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Re: Problem with Win98.....

THAT'S IT!!!!!  The first one.  But if I want to get the general slew of

news groups, I would take out the last half??  I want to get her to the

98 ones.

IOW, I need the link for the Microsoft News Group Server or some such,

so that she can access all gazillion of them.

KISSIES!!    Heather

"George Gee" <> wrote in message


> Heather


> I'm not really sure what you're asking for but...

> This is the link for a newbie to set up Microsoft newsgroups in

> Outlook Express with just one click:

> news://


> Or maybe it's this:



> If these aren't what you mean, please explain!!!


> George Gee



> "Heather" <figgyd@nospam.invalid> wrote in message 

> news:eOSGfR8KJHA.728@TK2MSFTNGP03.phx.gbl...

>> Hi All.....the following message was posted to me on a non MS news 

>> group. I wondered  if any of you could help because I absolutely 

>> cannot remember how to access the MS news groups in toto.....or as a 

>> newbie......the link one clicks on to get to the MS news groups.


>> Any thoughts??  Or a link??  I guess I could post it to one of the 98 

>> groups.


>> Tks.....Heather

>> ---------------------------------


>> Heather,

>> I've got a problem.  Started a week or so again.

>> Win 98

>> On boot, error messages,

>> Occurred in this sequence.


>> Missing or corrupted display.sys  c:\windows\command


>> Missing or corrupted system.dat  c:\windows\command


>> they each happened several times, but I managed to get it to boot by 

>> turning

>> off, then back on, each time.


>> This a.m.

>> Missing or corrupted config.sys  c:\windows\command

>> Edit line 1 and 2


>> I have 3 config.sys files in various locations.

>> The most recent is dated 2005 inc:\windows\command

>> There's only 2 lines in them.

>> I don't know what to edit???


>> My gut says that area of the hard drive is corrupted, but not sure.

>> If I rename the file, then make a copy with correct name, will the 

>> new one

>> go back to the corrupted area?


>> or somewhere else I should be looking at config.sys?

>> J



