Windows 10 Windows Easy Transfer not in Windows 10 - how to transfer user profiles

  • Thread starter Thread starter FBHartmann
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I used Windows Easy Transfer a lot years back.

Any advice on a replacement?

I see there are different suggestions: Lablink, USMT (I believe this is what Easy Transfer used), Z-install fx, but it is not easy to figure out what they do?

Zinstall promises 100% migration with success but when I Google it, a lot of applications fail afterwards.
Some of the replies from them on their support forum is actually not very polite..

I have tried to figure out if Lablink or Z-install does what Easy Transfer did especially well:
Namely porting settings over from one program version to another and even one OS to another!
It always amazed me how I could just migrate a Win7 profile w. Office 2007 to a Win 8 PC w. fx. 2010, as long as I used the latest WET on both PC's.
