Re: Unwanted PATH addition wrote:
>>Are you sure that you have no leftover startup script or batch file from the old program causing this?
> I cannot find any leftover...
>>Make sure that the path variable is not in the Autoexec.bat file
> There is no such file. I did an extensive search. I'm using XP.
> I see only an AUTOEXEC.NT_ under C:\I386 which should not do anything.
Autoexec.NT would be in the %systemroot%\system32 folder. The file is
only read and parsed when you start 16-bit applications, if you aren't
starting 16-bit applications the file is not read or parsed.
The Autoexec.bat file would be in the root folder. The Autoexec.bat
file is there for compatibility purposes with MS-DOS applications, this
file is not used to run MS-DOS programs, the Autoexec.NT file is used.
However, the Autoexec.bat file is read parsed when a user logs on and
the Path variables are appended to the NT Path variable. This behaviour
can be changed by way of a registry edit:
INFO: Configuring Parsing of the AUTOEXEC.BAT File
Maybe try Sysinternals' Autoruns program to see if you missed anything,
you can get the utility from the Microsoft site.