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Re: MSN blocks Trillian

VanguardLH <V@nguard.LH> wrote in


> So did you actually have a question or did you just come here to rant

> about Trillian's inability to keep up with protocol changes at a free

> service that they don't provide?

> Go whine to Trillian.  Then wait until whenever they get around to

> supporting the changes to the WLMessenger service.  No service has to

> do anything regarding some 3rd party that wants to utilize their

> service. Microsoft is under no obligation to make their protocol

> conform to the old one coded into Trillian, nor does Microsoft need to

> care about the screenscraping WebMail add-on to Thunderbird, nor does

> Microsoft need to concern themself with any non-Microsoft product

> accessing Microsoft services.  If you want Trillian fixed then go

> complain to Trillian. 

This isn't a Trillian issue, it's an MS issue. Trillian didn't change

anything, MS made the change.  MS went out of thier way to block the

service.  This is stupid, if MS thinks their going to force people to

use instant messenger their whacked. Trillian can't fix this.  Is this

rant?  Duh.
