I have win xp sp3. Some legitimate apps like MS Outlook or NERO Buring ROM
are creating unwanted fixed icons in My
Computer and Desktop areas which I am unable to delete the simple way.
How to delete any unwanted apps fixed icons from My Computer area and its
fixed Desktop Shoutcut?
I have no spyware in my system.
Try installing Microsoft Office Outlook on ur pc, it creates a fixed
shortcut on Desktop which could not be deleted?
I am asking 4 dat kind of shortcuts; how can those fixed shortcuts created
by legitimate software be deleted?
Plz help me.
I have win xp sp3. Some legitimate apps like MS Outlook or NERO Buring ROM
are creating unwanted fixed icons in My
Computer and Desktop areas which I am unable to delete the simple way.
How to delete any unwanted apps fixed icons from My Computer area and its
fixed Desktop Shoutcut?
I have no spyware in my system.
Try installing Microsoft Office Outlook on ur pc, it creates a fixed
shortcut on Desktop which could not be deleted?
I am asking 4 dat kind of shortcuts; how can those fixed shortcuts created
by legitimate software be deleted?
Plz help me.