Re: virus removed desktop options - 2nd post
Hi, RR.
You will have a much better chance of getting a useful response to your
question if you will post it in a different newsgroup. This one is
dedicated to discussion of 64-bit operating systems, such as Windows XP x64
and Vista x64. You probably are looking for a newsgroup with "virus" in its
name, such as microsoft.public.server.virus
Wherever you post, please give some basic details about your computer, such
as operating system (WinXP Pro SP3? Vista Ultimate X64 SP1? Apple Mac?) -
and choose a newsgroup appropriate for THAT system. Even a security expert
will have trouble trying to help you without such information.
R. C. White, CPA
San Marcos, TX
Microsoft Windows MVP
(Running Windows Live Mail 2008 in Vista Ultimate x64 SP1)
"RR" <> wrote in message
> a virus has removed my desktop and screen saver tabs in display
> properties. how can I get them back?