Windows 7 Changed C Drive Privileges accidentally, - Corrupt Recycle Bin + Possible Corrupt Profile Now too ?

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As the title states...

I accidentally changed privs across the whole C drive, because I thought I was accessing and attempting it on Program Filesx86 Only which is prob not the best idea either...

But it was in an attempt to reset things back to being more "normal"... I think.. or was trying to do in my attempt...

I have located and know how to delete the Bin...

But when I go to manually delete it, I get the message telling me that Id be deleting my desktop.ini File... Which Id prefer to try to not have to do, but realize I may have to...

So I want to fix my Bin, Try to Keep and restore the desktop.ini, - without possibly corrupting my user account...And most importantly reset and get this system's privileges back to default or nominal condition...

I do have, and was going to use subinacl.msu, and some prompts, but Im reluctant to move forward with any step until I get some advice from an expert....

I was about to do the subinacl method but wasnt sure if I should, in case I should do something with the desktop.ini situation or the Bin situation before I touched the privileges again...

I was going to move forward with things, but wanted some insight from you experts...

Even with 20+ years fixing cpus, and doing iT... theres always more to learn, and mistakes to make.. and new OS's to learn etc...So I dont think Ill ever call myself much more than an advanced user... and sometimes a risky one, ... but Ive never bricked anything,or needed to do a full OS restoration and install/re-installation and always fix everyone's probs just fine.., - except one time previous about a year ago... And this time Im just being cautious and smart for once...mainly because I know what has gone on leading up to this moment, - and where things could wind up rather fast if things are worse than they appear...

Id deeply appreciate and thank you for any assistance with the above matters

Sry this is so long too... Must be the Adderall ...

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------NO NEED TO READ BELOW HERE, because its a lengthy post, - below is not the Help required currently - Its just info of other details that lead to this moment... That Ill take care of myself over time...probably.. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

I recently located and removed what appears to have been a rootkit, and know the system is vulnerable and maybe not completely clean, and am pretty sure about having corrupt files needing replacement, and

my concern and worry has been mostly with Privs, Group policies, and UAC etc...

Ill move forward with those details once I manage to get things back to how they were this morning, which was a cpu that was working just fine, but with a few hiccups here and there, from what I think were changes somehow made to different Privs, and ability to Interact/Modify exe's etc...

Basically using a controller with different applications of games, and emulators...

Something that it appears that Windows Security Scanner or one of those tools seemed to do originally, by setting a Task in the Task scheduler to take action anytime something attempts to manipulate and alter a file's function ...

From x360ce ...

But I also have been unsure about certain Windows modules and their function, because of changed registry settings, or...corrupt files...or inability to use certain system tools... but those might have been changed by microsoft.. or from my own actions... Sometimes I do too much while lacking much needed sleep, or while in the middle of other things ec... BAD practices.. as it can make you cause some issues yourself..... But Damn Microsoft, and not knowing whats going on, and thinking it might have been a hacker,, or virus/malware... Sometimes makes things damn difficult and very annoying... Because in one's attempt to find out wtf is going on, sometimes you can and will inadvertently cause an additional problem to deal with...

But Ive been sick of microsoft for years.... generally its from Windows Updates, but thats basically what happened this time too, because I had DLed a newer release...and I honestly think I grabbed the wrong program from what I was meaning to get... because generally this system scanner has a 5-6 days Use Period... and then you cant use it ...

Youd need to re-DLed it for another 5-6 days of use...anyways, - Im pretty sure I grabbed the wrong one because they have the same name... yet maybe Im just lost and confused... had so much other things on my mind and to focus on lately besides a cpu Ive had to deal with...

I appear clean, but have doubts... Ive used 10+ different scanners, and have more to go...

All the best ones, and ones that work in different ways over the others in some way generally..

And I do know how to avoid corrupting a registry manually... which I learned the hard way once...

And know privs pretty well, but ...well something happened when this happened that Id rather keep private... and well Im in this situation..

In the past when looking for Policies, and due to paranoia over possible Hacker invasion... mostly due to the change from Microsoft... from a scan I thought I should do just to be safe, since it had been a while since I did a full virus scan and with the same tool it is supposed to check over the Windows system....

Anyways, - I was thrown for a loop, and well...

I might just be paranoid, but also am unable to check Groups and Policies etc because Im using Windows 7 Home Premium...

But ..anyways... sorry for the long story...

The main help Im asking for is as stated above...

I just thought Id fill in the details...

I seem to occasionally get put back a step ... mostly its been my own actions, while attempting to learn and investigate, and clean things up...

And have been coming out with much better results and function over multiple areas of the system and programs etc...

Ill go back a step ... then gain... and have been gaining ground more and more over the last 6 months or so, when this happened...

Ill be damned if I lose another 2 TBs,- No I dont have storage means or ability to get any currently... plus am a bit worried of transferring anything hidden into storage to infect the new system Im getting in days now probably...

Regardless, I still have need and use for this cpiu and wont do a full OS install again, just to find out I may still have the original prob still lurking about the system...possibly...

But I think Ive taken care of that, and its now about restoring the system, and files and resetting things back to normal function and use...

Thanks for your time....
