Re: I use windows 98 and linux
On Mon, 20 Oct 2008 17:10:41 -0500, "philo" <> wrote:
>"Shadow" <sh@dow> wrote in message
>> And my > 5 year old 120 Gb HD is failing, so I bought one of
>> those nice fast Seagate sata2 320Gb barracuda.
>> Should I re-frase the subject line to:
>> "I use linux" ?
>> Or is there some hope ? I remember when I used windows 95 2Gb
>> was a big problem, but I solved that with a bios and fdisk update.
>> TIA
>Yeah, those were the days.
>The first PC I ever owned was a P-1 75mhz that my girlfriend purchased in
>By the end up 1999 she got a new one and gave me the old one.
>It came with win95...and 850 meg HD
>and 8 whopping megs of RAM
Spoilt brat. Mine was a 486-66 with 4 single 1 Mb sticks.
320Mb hard drive. Which still works. 1200 modem. Imb trident
card. And a REAL soundblaster card !!!
Was hard as hell to play doom with video AND sound, but after
a week of juggling memory (with memmaker - then fine tuning by hand) I
finally managed.
Let me see :
ANSI SYS 9.085 31/05/94 6:22 ansi.sys
APPEND EXE 10.838 31/05/94 6:22 append.exe
ATTRIB EXE 11.274 31/05/94 6:22 attrib.exe
AUTOEXEC BAT 1.349 12/03/99 13:28 autoexec.bat
AUTOEXEC UMB 922 13/05/99 16:58 autoexec.umb
CHKDSK EXE 12.441 31/05/94 6:22 chkdsk.exe
CHKSTATE SYS 42.032 31/05/94 6:22 chkstate.sys
CHOICE COM 1.851 31/05/94 6:22
COMMAND COM 56.670 31/05/94 6:22
CONFIG EXE 75.443 31/05/94 6:22 config.exe
CONFIG SYS 453 12/03/99 13:28 config.sys
CONFIG UMB 283 13/05/99 16:25 config.umb
COUNTRY SYS 26.949 31/05/94 6:22 country.sys
DBLWIN HLP 8.661 31/05/94 6:22 dblwin.hlp
DEBUG EXE 16.025 31/05/94 6:22 debug.exe
DEFRAG EXE 79.321 31/05/94 6:22 defrag.exe
DEFRAG HLP 9.588 31/05/94 6:22 defrag.hlp
DELTREE EXE 11.167 31/05/94 6:22 deltree.exe
DIBAPI DLL 26.896 12/10/94 17:45 dibapi.dll
DIR TXT 0 20/10/08 21:25 dir.txt
DISKCOMP COM 10.892 31/05/94 6:22
DISKCOPY COM 13.575 31/05/94 6:22
DISPLAY SYS 15.860 31/05/94 6:22 display.sys
Ah yes. I have very few HD crashes. I never bothered to delete
DOS when I installed win95, I just moved it to another partition.
