The title pretty much says it all. This system is a fresh build of a Compaq
V2000 from the system disks. The first thing I did was run windows update a
few times, now windows update fails with two security updates for IE7 still
needing to be applied. Also 5 hardware updates are still waiting, and they
fail too, as well as root certificates updates.
They all fail without explanation, and in fact there is no entry made in the
windows update history that saying that they occured.
Does anyone have any idea of how I can get windows update to start working
V2000 from the system disks. The first thing I did was run windows update a
few times, now windows update fails with two security updates for IE7 still
needing to be applied. Also 5 hardware updates are still waiting, and they
fail too, as well as root certificates updates.
They all fail without explanation, and in fact there is no entry made in the
windows update history that saying that they occured.
Does anyone have any idea of how I can get windows update to start working