Yes, an old phrase, and those that blindly support Vista are in a
state of happiness based on false hope. Not surprising the meaning is
lost on the handful of vocal idiots that infest this newsgroup and
spill their bitter bile which flows here like a overflowed river.
Alexander Pope back in 1709 wrote thusly:
"A little learning is a dangerous thing; drink deep, or taste not the
Pierian spring: there shallow draughts intoxicate the brain, and
drinking largely sobers us again." This flowery passage is the source
of the better known "A little knowledge is a dangerous thing" and we
see examples of such ignorance here daily.
Beware of a wolf in sheep's clothing. That of course simply means be
cautious of someone who hides malicious intent under the guise of
false truths.
The question boils down to why do some try so hard to paint over the
obvious flaws sprinkled throughout Vista? Is this not the place to
bring such issues to light, discuss them and hopefully together find
solutions? You would think so, but not in the poisoned atmosphere
created by a few ignorant and foolish posters. To hear them tell it
Vista is nearly perfect and if you don't share in the bliss they enjoy
then surely you must be foolish and know not how to install or
configure Vista properly. About as feeble a lie that could be uttered
and a vain and limp attempt to drown out the truth even Microsoft
admits be it in whispers. Namely while well intended, Vista just
hasn't lived up to the hype or promise previously proclaimed from
Redmond and not received well anywhere.
Is there any truth to the madness most of Vista's problems are rooted
in not installing or configuring it correctly? No. One only need spend
a few minutes at Google to see the torrent of complaints and
bewildering number of web pages devoted to discussing Vista issues.
Many that arise show themselves on boxes with name brands where Vista
came preinstalled. One would expect a newsgroup created to discuss
such issues would be an oasis from the storm. It is not.
Fools do foolish things and this newsgroup never has a shortage of
idiots eager to praise Microsoft to the highest rather than holding
them accountable for the ugly thing called Vista. Yes Vista might be
pretty on the surface, but look below the surface and it's often a
ugly old hag. Slow, plodding along and often rude with endless nagging
usually over superficial things plus a unique ability to be seemingly
unable to do simple things like remember settings and instead with no
cause or warning reverting back to some arbitrary setting without even
telling you the user a change was made. Then of course the old
annoyance of cryptic messages like Windows Explorer needed to close,
yet nothing but coded messages buried in some event log that at bests
only hints as to why something internal to Windows keeps crashing.
This place has taken on a bitter tone because of a few loud but
ignorant pontificators foolishly thinking you are on holy ground when
visiting here and besides removing your shoes you also should sit
quietly and rise in praise when one of the self-anointed blowhards
begins to bluster. I don't think so. That isn't the purpose of this
newsgroup, it isn't a house of worship or a fan club. This is suppose
to be a place of discussion and there can't be only one side heard
with a few hot heads engaging in shameless personal attacks to attempt
to drown out opposing views. No, that isn't how it should be, but is
how things are.
state of happiness based on false hope. Not surprising the meaning is
lost on the handful of vocal idiots that infest this newsgroup and
spill their bitter bile which flows here like a overflowed river.
Alexander Pope back in 1709 wrote thusly:
"A little learning is a dangerous thing; drink deep, or taste not the
Pierian spring: there shallow draughts intoxicate the brain, and
drinking largely sobers us again." This flowery passage is the source
of the better known "A little knowledge is a dangerous thing" and we
see examples of such ignorance here daily.
Beware of a wolf in sheep's clothing. That of course simply means be
cautious of someone who hides malicious intent under the guise of
false truths.
The question boils down to why do some try so hard to paint over the
obvious flaws sprinkled throughout Vista? Is this not the place to
bring such issues to light, discuss them and hopefully together find
solutions? You would think so, but not in the poisoned atmosphere
created by a few ignorant and foolish posters. To hear them tell it
Vista is nearly perfect and if you don't share in the bliss they enjoy
then surely you must be foolish and know not how to install or
configure Vista properly. About as feeble a lie that could be uttered
and a vain and limp attempt to drown out the truth even Microsoft
admits be it in whispers. Namely while well intended, Vista just
hasn't lived up to the hype or promise previously proclaimed from
Redmond and not received well anywhere.
Is there any truth to the madness most of Vista's problems are rooted
in not installing or configuring it correctly? No. One only need spend
a few minutes at Google to see the torrent of complaints and
bewildering number of web pages devoted to discussing Vista issues.
Many that arise show themselves on boxes with name brands where Vista
came preinstalled. One would expect a newsgroup created to discuss
such issues would be an oasis from the storm. It is not.
Fools do foolish things and this newsgroup never has a shortage of
idiots eager to praise Microsoft to the highest rather than holding
them accountable for the ugly thing called Vista. Yes Vista might be
pretty on the surface, but look below the surface and it's often a
ugly old hag. Slow, plodding along and often rude with endless nagging
usually over superficial things plus a unique ability to be seemingly
unable to do simple things like remember settings and instead with no
cause or warning reverting back to some arbitrary setting without even
telling you the user a change was made. Then of course the old
annoyance of cryptic messages like Windows Explorer needed to close,
yet nothing but coded messages buried in some event log that at bests
only hints as to why something internal to Windows keeps crashing.
This place has taken on a bitter tone because of a few loud but
ignorant pontificators foolishly thinking you are on holy ground when
visiting here and besides removing your shoes you also should sit
quietly and rise in praise when one of the self-anointed blowhards
begins to bluster. I don't think so. That isn't the purpose of this
newsgroup, it isn't a house of worship or a fan club. This is suppose
to be a place of discussion and there can't be only one side heard
with a few hot heads engaging in shameless personal attacks to attempt
to drown out opposing views. No, that isn't how it should be, but is
how things are.