Windows Vista A Fool's Paradise...

  • Thread starter Thread starter Ringmaster
  • Start date Start date


Yes, an old phrase, and those that blindly support Vista are in a
state of happiness based on false hope. Not surprising the meaning is
lost on the handful of vocal idiots that infest this newsgroup and
spill their bitter bile which flows here like a overflowed river.

Alexander Pope back in 1709 wrote thusly:

"A little learning is a dangerous thing; drink deep, or taste not the
Pierian spring: there shallow draughts intoxicate the brain, and
drinking largely sobers us again." This flowery passage is the source
of the better known "A little knowledge is a dangerous thing" and we
see examples of such ignorance here daily.

Beware of a wolf in sheep's clothing. That of course simply means be
cautious of someone who hides malicious intent under the guise of
false truths.

The question boils down to why do some try so hard to paint over the
obvious flaws sprinkled throughout Vista? Is this not the place to
bring such issues to light, discuss them and hopefully together find
solutions? You would think so, but not in the poisoned atmosphere
created by a few ignorant and foolish posters. To hear them tell it
Vista is nearly perfect and if you don't share in the bliss they enjoy
then surely you must be foolish and know not how to install or
configure Vista properly. About as feeble a lie that could be uttered
and a vain and limp attempt to drown out the truth even Microsoft
admits be it in whispers. Namely while well intended, Vista just
hasn't lived up to the hype or promise previously proclaimed from
Redmond and not received well anywhere.

Is there any truth to the madness most of Vista's problems are rooted
in not installing or configuring it correctly? No. One only need spend
a few minutes at Google to see the torrent of complaints and
bewildering number of web pages devoted to discussing Vista issues.
Many that arise show themselves on boxes with name brands where Vista
came preinstalled. One would expect a newsgroup created to discuss
such issues would be an oasis from the storm. It is not.

Fools do foolish things and this newsgroup never has a shortage of
idiots eager to praise Microsoft to the highest rather than holding
them accountable for the ugly thing called Vista. Yes Vista might be
pretty on the surface, but look below the surface and it's often a
ugly old hag. Slow, plodding along and often rude with endless nagging
usually over superficial things plus a unique ability to be seemingly
unable to do simple things like remember settings and instead with no
cause or warning reverting back to some arbitrary setting without even
telling you the user a change was made. Then of course the old
annoyance of cryptic messages like Windows Explorer needed to close,
yet nothing but coded messages buried in some event log that at bests
only hints as to why something internal to Windows keeps crashing.

This place has taken on a bitter tone because of a few loud but
ignorant pontificators foolishly thinking you are on holy ground when
visiting here and besides removing your shoes you also should sit
quietly and rise in praise when one of the self-anointed blowhards
begins to bluster. I don't think so. That isn't the purpose of this
newsgroup, it isn't a house of worship or a fan club. This is suppose
to be a place of discussion and there can't be only one side heard
with a few hot heads engaging in shameless personal attacks to attempt
to drown out opposing views. No, that isn't how it should be, but is
how things are.
Re: A Fool's Paradise, where ringbastard resides...

Re: A Fool's Paradise, where ringbastard resides...

Ringmaster, Frank's Ass Licker wrote:

<--drunken stupid diatribe rant deleted as a public service->

You're fukkin falling down drunk again, you PIG!
Have bubba drive you home!...LOL!
Re: A Fool's Paradise...

Go Away Imposter. Just FYI

"Ringmaster" <> wrote in message
> Yes, an old phrase, and those that blindly support Vista are in a
> state of happiness based on false hope. Not surprising the meaning is
> lost on the handful of vocal idiots that infest this newsgroup and
> spill their bitter bile which flows here like a overflowed river.
> Alexander Pope back in 1709 wrote thusly:
> "A little learning is a dangerous thing; drink deep, or taste not the
> Pierian spring: there shallow draughts intoxicate the brain, and
> drinking largely sobers us again." This flowery passage is the source
> of the better known "A little knowledge is a dangerous thing" and we
> see examples of such ignorance here daily.
> Beware of a wolf in sheep's clothing. That of course simply means be
> cautious of someone who hides malicious intent under the guise of
> false truths.
> The question boils down to why do some try so hard to paint over the
> obvious flaws sprinkled throughout Vista? Is this not the place to
> bring such issues to light, discuss them and hopefully together find
> solutions? You would think so, but not in the poisoned atmosphere
> created by a few ignorant and foolish posters. To hear them tell it
> Vista is nearly perfect and if you don't share in the bliss they enjoy
> then surely you must be foolish and know not how to install or
> configure Vista properly. About as feeble a lie that could be uttered
> and a vain and limp attempt to drown out the truth even Microsoft
> admits be it in whispers. Namely while well intended, Vista just
> hasn't lived up to the hype or promise previously proclaimed from
> Redmond and not received well anywhere.
> Is there any truth to the madness most of Vista's problems are rooted
> in not installing or configuring it correctly? No. One only need spend
> a few minutes at Google to see the torrent of complaints and
> bewildering number of web pages devoted to discussing Vista issues.
> Many that arise show themselves on boxes with name brands where Vista
> came preinstalled. One would expect a newsgroup created to discuss
> such issues would be an oasis from the storm. It is not.
> Fools do foolish things and this newsgroup never has a shortage of
> idiots eager to praise Microsoft to the highest rather than holding
> them accountable for the ugly thing called Vista. Yes Vista might be
> pretty on the surface, but look below the surface and it's often a
> ugly old hag. Slow, plodding along and often rude with endless nagging
> usually over superficial things plus a unique ability to be seemingly
> unable to do simple things like remember settings and instead with no
> cause or warning reverting back to some arbitrary setting without even
> telling you the user a change was made. Then of course the old
> annoyance of cryptic messages like Windows Explorer needed to close,
> yet nothing but coded messages buried in some event log that at bests
> only hints as to why something internal to Windows keeps crashing.
> This place has taken on a bitter tone because of a few loud but
> ignorant pontificators foolishly thinking you are on holy ground when
> visiting here and besides removing your shoes you also should sit
> quietly and rise in praise when one of the self-anointed blowhards
> begins to bluster. I don't think so. That isn't the purpose of this
> newsgroup, it isn't a house of worship or a fan club. This is suppose
> to be a place of discussion and there can't be only one side heard
> with a few hot heads engaging in shameless personal attacks to attempt
> to drown out opposing views. No, that isn't how it should be, but is
> how things are.
Re: A Fool's Paradise...

Ringmaster wrote:


Ringmaster Albright, when did you become an expert's expert?
Ringmaster Albright, when did you become a guru's guru?
Ringmaster Albright, when did you become a Moses' Moses?

Ringmaster Albright, when did your opinions become opinions that are NOT
just dime a dozen options, like everyone else?

Ringmaster Albright show us that your name is up lights somewhere and
that anyone should take your words/opinions as the gospel.
Re: A Fool's Paradise...

Ringmaster wrote:



Ringmaster Albright show us that your name is up *in* lights somewhere
and that anyone should take your words/opinions as the gospel. :-P
Re: A Fool's Paradise...

"Paul Montgumdrop" <> wrote in message
> Ringmaster wrote:
> <snipped>
> <correction>
> Ringmaster Albright show us that your name is up *in* lights somewhere and
> that anyone should take your words/opinions as the gospel. :-P

Well, you seem to be a legend in your own mind...
Re: A Fool's Paradise...

NotEvenMe wrote:
> "Paul Montgumdrop" <> wrote in message
> news:O48Pe7bJJHA.1556@TK2MSFTNGP03.phx.gbl...
>> Ringmaster wrote:
>> <snipped>
>> <correction>
>> Ringmaster Albright show us that your name is up *in* lights somewhere and
>> that anyone should take your words/opinions as the gospel. :-P

> Well, you seem to be a legend in your own mind...

I have made no claims of being a legend, and I bash no O/S period or no
O/S of any platform, MS or not MS. I do not try to preach the soap box
gospel like you or Albright, by bashing. I am a fan boy of all O/S(s),
because they are written by human beings that put their pants on one leg
at a time, like I do.

I don't know about you are Albright as you think you have your finger on
the pulse of people and Information Technology around the world, which
I didn't ask your about your opinion in the first place. But you tossed
it out there like it meant something to me, and it doesn't.

You should not try to kill the messenger. :-P
Re: A Fool's Paradise...

While I agree with your general principle, but we also need to bear in mind
that constructive criticism is how we can make real "progress" instead of
solving the same issues as 20+ years ago, and people somehow feel it's

The concept of "continuous improvement" has been around for at least 30+
years, but if we turn our face away from the improvement areas, how are we
going to make any improvements?

It is a known management concept for trying to eliminate as many as "ass
kisser" from a well-established organization as they are the biggest
obstacle and enemy to the real progress.

Accepting our products and choices are not perfect is not so difficult, and
as long as we are happy for what we have and use, why not read others'
feedback even they are negative, and maybe they can help us to have a even
better product when the company improved it.

Also, it takes one to know the answer before knowing where is the problem.
Not seeing a problem doesn't mean the problem is not there.

My two cents.

"Paul Montgumdrop" <> wrote in message
> NotEvenMe wrote:
>> "Paul Montgumdrop" <> wrote in message
>> news:O48Pe7bJJHA.1556@TK2MSFTNGP03.phx.gbl...
>>> Ringmaster wrote:
>>> <snipped>
>>> <correction>
>>> Ringmaster Albright show us that your name is up *in* lights somewhere
>>> and that anyone should take your words/opinions as the gospel. :-P

>> Well, you seem to be a legend in your own mind...

> I have made no claims of being a legend, and I bash no O/S period or no
> O/S of any platform, MS or not MS. I do not try to preach the soap box
> gospel like you or Albright, by bashing. I am a fan boy of all O/S(s),
> because they are written by human beings that put their pants on one leg
> at a time, like I do.
> I don't know about you are Albright as you think you have your finger on
> the pulse of people and Information Technology around the world, which I
> didn't ask your about your opinion in the first place. But you tossed it
> out there like it meant something to me, and it doesn't.
> You should not try to kill the messenger. :-P
Re: A Fool's Paradise...

"Paul Montgumdrop" <> wrote in message
> NotEvenMe wrote:
> I have made no claims of being a legend, and I bash no O/S period or no
> O/S of any platform, MS or not MS. I do not try to preach the soap box
> gospel like you or Albright, by bashing. I am a fan boy of all O/S(s),
> because they are written by human beings that put their pants on one leg
> at a time, like I do.
> I don't know about you are Albright as you think you have your finger on
> the pulse of people and Information Technology around the world, which I
> didn't ask your about your opinion in the first place. But you tossed it
> out there like it meant something to me, and it doesn't.
> You should not try to kill the messenger. :-P

You seem to think anyone who makes a negative comment is wrong.
I don't try to promote another OS, I simply point out what I feel are the
shortcomings of Vista.
I have used Vista since early BETA and let MS know what I thought.
MS seems to have decided it was more important to get 'something' released
instead of doing it 'right'.

I may not have my finger on the pulse of worldwide IT, but I do know a lot
of people in IT who think the same of Vista as I do.
They work for companies as small as 10 employees to over 100,000 employees.
If several of the largest companies in the world plan to skip Vista, that
tells me a lot.
I have only been using computers since 1969, I haven't seen as many changes
as you have...I guess I must bow to your superior experience.

Putting people down because you don't agree with their opinion is no way to
make friends or influence people.
When you make smart ass, condescending, comments, it just shows your lack of
Yous seem surprised that anyone would dare respond in kind, that says a lot
I am beginning to think you are related to Frank.
Re: A Fool's Paradise...

On Sat, 4 Oct 2008 01:02:51 -0600, "Not Even Me"
<> wrote:

>Putting people down because you don't agree with their opinion is no way to
>make friends or influence people.
>When you make smart ass, condescending, comments, it just shows your lack of
>Yous seem surprised that anyone would dare respond in kind, that says a lot
>I am beginning to think you are related to Frank.

That's stretching it a bit, but you're spot on everywhere else.

He's used his current pseudo for about 3 weeks now, thinking it's
pissing me off.

Actually, I like it better that he's finally settled down somewhat: he
used to change nicks daily, just to keep out of everyone's killfile.

I don't think he likes himself very much. He plays the big shot IT
guy here but from what he's inadvertently said in posts elsewhere, he
doesn't make much money at it.
Re: A Fool's Paradise...

Not Even Me wrote:
> "Paul Montgumdrop" <> wrote in message
> news:O5h6NMcJJHA.5992@TK2MSFTNGP04.phx.gbl...
>> NotEvenMe wrote:
>> I have made no claims of being a legend, and I bash no O/S period or no
>> O/S of any platform, MS or not MS. I do not try to preach the soap box
>> gospel like you or Albright, by bashing. I am a fan boy of all O/S(s),
>> because they are written by human beings that put their pants on one leg
>> at a time, like I do.
>> I don't know about you are Albright as you think you have your finger on
>> the pulse of people and Information Technology around the world, which I
>> didn't ask your about your opinion in the first place. But you tossed it
>> out there like it meant something to me, and it doesn't.
>> You should not try to kill the messenger. :-P

> You seem to think anyone who makes a negative comment is wrong.

I don't care about your negative comments as long as you're not coming
up in my face about it, which is what you did right out of the gate. I
could care less as to what you thought.

> I don't try to promote another OS, I simply point out what I feel are the
> shortcomings of Vista.

I am not trying to promote another O/S either. I am not a salesman. My
post was only to show what the O/S was doing to protect itself. And here
you come with your off the wall as to what you think. I could care less
about what you think. It means nothing to me.

> I have used Vista since early BETA and let MS know what I thought.
> MS seems to have decided it was more important to get 'something' released
> instead of doing it 'right'.

So? Many software solutions are done that way. The factors that are
unknown to anyone like you or me can influence the early release of a
product. No one twisted you arm to do anything to use the product.

> I may not have my finger on the pulse of worldwide IT, but I do know a lot
> of people in IT who think the same of Vista as I do.

Like I said, opinions are a dime a dozen and everyone has an opinion. I
don't let the opinions of others influence me too much and basically I
do my own thing to make a determination as to what I like or do not
like. I like Vista, and I have no problems with it. But I guess it is
based on who is sitting behind the wheel and is doing the driving.

> They work for companies as small as 10 employees to over 100,000 employees.
> If several of the largest companies in the world plan to skip Vista, that
> tells me a lot.

Well, the factors of protection that are in Vista are going to be in
subsequent releases of the Windows NT based O/S(s). This is just the
opening salvos.

And I don't let others make a decision for me or influence me, as to
what they think. I don't run with the pack. I am not a herder.

> I have only been using computers since 1969, I haven't seen as many changes
> as you have...I guess I must bow to your superior experience.

I started in IT in 1971. But why go there?
> Putting people down because you don't agree with their opinion is no way to
> make friends or influence people.

If I need to make friends in a NG and influence people in a NG, then
there is something wrong with the picture.

> When you make smart ass, condescending, comments, it just shows your lack of
> character.

Like I am suppose to like the suspender thing comment you made? You got
out of line at that point with that smart ass comment.

Up until that point, everything was cool with the exchange between you
and me.

> Yous seem surprised that anyone would dare respond in kind, that says a lot
> also.

Who cares, because I certainly don't care?

> I am beginning to think you are related to Frank.

You come up into my face and get out of line like you did and Ringmaster
Albright has done in the past, then why should I respect you. It's not
going to happen.
Re: A Fool's Paradise...

Paul Montgomery wrote:
> On Sat, 4 Oct 2008 01:02:51 -0600, "Not Even Me"
> <> wrote:
>> Putting people down because you don't agree with their opinion is no way to
>> make friends or influence people.
>> When you make smart ass, condescending, comments, it just shows your lack of
>> character.
>> Yous seem surprised that anyone would dare respond in kind, that says a lot
>> also.
>> I am beginning to think you are related to Frank.

> That's stretching it a bit, but you're spot on everywhere else.
> He's used his current pseudo for about 3 weeks now, thinking it's
> pissing me off.

Do you think that you are that important? You stalked me. And you stop
stalking once I used a variation of your name. It stopped you dead in
your tracks, and it is a sign of disrespect.

> Actually, I like it better that he's finally settled down somewhat: he
> used to change nicks daily, just to keep out of everyone's killfile.

No stupid, the changing of the nyms has a theme, and if that nym theme
came through killfiles, then so be it.

However, I did change nyms to let you know that you're little BS KF
meant nothing, just like you tossed your little BS comments you made to
someone else here recently, which I am sure the person can come around
it if he or she wanted to do so.
> I don't think he likes himself very much. He plays the big shot IT
> guy here but from what he's inadvertently said in posts elsewhere, he
> doesn't make much money at it.

You keep on thinking that as I continue to be a .Net business solutions
Re: A Fool's Paradise...

"Paul Montgumdrop" <> wrote in message
> You come up into my face and get out of line like you did and Ringmaster
> Albright has done in the past, then why should I respect you. It's not
> going to happen.

I only respond that way when someone else has already started with attitude.
I don't give a rats ass what anyone else thinks, but when anyone comes off
with the 'holier than thou' crap, I respond in kind.
If you need all the half baked security in Vista, great.
All it does for me is to grate on my nerves.
To have the default security settings locked down and only allow changes by
an admin is fine.
Done right, security is great, but for an software supplier to decide that
an admin is not really an admin and lock things down like MS has tried to do
is NOT acceptable to me.
What other OS treats an admin like that?
I want to set things up MY WAY and if I get whacked by some website, so be
To force several extra steps for every setting change, and to have to login
as a Super Secret Hidden Admin to do so is bologna.
It's not up to the software maker to protect me from myself.
I don't like the way they put Vista together. If you do, I'm glad for you.
Re: A Fool's Paradise...

Not Even Me wrote:
> "Paul Montgumdrop" <> wrote in message
> news:OU$X0pfJJHA.1304@TK2MSFTNGP02.phx.gbl...
>> You come up into my face and get out of line like you did and Ringmaster
>> Albright has done in the past, then why should I respect you. It's not
>> going to happen.

> I only respond that way when someone else has already started with attitude.
> I don't give a rats ass what anyone else thinks, but when anyone comes off
> with the 'holier than thou' crap, I respond in kind.

And that's not what you did with your suspender BS and your thoughts on
things. Who anointed you anything of importance to me?

> If you need all the half baked security in Vista, great.

There you go again. Who cares as to what you think?

> All it does for me is to grate on my nerves.

I don't care if that's what it does for you.

> To have the default security settings locked down and only allow changes by
> an admin is fine.

What is your point here? You have that with the hidden built-in
Administrator account that is an account with full admin rights.

You just don't have full rights as a user/admin with the default
user/admin out of the box account on Vista or any subsequent user/admin
account that are created on Vista, as they do not inherit full admin
rights from the built-in Administrator account, like it does on XP.

> Done right, security is great, but for an software supplier to decide that
> an admin is not really an admin and lock things down like MS has tried to do
> is NOT acceptable to me.

I am sorry, because, I guess you just flat-out don't know what you're
doing when it really comes down to it.

> What other OS treats an admin like that?

It doesn't treat the hidden built-in Administrator user account like that.

> I want to set things up MY WAY and if I get whacked by some website, so be
> it.
> To force several extra steps for every setting change, and to have to login
> as a Super Secret Hidden Admin to do so is bologna.

Well, there is nothing you can do about it, right? Other than not use
the product. It's as simple as that.

> It's not up to the software maker to protect me from myself.
> I don't like the way they put Vista together. If you do, I'm glad for you.

So be it. Now will you please STOP, because I don't care what you think.

And I am not trying to get out of line here either. It's just the way it
is, as I don't care.
Re: A Fool's Paradise...

On Sat, 04 Oct 2008 04:32:03 -0400, Paul Montgumdrop
<> wrote:

>> He's used his current pseudo for about 3 weeks now, thinking it's
>> pissing me off.

>Do you think that you are that important? You stalked me. And you stop
>stalking once I used a variation of your name. It stopped you dead in
>your tracks, and it is a sign of disrespect.

Actually, you stopped using 3 new nicks a day right after I posted
your latest list in the Linux group - where you are the most abusive -
and said that I'd track you and post the new ones as they became

You think I've stopped tracking you? Think again, bozo. You made
threats about how you were going to make my online life miserable, and
then you started the stalking... It's payback time and that's not
about to change soon.

I track you from here to the 24hoursupport.helpdesk and all points in

>> I don't think he likes himself very much. He plays the big shot IT
>> guy here but from what he's inadvertently said in posts elsewhere, he
>> doesn't make much money at it.

>You keep on thinking that as I continue to be a .Net business solutions

Who still uses a dialup account and who has to rush to the bank on
payday to cover a check written at the gas station 3 days earlier.
Re: A Fool's Paradise...

Paul Montgomery wrote:
> On Sat, 04 Oct 2008 04:32:03 -0400, Paul Montgumdrop


<PLANK> that's a soft logical <PLONK>. It's not a hard <PLONK> as I have
to keep an eye on all *clowns*, like you.

I am not going to let your a$$ get started. None of the crap from you
was read.

Montgumdrop, go on now and sit back down in your wheelchair and sip a
Re: A Fool's Paradise...

On Sat, 04 Oct 2008 06:18:07 -0400, Paul Montgumdrop
<> wrote:

>Paul Montgomery wrote:
>> On Sat, 04 Oct 2008 04:32:03 -0400, Paul Montgumdrop

><PLANK> that's a soft logical <PLONK>. It's not a hard <PLONK> as I have
>to keep an eye on all *clowns*, like you.
>I am not going to let your a$$ get started. None of the crap from you
>was read.
>Montgumdrop, go on now and sit back down in your wheelchair and sip a

You're too paranoid NOT to read anything in reply to you - OR from
someone who's bent your nose in the past. It's part of that fear of
someone getting "in your face" that you always allude to. It's part
of your sickness.

You're there.

You're reading.

You always will be.

Know that I'm looking over your shoulder all the time while you do.
Re: A Fool's Paradise...

"Paul Montgumdrop" wrote:

> Not Even Me wrote:
> > "Paul Montgumdrop" <> wrote in message
> > news:OU$X0pfJJHA.1304@TK2MSFTNGP02.phx.gbl...
> >> You come up into my face and get out of line like you did and Ringmaster
> >> Albright has done in the past, then why should I respect you. It's not
> >> going to happen.

> >
> > I only respond that way when someone else has already started with attitude.
> > I don't give a rats ass what anyone else thinks, but when anyone comes off
> > with the 'holier than thou' crap, I respond in kind.

> And that's not what you did with your suspender BS and your thoughts on
> things. Who anointed you anything of importance to me?
> > If you need all the half baked security in Vista, great.

> There you go again. Who cares as to what you think?
> > All it does for me is to grate on my nerves.

> I don't care if that's what it does for you.
> > To have the default security settings locked down and only allow changes by
> > an admin is fine.

> What is your point here? You have that with the hidden built-in
> Administrator account that is an account with full admin rights.
> You just don't have full rights as a user/admin with the default
> user/admin out of the box account on Vista or any subsequent user/admin
> account that are created on Vista, as they do not inherit full admin
> rights from the built-in Administrator account, like it does on XP.
> > Done right, security is great, but for an software supplier to decide that
> > an admin is not really an admin and lock things down like MS has tried to do
> > is NOT acceptable to me.

> I am sorry, because, I guess you just flat-out don't know what you're
> doing when it really comes down to it.
> > What other OS treats an admin like that?

> It doesn't treat the hidden built-in Administrator user account like that.
> > I want to set things up MY WAY and if I get whacked by some website, so be
> > it.
> > To force several extra steps for every setting change, and to have to login
> > as a Super Secret Hidden Admin to do so is bologna.

> Well, there is nothing you can do about it, right? Other than not use
> the product. It's as simple as that.
> > It's not up to the software maker to protect me from myself.
> > I don't like the way they put Vista together. If you do, I'm glad for you.
> >

> So be it. Now will you please STOP, because I don't care what you think.
> And I am not trying to get out of line here either. It's just the way it
> is, as I don't care.

You all could have tried few distros of Linux(Ubuntu 8.04, Linux
mint,Kubuntu or Xubuntu) instead of wasting your time like this. Come on,do
your selve a favour and try them. Future is Linux(I am a fortune teller BTW).
Re: A Fool's Paradise...

brummyfan wrote:
> "Paul Montgumdrop" wrote:
>> Not Even Me wrote:
>>> "Paul Montgumdrop" <> wrote in message
>>> news:OU$X0pfJJHA.1304@TK2MSFTNGP02.phx.gbl...
>>>> You come up into my face and get out of line like you did and Ringmaster
>>>> Albright has done in the past, then why should I respect you. It's not
>>>> going to happen.
>>> I only respond that way when someone else has already started with attitude.
>>> I don't give a rats ass what anyone else thinks, but when anyone comes off
>>> with the 'holier than thou' crap, I respond in kind.

>> And that's not what you did with your suspender BS and your thoughts on
>> things. Who anointed you anything of importance to me?
>>> If you need all the half baked security in Vista, great.

>> There you go again. Who cares as to what you think?
>>> All it does for me is to grate on my nerves.

>> I don't care if that's what it does for you.
>>> To have the default security settings locked down and only allow changes by
>>> an admin is fine.

>> What is your point here? You have that with the hidden built-in
>> Administrator account that is an account with full admin rights.
>> You just don't have full rights as a user/admin with the default
>> user/admin out of the box account on Vista or any subsequent user/admin
>> account that are created on Vista, as they do not inherit full admin
>> rights from the built-in Administrator account, like it does on XP.
>>> Done right, security is great, but for an software supplier to decide that
>>> an admin is not really an admin and lock things down like MS has tried to do
>>> is NOT acceptable to me.

>> I am sorry, because, I guess you just flat-out don't know what you're
>> doing when it really comes down to it.
>>> What other OS treats an admin like that?

>> It doesn't treat the hidden built-in Administrator user account like that.
>>> I want to set things up MY WAY and if I get whacked by some website, so be
>>> it.
>>> To force several extra steps for every setting change, and to have to login
>>> as a Super Secret Hidden Admin to do so is bologna.

>> Well, there is nothing you can do about it, right? Other than not use
>> the product. It's as simple as that.
>>> It's not up to the software maker to protect me from myself.
>>> I don't like the way they put Vista together. If you do, I'm glad for you.

>> So be it. Now will you please STOP, because I don't care what you think.
>> And I am not trying to get out of line here either. It's just the way it
>> is, as I don't care.

> You all could have tried few distros of Linux(Ubuntu 8.04, Linux
> mint,Kubuntu or Xubuntu) instead of wasting your time like this. Come on,do
> your selve a favour and try them. Future is Linux(I am a fortune teller BTW).

I have already tried, used, and I got Suse Linux. Why don't you STOP
trying to beat the horse crap into the ground at the stables over
Linux, as I don't care as to what you think, either. Linux is just
another O/S I have used along the way, big deal.