Windows 10 Shadow Copy lag issues


Sep 26, 2003
Florida U.S.A.
I am having some issues with shadow copy taking up a lot of disk time and causing lag. Lag spikes are occurring approx every 30 seconds to a minute.

In the resource monitor, under System, I currently have approximately 100+ (approx 3.5 pages) \device\hardiskvolumeshadocopy instances running. (Hard to count exactly as they keep changing.)

Total CPU usage is ~15%; Memory usage is 40%; Disk usage fluctuates between 10% and 60% (up to Total: 16 GB/sec) at idle. (I know a comp is never truly at idle, but the only active windows up right now are this Chrome window, Task manager, Resource
Monitor and the PowerShell.)

Each shadowcopy instance/file is grouped in sets of seven (where xxxxx is a group number):







harddiskvolumeshadowcopyxxxxx\System Volume Information

My Shadow Copy Storage association is

For volume: (C:)\\?\Volume{95564550-02d1-4593-afdb-8ac81a1584c2}\

Shadow Copy Storage volume: (C:)\\?\Volume{95564550-02d1-4593-afdb-8ac81a1584c2}\

Used Shadow Copy Storage space: 1.68 GB (0%)

Allocated Shadow Copy Storage space: 2.77 GB (1%)

Maximum Shadow Copy Storage space: 22.3 GB (10%)

I am running Windows 10 Pro, 64 bit. The hard drive is a SSD.

Any other data you need?

A couple of days ago, I resized to the current 10% max space and created a restore point. Originally I thought the lag was a conflict between VSS and Carbonite (it appeared that the two were in a continuous Do loop with each other). I limited
the Carbonite back-up to only running in the middle of the night and to not do a continuous back-up.

It fixed the issue for about a day.

Going back in today, the huge number of shadowcopy instances is back. In addition, the manual restore point I created a couple of days ago is gone. There are no other restore points.

Regarding the potential conflict with Carbonite: the Carbontie files that were present originally in Resource Monitor are not there today.

I would like to keep shadowcopy running but it makes some applications extremely difficult to use due to the lag.

How do I stop the constant read/write to disk? Better yet: how do I stop the frequent lag spikes?
