Published methods exist for adding an “Open with Notepad” command to the Windows right-click Context Menu for All Files
However, when browsing the content of a compressed file (for example, a *.zip file), a different right-click Context Menu is generated in Windows 8.1 that contains fewer options, and does not refer to any customised key added at
HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\*\shell\Open with Notepad\command
There are numerous other extensions and file-types listed directly under HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\, including ".zip" and "CompressedFolder", but adding relevant values under shell\Open with Notepad\command subkeys within those keys doesn't seem to affect the Context Menu when browsing inside the archived files (they only seem to have an effect when clicking on the zip file itself, not its contents).
Is there another place or method for adding the relevant custom commands to the registry?
P.S. A related request, to "Edit executable file, instead of run, in Compressed Folder Tools", was made by Jeff Dege on 01 March 2016 at https://superuser.com/questions/1047330/edit-executable-file-instead-of-run-in-compressed-folder-tools , but there were no solutions provided that addressed the user's problem.
[[[Cross-posted from Microsoft Community forum.]]]
- by 'laminterious' on 07 May 2008 at http://www.instructables.com/id/How-to-Add-Open-with-Notepad-to-Right-Click/
- by Lowell Heddings on 22 November 2016 at https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/windows-vista/add-open-with-notepad-to-the-context-menu-for-all-files/
However, when browsing the content of a compressed file (for example, a *.zip file), a different right-click Context Menu is generated in Windows 8.1 that contains fewer options, and does not refer to any customised key added at
HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\*\shell\Open with Notepad\command
There are numerous other extensions and file-types listed directly under HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\, including ".zip" and "CompressedFolder", but adding relevant values under shell\Open with Notepad\command subkeys within those keys doesn't seem to affect the Context Menu when browsing inside the archived files (they only seem to have an effect when clicking on the zip file itself, not its contents).
Is there another place or method for adding the relevant custom commands to the registry?
P.S. A related request, to "Edit executable file, instead of run, in Compressed Folder Tools", was made by Jeff Dege on 01 March 2016 at https://superuser.com/questions/1047330/edit-executable-file-instead-of-run-in-compressed-folder-tools , but there were no solutions provided that addressed the user's problem.
[[[Cross-posted from Microsoft Community forum.]]]