> > BEFORE the site even scans my computer (no matter if I select Express or
> > Custom).
> >
> > The error code is: 0x800704DD
> >
> > Searching around I have the SensLogn registry entries (see screen shot at:
> >
> >
> > Automatic Updates Service is on Auto and can be started or stopped.
> > BITS Service is on Auto and can be started or stopped.
> > Automatic Updates is set to ON and does download updates occassionally.
> >
> > I have already read and tried KB article: 910341 so please DON'T give me
> > that link.
> >
> > Now for my Update Log:

> <snip>
> > 2008-10-02 08:07:01:671 756 fdc Agent * Found 2 persisted download calls
> > to restore

> <snip>
> > 2008-10-02 08:07:14:812 756 890 DnldMgr Regulation:
> > {9482F4B4-E343-43B6-B170-9A65BC822C77} - Update
> > A18CC936-DA41-421F-9AD9-303D806EC128 is "PerUpdate" regulated and can NOT
> > download. Sequence 6901 vs AcceptRate 6700.
> > 2008-10-02 08:07:14:812 756 890 DnldMgr * Update is not allowed to
> > download due to regulation.

> <snip>
> > 2008-10-02 08:10:05:093 756 148 DnldMgr * Update is not allowed to
> > download due to regulation.
> > 2008-10-02 08:10:05:093 756 148 DnldMgr Regulation:
> > {9482F4B4-E343-43B6-B170-9A65BC822C77} - Update
> > ADBBF7D2-E869-4128-A597-8456CA518839 is "PerUpdate" regulated and can NOT
> > download. Sequence 6901 vs AcceptRate 600

> <snip>

The RESOLUTION in KB 910340, that you provided, is impossible as the WU site
gives the following message after pressing Express OR Custom:

'The website has encountered a problem and cannot display the page you are
trying to view.'

I uninstalled IE 7 following the link you provided and tried in IE 6. The
same error. Reinstalled IE 7, the same error.

I deleted the SoftwareDistribution folder and my WindowsUpdate log to clear
any waiting download conflicts, retried WU but got the same error. I did see
some some traffic activity, which I see from my log was AU downloading
updates, but no notification *yet* (and after a reboot).

I simply want to use the WU site manually as I don't like to rely on AU.

*Download my WindowsUpdate log here*: (smokie.txt 132kb)
Re: Windows Update Error: 0x800704DD

Hi Smokie,

By any chance, have you been able to resolve this issue? I've had the
same problem with my machine for almost a year now and can't seem to
find the cause.

I had assumed it was due to a corrupt version of XP; the shop I bought
it from used a "pre-loaded" version of XP which apparently was
illegal. I purchased the "Genuine Advantage" license to make peace
with MS early this year butt to no avail.

I've been through every posting I can find and nobody seems to have
the answer.

The key, IMHO, is this line here:
"FATAL: CAUClient::Launch failed, error = 0x800704DD"

It can't launch the client UI to display the options.

If you hear of anything, please let me know!

Ryan G.

On Oct 6, 9:37 am, Smokie <> wrote:
> "PA Bear [MS MVP]" wrote:
> > Not everyone here uses that clunky web-interface to access this newsgroup so
> > we don't necessarily have all previous messages in a thread available. As
> > such, I can't tell what your problem was in the first place nor do I know if
> > anyone else replied to your first post.

> Then I apologise ;o)
> "PA Bear [MS MVP]" wrote:
> > Updates are not downloaded or the “Automatic Updates” icon does not display
> > the status of downloads when you enable the Automatic Updates service:
> >

> > Absent any serious numerical Errors in your windowsupdate.log, you're seeing
> > a delay caused by excessive demand on the servers ("Update is not allowed to
> > download due to regulation").  AU should eventually be able to synch to
> > download/install the 2 (probably minor "Recommended" or "High Priority")
> > updates.

> > You can try downloading/installing the updates via Windows/Microsoft Update:
> > Understand that by doing so, you're pushing all the Automatic Updates users
> > further back in the queue (which may explain, at least in part, why
> > Automatic Updates hasn't brought them in for you yet).

> > NB: Required reading IMHO before installing IE7:

> > Sandi's Installation Tips <= Steps #1-8, #10 & #11; take note of #12, then
> > STOP!
> >
> > (ignore any references to Vista)

> > And I strongly recommend using
> > the
> > installation source, not Automatic/Windows Update.

> > Alternately, use this Direct Download link:
> >

> > Tip: Save the installer to your desktop, do not Run it.

> > Make *certain* that you check in at Windows Update immediately after
> > installing IE7 and install any critical updates offered.  If Optional
> > Updates category offers Root Certificates update, I recommend installing it
> > to take full advantage of IE7's additional security.

> > IEBlog : IE7 Installation and Anti-Malware Applications
> >

> > What's New in Internet Explorer 7
> >

> > Release Notes
> >
> > --
> > ~Robear Dyer (PA Bear)
> > MS MVP-IE, Mail, Security, Windows Desktop Experience - since 2002
> > AumHa VSOP & Admin
> > DTS-L

> > Smokie wrote:
> > > OS: Windows XP Professional (SP3)

> > > I've been having problems with the Windows Update site for a long time. It
> > > used to download the updates but not install them.

> > > Yesterday I installed Service Pack 3. Now I'm getting a straighterror
> > > BEFORE the site even scans my computer (no matter if I select Express or
> > > Custom).

> > > Theerrorcode is:0x800704DD

> > > Searching around I have the SensLogn registry entries (see screen shot at:
> > >

> > > Automatic Updates Service is on Auto and can be started or stopped.
> > > BITS Service is on Auto and can be started or stopped.
> > > Automatic Updates is set to ON and does download updates occassionally.

> > > I have already read and tried KB article: 910341 so please DON'T give me
> > > that link.

> > > Now for my Update Log:

> > <snip>
> > > 2008-10-02 08:07:01:671 756 fdc Agent   * Found 2 persisted download calls
> > > to restore

> > <snip>
> > > 2008-10-02 08:07:14:812 756 890 DnldMgr Regulation:
> > > {9482F4B4-E343-43B6-B170-9A65BC822C77} - Update
> > > A18CC936-DA41-421F-9AD9-303D806EC128 is "PerUpdate" regulated and can NOT
> > > download. Sequence 6901 vs AcceptRate 6700.
> > > 2008-10-02 08:07:14:812 756 890 DnldMgr   * Update is not allowed to
> > > download due to regulation.

> > <snip>
> > > 2008-10-02 08:10:05:093 756 148 DnldMgr   * Update is not allowed to
> > > download due to regulation.
> > > 2008-10-02 08:10:05:093 756 148 DnldMgr Regulation:
> > > {9482F4B4-E343-43B6-B170-9A65BC822C77} - Update
> > > ADBBF7D2-E869-4128-A597-8456CA518839 is "PerUpdate" regulated and can NOT
> > > download. Sequence 6901 vs AcceptRate 600

> > <snip>

> The RESOLUTION in KB 910340, that you provided, is impossible as the WU site
> gives the following message after pressing Express OR Custom:
> 'The website has encountered a problem and cannot display the page you are
> trying to view.'
> I uninstalled IE 7 following the link you provided and tried in IE 6. The
> sameerror. Reinstalled IE 7, the sameerror.
> I deleted the SoftwareDistribution folder and my WindowsUpdate log to clear
> any waiting download conflicts, retried WU but got the sameerror. I did see
> some some traffic activity, which I see from my log was AU downloading
> updates, but no notification *yet* (and after a reboot).
> I simply want to use the WU site manually as I don't like to rely on AU.
> *Download my WindowsUpdate log here*: 132kb)- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -
Re: Windows Update Error: 0x800704DD

Error messages that you may receive when you try to download and install
updates from the Windows Update Web site, from the Microsoft Update Web
site, or from a WSUS server: "0x800704DD," "0x80240020," or both


TaurArian [MVP] 2005-2009 - Update Services
How to ask a question:
Disclaimer: The information has been posted "as is" with no warranties or
guarantees and doesn't give any rights.
Computer Maintenance: Acronis / Diskeeper / Paragon / Raxco

<> wrote in message
Hi Smokie,

By any chance, have you been able to resolve this issue? I've had the
same problem with my machine for almost a year now and can't seem to
find the cause.

I had assumed it was due to a corrupt version of XP; the shop I bought
it from used a "pre-loaded" version of XP which apparently was
illegal. I purchased the "Genuine Advantage" license to make peace
with MS early this year butt to no avail.

I've been through every posting I can find and nobody seems to have
the answer.

The key, IMHO, is this line here:
"FATAL: CAUClient::Launch failed, error = 0x800704DD"

It can't launch the client UI to display the options.

If you hear of anything, please let me know!

Ryan G.

On Oct 6, 9:37 am, Smokie <> wrote:
> "PA Bear [MS MVP]" wrote:
> > Not everyone here uses that clunky web-interface to access this
> > newsgroup so
> > we don't necessarily have all previous messages in a thread available.
> > As
> > such, I can't tell what your problem was in the first place nor do I
> > know if
> > anyone else replied to your first post.

> Then I apologise ;o)
> "PA Bear [MS MVP]" wrote:
> > Updates are not downloaded or the “Automatic Updates” icon does not
> > display
> > the status of downloads when you enable the Automatic Updates service:
> >

> > Absent any serious numerical Errors in your windowsupdate.log, you're
> > seeing
> > a delay caused by excessive demand on the servers ("Update is not
> > allowed to
> > download due to regulation"). AU should eventually be able to synch to
> > download/install the 2 (probably minor "Recommended" or "High Priority")
> > updates.

> > You can try downloading/installing the updates via Windows/Microsoft
> > Update:
> > Understand that by doing so, you're pushing all the Automatic Updates
> > users
> > further back in the queue (which may explain, at least in part, why
> > Automatic Updates hasn't brought them in for you yet).

> > NB: Required reading IMHO before installing IE7:

> > Sandi's Installation Tips <= Steps #1-8, #10 & #11; take note of #12,
> > then
> > STOP!
> >
> > (ignore any references to Vista)

> > And I strongly recommend using
> > the
> > installation source, not Automatic/Windows Update.

> > Alternately, use this Direct Download link:
> >

> > Tip: Save the installer to your desktop, do not Run it.

> > Make *certain* that you check in at Windows Update immediately after
> > installing IE7 and install any critical updates offered. If Optional
> > Updates category offers Root Certificates update, I recommend installing
> > it
> > to take full advantage of IE7's additional security.

> > IEBlog : IE7 Installation and Anti-Malware Applications
> >

> > What's New in Internet Explorer 7
> >

> > Release Notes
> >
> > --
> > ~Robear Dyer (PA Bear)
> > MS MVP-IE, Mail, Security, Windows Desktop Experience - since 2002
> > AumHa VSOP & Admin
> > DTS-L

> > Smokie wrote:
> > > OS: Windows XP Professional (SP3)

> > > I've been having problems with the Windows Update site for a long
> > > time. It
> > > used to download the updates but not install them.

> > > Yesterday I installed Service Pack 3. Now I'm getting a straighterror
> > > BEFORE the site even scans my computer (no matter if I select Express
> > > or
> > > Custom).

> > > Theerrorcode is:0x800704DD

> > > Searching around I have the SensLogn registry entries (see screen shot
> > > at:
> > >

> > > Automatic Updates Service is on Auto and can be started or stopped.
> > > BITS Service is on Auto and can be started or stopped.
> > > Automatic Updates is set to ON and does download updates
> > > occassionally.

> > > I have already read and tried KB article: 910341 so please DON'T give
> > > me
> > > that link.

> > > Now for my Update Log:

> > <snip>
> > > 2008-10-02 08:07:01:671 756 fdc Agent * Found 2 persisted download
> > > calls
> > > to restore

> > <snip>
> > > 2008-10-02 08:07:14:812 756 890 DnldMgr Regulation:
> > > {9482F4B4-E343-43B6-B170-9A65BC822C77} - Update
> > > A18CC936-DA41-421F-9AD9-303D806EC128 is "PerUpdate" regulated and can
> > > NOT
> > > download. Sequence 6901 vs AcceptRate 6700.
> > > 2008-10-02 08:07:14:812 756 890 DnldMgr * Update is not allowed to
> > > download due to regulation.

> > <snip>
> > > 2008-10-02 08:10:05:093 756 148 DnldMgr * Update is not allowed to
> > > download due to regulation.
> > > 2008-10-02 08:10:05:093 756 148 DnldMgr Regulation:
> > > {9482F4B4-E343-43B6-B170-9A65BC822C77} - Update
> > > ADBBF7D2-E869-4128-A597-8456CA518839 is "PerUpdate" regulated and can
> > > NOT
> > > download. Sequence 6901 vs AcceptRate 600

> > <snip>

> The RESOLUTION in KB 910340, that you provided, is impossible as the WU
> site
> gives the following message after pressing Express OR Custom:
> 'The website has encountered a problem and cannot display the page you are
> trying to view.'
> I uninstalled IE 7 following the link you provided and tried in IE 6. The
> sameerror. Reinstalled IE 7, the sameerror.
> I deleted the SoftwareDistribution folder and my WindowsUpdate log to
> clear
> any waiting download conflicts, retried WU but got the sameerror. I did
> see
> some some traffic activity, which I see from my log was AU downloading
> updates, but no notification *yet* (and after a reboot).
> I simply want to use the WU site manually as I don't like to rely on AU.
> *Download my WindowsUpdate log
> here*:
> 132kb)- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -
Re: Windows Update Error: 0x800704DD

Hi Ryan,

No I'm afraid I'm still searching and trying here too. This problem did come
to a few of my machines and the 'registry fix' in one article did fix it for
the laptop, but made no difference on this machine.

I did read somewhere that MS made some major changes to WU a while ago due
to attacks and since then WU errors have increased.

I guess we must keep searching!


"" wrote:

> Hi Smokie,
> By any chance, have you been able to resolve this issue? I've had the
> same problem with my machine for almost a year now and can't seem to
> find the cause.
> I had assumed it was due to a corrupt version of XP; the shop I bought
> it from used a "pre-loaded" version of XP which apparently was
> illegal. I purchased the "Genuine Advantage" license to make peace
> with MS early this year butt to no avail.
> I've been through every posting I can find and nobody seems to have
> the answer.
> The key, IMHO, is this line here:
> "FATAL: CAUClient::Launch failed, error = 0x800704DD"
> It can't launch the client UI to display the options.
> If you hear of anything, please let me know!
> Cheers,
> Ryan G.
> On Oct 6, 9:37 am, Smokie <> wrote:
> > "PA Bear [MS MVP]" wrote:
> >
> > > Not everyone here uses that clunky web-interface to access this newsgroup so
> > > we don't necessarily have all previous messages in a thread available. As
> > > such, I can't tell what your problem was in the first place nor do I know if
> > > anyone else replied to your first post.

> >
> > Then I apologise ;o)
> >
> > "PA Bear [MS MVP]" wrote:
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > > Updates are not downloaded or the “Automatic Updates” icon does not display
> > > the status of downloads when you enable the Automatic Updates service:
> > >

> >
> > > Absent any serious numerical Errors in your windowsupdate.log, you're seeing
> > > a delay caused by excessive demand on the servers ("Update is not allowed to
> > > download due to regulation"). AU should eventually be able to synch to
> > > download/install the 2 (probably minor "Recommended" or "High Priority")
> > > updates.

> >
> > > You can try downloading/installing the updates via Windows/Microsoft Update:
> > > Understand that by doing so, you're pushing all the Automatic Updates users
> > > further back in the queue (which may explain, at least in part, why
> > > Automatic Updates hasn't brought them in for you yet).

> >
> > > NB: Required reading IMHO before installing IE7:

> >
> > > Sandi's Installation Tips <= Steps #1-8, #10 & #11; take note of #12, then
> > > STOP!
> > >
> > > (ignore any references to Vista)

> >
> > > And I strongly recommend using
> > > the
> > > installation source, not Automatic/Windows Update.

> >
> > > Alternately, use this Direct Download link:
> > >

> >
> > > Tip: Save the installer to your desktop, do not Run it.

> >
> > > Make *certain* that you check in at Windows Update immediately after
> > > installing IE7 and install any critical updates offered. If Optional
> > > Updates category offers Root Certificates update, I recommend installing it
> > > to take full advantage of IE7's additional security.

> >
> > > IEBlog : IE7 Installation and Anti-Malware Applications
> > >

> >
> > > What's New in Internet Explorer 7
> > >

> >
> > > Release Notes
> > >
> > > --
> > > ~Robear Dyer (PA Bear)
> > > MS MVP-IE, Mail, Security, Windows Desktop Experience - since 2002
> > > AumHa VSOP & Admin
> > > DTS-L

> >
> > > Smokie wrote:
> > > > OS: Windows XP Professional (SP3)

> >
> > > > I've been having problems with the Windows Update site for a long time. It
> > > > used to download the updates but not install them.

> >
> > > > Yesterday I installed Service Pack 3. Now I'm getting a straighterror
> > > > BEFORE the site even scans my computer (no matter if I select Express or
> > > > Custom).

> >
> > > > Theerrorcode is:0x800704DD

> >
> > > > Searching around I have the SensLogn registry entries (see screen shot at:
> > > >

> >
> > > > Automatic Updates Service is on Auto and can be started or stopped.
> > > > BITS Service is on Auto and can be started or stopped.
> > > > Automatic Updates is set to ON and does download updates occassionally.

> >
> > > > I have already read and tried KB article: 910341 so please DON'T give me
> > > > that link.

> >
> > > > Now for my Update Log:
> > > <snip>
> > > > 2008-10-02 08:07:01:671 756 fdc Agent * Found 2 persisted download calls
> > > > to restore
> > > <snip>
> > > > 2008-10-02 08:07:14:812 756 890 DnldMgr Regulation:
> > > > {9482F4B4-E343-43B6-B170-9A65BC822C77} - Update
> > > > A18CC936-DA41-421F-9AD9-303D806EC128 is "PerUpdate" regulated and can NOT
> > > > download. Sequence 6901 vs AcceptRate 6700.
> > > > 2008-10-02 08:07:14:812 756 890 DnldMgr * Update is not allowed to
> > > > download due to regulation.
> > > <snip>
> > > > 2008-10-02 08:10:05:093 756 148 DnldMgr * Update is not allowed to
> > > > download due to regulation.
> > > > 2008-10-02 08:10:05:093 756 148 DnldMgr Regulation:
> > > > {9482F4B4-E343-43B6-B170-9A65BC822C77} - Update
> > > > ADBBF7D2-E869-4128-A597-8456CA518839 is "PerUpdate" regulated and can NOT
> > > > download. Sequence 6901 vs AcceptRate 600
> > > <snip>

> >
> > The RESOLUTION in KB 910340, that you provided, is impossible as the WU site
> > gives the following message after pressing Express OR Custom:
> >
> > 'The website has encountered a problem and cannot display the page you are
> > trying to view.'
> >
> > I uninstalled IE 7 following the link you provided and tried in IE 6. The
> > sameerror. Reinstalled IE 7, the sameerror.
> >
> > I deleted the SoftwareDistribution folder and my WindowsUpdate log to clear
> > any waiting download conflicts, retried WU but got the sameerror. I did see
> > some some traffic activity, which I see from my log was AU downloading
> > updates, but no notification *yet* (and after a reboot).
> >
> > I simply want to use the WU site manually as I don't like to rely on AU.
> >
> > *Download my WindowsUpdate log here*: 132kb)- Hide quoted text -
> >
> > - Show quoted text -

Re: Windows Update Error: 0x800704DD

Hi TaurArian,

Thanks for your reply but I did say:

"I have already read and tried KB article: 910341 so please DON'T give me
that link."

You gave that link but I've already added these registry entries and I log
on as Administrator.


"TaurArian" wrote:

> Error messages that you may receive when you try to download and install
> updates from the Windows Update Web site, from the Microsoft Update Web
> site, or from a WSUS server: "0x800704DD," "0x80240020," or both
> --
> TaurArian [MVP] 2005-2009 - Update Services
> ======================================
> How to ask a question:
> Disclaimer: The information has been posted "as is" with no warranties or
> guarantees and doesn't give any rights.
> Computer Maintenance: Acronis / Diskeeper / Paragon / Raxco
> <> wrote in message
> Hi Smokie,
> By any chance, have you been able to resolve this issue? I've had the
> same problem with my machine for almost a year now and can't seem to
> find the cause.
> I had assumed it was due to a corrupt version of XP; the shop I bought
> it from used a "pre-loaded" version of XP which apparently was
> illegal. I purchased the "Genuine Advantage" license to make peace
> with MS early this year butt to no avail.
> I've been through every posting I can find and nobody seems to have
> the answer.
> The key, IMHO, is this line here:
> "FATAL: CAUClient::Launch failed, error = 0x800704DD"
> It can't launch the client UI to display the options.
> If you hear of anything, please let me know!
> Cheers,
> Ryan G.
> On Oct 6, 9:37 am, Smokie <> wrote:
> > "PA Bear [MS MVP]" wrote:
> >
> > > Not everyone here uses that clunky web-interface to access this
> > > newsgroup so
> > > we don't necessarily have all previous messages in a thread available.
> > > As
> > > such, I can't tell what your problem was in the first place nor do I
> > > know if
> > > anyone else replied to your first post.

> >
> > Then I apologise ;o)
> >
> > "PA Bear [MS MVP]" wrote:
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > > Updates are not downloaded or the “Automatic Updates” icon does not
> > > display
> > > the status of downloads when you enable the Automatic Updates service:
> > >

> >
> > > Absent any serious numerical Errors in your windowsupdate.log, you're
> > > seeing
> > > a delay caused by excessive demand on the servers ("Update is not
> > > allowed to
> > > download due to regulation"). AU should eventually be able to synch to
> > > download/install the 2 (probably minor "Recommended" or "High Priority")
> > > updates.

> >
> > > You can try downloading/installing the updates via Windows/Microsoft
> > > Update:
> > > Understand that by doing so, you're pushing all the Automatic Updates
> > > users
> > > further back in the queue (which may explain, at least in part, why
> > > Automatic Updates hasn't brought them in for you yet).

> >
> > > NB: Required reading IMHO before installing IE7:

> >
> > > Sandi's Installation Tips <= Steps #1-8, #10 & #11; take note of #12,
> > > then
> > > STOP!
> > >
> > > (ignore any references to Vista)

> >
> > > And I strongly recommend using
> > > the
> > > installation source, not Automatic/Windows Update.

> >
> > > Alternately, use this Direct Download link:
> > >

> >
> > > Tip: Save the installer to your desktop, do not Run it.

> >
> > > Make *certain* that you check in at Windows Update immediately after
> > > installing IE7 and install any critical updates offered. If Optional
> > > Updates category offers Root Certificates update, I recommend installing
> > > it
> > > to take full advantage of IE7's additional security.

> >
> > > IEBlog : IE7 Installation and Anti-Malware Applications
> > >

> >
> > > What's New in Internet Explorer 7
> > >

> >
> > > Release Notes
> > >
> > > --
> > > ~Robear Dyer (PA Bear)
> > > MS MVP-IE, Mail, Security, Windows Desktop Experience - since 2002
> > > AumHa VSOP & Admin
> > > DTS-L

> >
> > > Smokie wrote:
> > > > OS: Windows XP Professional (SP3)

> >
> > > > I've been having problems with the Windows Update site for a long
> > > > time. It
> > > > used to download the updates but not install them.

> >
> > > > Yesterday I installed Service Pack 3. Now I'm getting a straighterror
> > > > BEFORE the site even scans my computer (no matter if I select Express
> > > > or
> > > > Custom).

> >
> > > > Theerrorcode is:0x800704DD

> >
> > > > Searching around I have the SensLogn registry entries (see screen shot
> > > > at:
> > > >

> >
> > > > Automatic Updates Service is on Auto and can be started or stopped.
> > > > BITS Service is on Auto and can be started or stopped.
> > > > Automatic Updates is set to ON and does download updates
> > > > occassionally.

> >
> > > > I have already read and tried KB article: 910341 so please DON'T give
> > > > me
> > > > that link.

> >
> > > > Now for my Update Log:
> > > <snip>
> > > > 2008-10-02 08:07:01:671 756 fdc Agent * Found 2 persisted download
> > > > calls
> > > > to restore
> > > <snip>
> > > > 2008-10-02 08:07:14:812 756 890 DnldMgr Regulation:
> > > > {9482F4B4-E343-43B6-B170-9A65BC822C77} - Update
> > > > A18CC936-DA41-421F-9AD9-303D806EC128 is "PerUpdate" regulated and can
> > > > NOT
> > > > download. Sequence 6901 vs AcceptRate 6700.
> > > > 2008-10-02 08:07:14:812 756 890 DnldMgr * Update is not allowed to
> > > > download due to regulation.
> > > <snip>
> > > > 2008-10-02 08:10:05:093 756 148 DnldMgr * Update is not allowed to
> > > > download due to regulation.
> > > > 2008-10-02 08:10:05:093 756 148 DnldMgr Regulation:
> > > > {9482F4B4-E343-43B6-B170-9A65BC822C77} - Update
> > > > ADBBF7D2-E869-4128-A597-8456CA518839 is "PerUpdate" regulated and can
> > > > NOT
> > > > download. Sequence 6901 vs AcceptRate 600
> > > <snip>

> >
> > The RESOLUTION in KB 910340, that you provided, is impossible as the WU
> > site
> > gives the following message after pressing Express OR Custom:
> >
> > 'The website has encountered a problem and cannot display the page you are
> > trying to view.'
> >
> > I uninstalled IE 7 following the link you provided and tried in IE 6. The
> > sameerror. Reinstalled IE 7, the sameerror.
> >
> > I deleted the SoftwareDistribution folder and my WindowsUpdate log to
> > clear
> > any waiting download conflicts, retried WU but got the sameerror. I did
> > see
> > some some traffic activity, which I see from my log was AU downloading
> > updates, but no notification *yet* (and after a reboot).
> >
> > I simply want to use the WU site manually as I don't like to rely on AU.
> >
> > *Download my WindowsUpdate log
> > here*:
> > 132kb)- Hide quoted text -
> >
> > - Show quoted text -

Re: Windows Update Error: 0x800704DD

"Smokie" <> wrote in message
> Hi,
> OS: Windows XP Professional (SP3)
> I've been having problems with the Windows Update site for a long time. It
> used to download the updates but not install them.
> Yesterday I installed Service Pack 3. Now I'm getting a straight error
> BEFORE the site even scans my computer (no matter if I select Express or
> Custom).
> The error code is: 0x800704DD
> Searching around I have the SensLogn registry entries (see screen shot at:

That is the *second* point to check from the KB910341 article.
Your symptoms all suggest configuration/permissions issues of some kind
(e.g. security/obscurity, probably compounded by some ill-advised
and unnecessary lockdown procedures that you haven't disclosed).

> Automatic Updates Service is on Auto and can be started or stopped.
> BITS Service is on Auto and can be started or stopped.

That's not standard. BITS should be on demand, started by
wuauserv. You could use bitsadmin /util (in a cmd window)
to check or repair that service.

> Automatic Updates is set to ON and does download updates occassionally.

When was the last download by BITS?

> I have already read and tried KB article: 910341 so please DON'T give me
> that link.

> Now for my Update Log:

So, then you should try some diagnosis. E.g. start with KB902093.
I find it interesting that there is no sign of BITS downloading
in the portion of your log that you included.

BTW you may find it necessary to supplement any log entries
that you get, even after enabling verbose logging. You could use
ProcMon to do that and then correlate its writes to the log file
by inferring specific messages using their lengths.

Good luck

Robert Aldwinckle

> 2008-10-02 08:10:09:453 1292 4cc COMAPI -------------
> 2008-10-02 08:10:09:453 1292 4cc COMAPI -- START -- COMAPI: Search
> [ClientId = WindowsUpdate]
> 2008-10-02 08:10:09:453 1292 4cc COMAPI ---------
> 2008-10-02 08:10:09:453 756 560 Service WARNING: GetUserTokenFromSessionId
> failed with error 800704dd for session 0
> 2008-10-02 08:10:09:453 1292 4cc COMAPI WARNING: Unable to listen to
> self-update/shutdown event (hr=0X800704DD)
> 2008-10-02 08:10:09:453 1292 4cc COMAPI WARNING: Unable to establish
> connection to the service. (hr=800704DD)
> 2008-10-02 08:10:09:453 1292 4cc COMAPI - WARNING: Exit code = 0x800704DD
> 2008-10-02 08:10:09:453 1292 4cc COMAPI ---------
> 2008-10-02 08:10:09:453 1292 4cc COMAPI -- END -- COMAPI: Search
> [ClientId = <NULL>]
> 2008-10-02 08:10:09:453 1292 4cc COMAPI -------------
> 2008-10-02 08:10:09:453 1292 4cc COMAPI FATAL: Unable to initiate
> asynchronous search, hr=800704DD
> 2008-10-02 08:10:13:718 756 55c AU FATAL: CAUClient::Launch failed, error =
> 0x800704DD
> ---
> Any help to fix this would be greatly appreciated!
> Thanks.
> Craig.