Windows 10 Windows 10 Pro 64-Bit VM keeps crashing


Sep 26, 2003
Florida U.S.A.
I have a user who accesses a VM via a VDI. It is a Hyper-V VM and the one created mirrors all other users VMs. Issues are only isolated to this particular user. Their where issues with it constantly crashing and receiving BSOD. A totally new VM was built
for the user - new ISO file, new version of Office - a complete fresh rebuild. On the new VM the user is still experiencing crashes - In the Event Log I don't see any obvious application crashes causing the issue. I checked the Mini Dump file using the BSOD
VIEWER and this is the info given:


Dump File : 111318-20406-01.dmp

Crash Time : 11/13/2018 4:23:07 PM


Bug Check Code : 0x000000c5

Parameter 1 : ffffe286`9bc4ef30

Parameter 2 : 00000000`00000002

Parameter 3 : 00000000`00000000

Parameter 4 : fffff803`699880c0

Caused By Driver : ntoskrnl.exe

Caused By Address : ntoskrnl.exe+1a9490

File Description : NT Kernel & System

Product Name : Microsoft? Windows? Operating System

Company : Microsoft Corporation

File Version : 10.0.17134.407 (WinBuild.160101.0800)

Processor : x64

Crash Address : ntoskrnl.exe+1a9490

Stack Address 1 :

Stack Address 2 :

Stack Address 3 :

Computer Name :

Full Path : C:\Windows\Minidump\111318-20406-01.dmp

Processors Count : 6

Major Version : 15

Minor Version : 17134

Dump File Size : 660,948

Dump File Time : 11/13/2018 4:24:12 PM


Steps taken:

1. Verified no obvious issues with Device Drivers in Device Manager/Ran driver verifier utility built into Windows 10 and found no errors. However the dmp file indicates DRIVER_CORRUPTED_EXPOOL

2. Ran MS Updates

3. Ran all built in Windows 10 troubleshooting diagnostics for Hardware and Devices, Windows Updates, Drivers

4. Reviewed the event log for any specific applications that may have caused the crash but unable to locate anything obvious.

5. Ran a chkdsk - no issues

Many of the forum posts I have read point to a faulty memory issue or CPU overclocking. With this being a VM is it possible for RAM to be faulty? If their are faulty ram sticks that are used by the pool of VMs currently setup wouldn't all machines be affected?
Not sure how to troubleshoot potential RAM or overclocking issues with a VM as opposed to a thick client.

I have disabled the Virtual Adapter: Hardware Acceleration as other VMs have that disabled in the environment.

Any insight would be appreciated.
