JK in Nebraska
My SBS 2003 server crashed the other day. When I restored system state,
several key applications would not run. In order to get the system back up
and running, I ended up with a new installation then restored AD and Exchange.
One of my remaining problems is that this server also acted as a terminal
services license server. Unfortunately, all of the terminal server license
ducumentation was misplaced during a recent move and I have yet to locate
Is there a way to recover the terminal server licenses from backup without
restoring the system state?
several key applications would not run. In order to get the system back up
and running, I ended up with a new installation then restored AD and Exchange.
One of my remaining problems is that this server also acted as a terminal
services license server. Unfortunately, all of the terminal server license
ducumentation was misplaced during a recent move and I have yet to locate
Is there a way to recover the terminal server licenses from backup without
restoring the system state?