Windows 7 Changing the Date Format in Windows 7 Using Registry Has No Effect

  • Thread starter Thread starter Rajeev Ganesan
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Rajeev Ganesan

I have piece of code in C# to change the system date and time format through registry. And the code is working fine in Win 8.1 and other OS version but not in Win 7 version. I try to do it manually into the registry by changing the below values but still the format is not reflected in the Date and Time.

Also I noticed that when I change the format manually in the Short Time in the "Region And Language" it doesnot change in the Date and Time shown in task bar , but its working fine when I change it for Long Time format manually.

Is it because of any User level permissions required or anything settings to be enabled/disabled to change these values?.

RegistryKey rkey = Registry.CurrentUser.OpenSubKey(@"Control Panel\International", true);
rkey.SetValue("sShortDate", "dd/MM/yyyy");
rkey.SetValue("sShortTime", "HH:mm");
rkey.SetValue("sTimeFormat", "HH:mm");

PFB link for screenshots.
