Re: setup for Visual Studio 2008 Pro Ed. on 64-bit computer
I do not particularly like the use of 'Emit' either- the term for what the
Compiler is doing should be 'Generate' I believe.
However, with the number of Windows Language versions in use around the
world and the spread of locations from which NG users respond from, perhaps
we should allow for people making inspired translations as they write.
'Emit', as used here, is still far better than the avarage use of language
in those Far Eastern electronics equipment manuals that we've been
accustomed to recieving along with our boxes!
Tony. . .
"Bobby Johnson" <> wrote in message
I think 'emit' may not be the best choice:
One entry found.
Main Entry: emit Listen to the pronunciation of emit

Pronunciation: \e--?mit\
Function: /transitive verb/
Inflected Form(s): emit·ted; emit·ting
Etymology: Latin /emittere/ to send out, from /e-/ + /mittere/ to send
Date: 1598
1 a*:* to throw or give off or out (as light or heat) b*:* to send out
*:* eject <>2 a*:* to issue with
authority ; /especially/ *:* to put (as money) into circulation
b/obsolete/ *:* publish <>3*:* to
give utterance or voice to </emitted/ a groan>
--- emit·ter /noun
My experience is that compilers produce executable code. Light bulbs
emit light. Uranium emits radiations.
Timothy Daniels wrote:
> See "64-bit Development" on this webpage, and look at the
> Visual Studio 2008 Professional Edition column:
> .
> "Emit code" is what the VS compiler does. It clearly states that
> VS must run on a 64-bit computer with the 64-bit versions of the
> .NET Frameworks installed, but it doesn't mention any settings
> that must be made (if any) to cause it to produce code for 64-bit
> apps.
> *TimDaniels*
> "Bobby Johnson" wrote:
>> Please provide a link about 'emitting 64-bit code' because this
>> sounds rather strange.
>> Timothy Daniels wrote:
>>> On-line lists of features for VS 2008 list the capability of
>>> emitting code for 64-bit computing if VS is installed on a
>>> 64-bit computer. Does anyone know if such installation
>>> is sufficient to cause VS to emit 64-bit code, or is there
>>> additional parameters that must be set during installation
>>> or at development time to cause VS to emit 64-bit code?
>>> *TimDaniels*
>I think 'emit' may not be the best choice:
> emit
> One entry found.
> Main Entry: emit
> Pronunciation: \e-'mit\
> Function: transitive verb
> Inflected Form(s): emit·ted; emit·ting
> Etymology: Latin emittere to send out, from e- + mittere to send
> Date: 1598
> 1 a: to throw or give off or out (as light or heat) b: to send out :
> eject2 a: to issue with authority ; especially : to put (as money) into
> circulation bobsolete : publish3: to give utterance or voice to <emitted a
> groan>
> - emit·ter noun
> My experience is that compilers produce executable code. Light bulbs emit
> light. Uranium emits radiations.
> Timothy Daniels wrote:
> See "64-bit Development" on this webpage, and look at the
> Visual Studio 2008 Professional Edition column:
> .
> "Emit code" is what the VS compiler does. It clearly states that
> VS must run on a 64-bit computer with the 64-bit versions of the
> .NET Frameworks installed, but it doesn't mention any settings
> that must be made (if any) to cause it to produce code for 64-bit
> apps.
> *TimDaniels*
> "Bobby Johnson" wrote:
> Please provide a link about 'emitting 64-bit code' because this
> sounds rather strange.
> Timothy Daniels wrote:
> On-line lists of features for VS 2008 list the capability of
> emitting code for 64-bit computing if VS is installed on a
> 64-bit computer. Does anyone know if such installation
> is sufficient to cause VS to emit 64-bit code, or is there
> additional parameters that must be set during installation
> or at development time to cause VS to emit 64-bit code?
> *TimDaniels*