Re: Hidden files
Buffalo wrote:
| PCR wrote:
|> Dennis wrote:
|>> After running defrag or scandisk my pc listed 317 hidden files
|>> containing about 3.5 gig. How can I find these files so I know
|>> what they are? My hard drive has never been more than about 30%
|>> used and now is showing about 75% used.
|> Like the others said, 317 seems excessive for hidden files, unless
|> you have some 3rd-party app that is producing them. If you know of
|> no app, then best update & run a virus checker as Phillipson &
|> Buffalo have suggested.
|> But where are you seeing this list? I don't believe ScanDisk or even
|> Defrag actually lists them. Defrag will show them as "unmoveable" red
|> squares. And Defrag will only do that for files that are both hidden
|> & system-- not just one of those attributes. Maybe show us a partial
|> list as Richards suggested.
| Wow, Richard's answer doesnt' show up to me at all.
| BTW, good question about where the list appears.
Thanks. Richards said to run a DOS DIR. Here is mine for just hidden
C:\>dir c: /s /ah
Total files listed:
102 file(s) 31,208,675 bytes
33 dir(s) 6,638.43 MB free
And here is mine for hidden and system...
C:\>dir c: /s /ahs
Total files listed:
9 file(s) 509,151 bytes
4 dir(s) 6,638.43 MB free
He might be running some 3rd-party app for that, like maybe PCMag's
Crackup. Here is my latest output of that. What it reports as
"unmoveable" are files that are both Hidden & System (not just one).
Note CrackUp is giving a better count than the DOS command, because the
command won't count hidden files that are in a hidden folder (unless
that folder is the current folder)...
CRACKUP Report: Windows 95(b)
Generated Sunday, October 19, 2008 18:17:14
Drive C

Last scan: Sunday, October 19, 2008 18:16:40
10680 Moveable files
792 Directories
17 Unmoveable files
49 Zero-length files
3 Unmovable fragmented files
14 Unmovable unfragmented files
215 Moveable fragmented files and directories
11257 Moveable unfragmented files and directories
1442 Moveable extra fragments (MEF)
18 Unmovable extra fragments (UEF)
442 Bounded free fragments (BFF)
2 Unbounded free fragments (UFF)
2042868 Total clusters (TC)
64985 Unmovable clusters (UC)
19311 Moveable fragmented allocated clusters
259132 Moveable unfragmented allocated clusters
82331 Bounded free clusters
1617108 Unbounded free clusters (UFC)
*** Fragmentation (moveable files only): 0.5%
*** Fragmentation (all files): 0.4%
Thanks or Good Luck,
There may be humor in this post, and,
Naturally, you will not sue,
Should things get worse after this,