My window XP failed to boot and the black screen with the choises came up:
window will start normaly in 30 sec or you can start safe mode, command, last
good running window etc. Doesn't matter which key I am hitting the next widow
will be the list of Partition)1) drivers 32 ...etc. window will start for a
sec one beep and than again the choises. Safe mode wont start. Same thing if
recovery CD is in.
When I hit F10 key it gave me 2 choise: 1. normal 2. check hard drive
I chech hard drive and that comes up the error: unmountable _boot_volume.
Tech info: STOP: 0x000000ED(0x8A054030) 0x0000006, 0x00000000, 0x00000000.
I lokked it up at support but all ask for the recovery CD and after hitting
Alt and D key to get to the command to type in Chkdsk C\r: but the computer
will not go there and I cant type anything in because the comman promt never
come up.
What is your suggestion? I ma not a tecknitian please explain in plain
English. I have some very important file on the drive but if I can't save
that I would like to reinstall the window but how if it is not starting the
recovery cd?
window will start normaly in 30 sec or you can start safe mode, command, last
good running window etc. Doesn't matter which key I am hitting the next widow
will be the list of Partition)1) drivers 32 ...etc. window will start for a
sec one beep and than again the choises. Safe mode wont start. Same thing if
recovery CD is in.
When I hit F10 key it gave me 2 choise: 1. normal 2. check hard drive
I chech hard drive and that comes up the error: unmountable _boot_volume.
Tech info: STOP: 0x000000ED(0x8A054030) 0x0000006, 0x00000000, 0x00000000.
I lokked it up at support but all ask for the recovery CD and after hitting
Alt and D key to get to the command to type in Chkdsk C\r: but the computer
will not go there and I cant type anything in because the comman promt never
come up.
What is your suggestion? I ma not a tecknitian please explain in plain
English. I have some very important file on the drive but if I can't save
that I would like to reinstall the window but how if it is not starting the
recovery cd?