Windows 10 IIS / Web Server Feature is completely gone from my Windows 10 Pro 1809

  • Thread starter Thread starter Ariestya Dibyanugraha
  • Start date Start date

Ariestya Dibyanugraha


Recently I faced with very strange thing happened in my machine. I use Windows 10 Pro 1809.

I didn't know what happened, I used to run a web based application (Dynamics NAV), that requires IIS to be present. It was installed smoothly without any errors.

Yesterday, I was testing up upgrading the application. When I installed the new application, the installer popup an error that confused me until now. It appears that somehow, my internal IIS feature is completely gone from Windows 10.

That's right. I can't enable it with Turn Windows Feature On or Off from Program and Features. I can't enable it with powershell through dism.exe.

I've run dism.exe with/Cleanup-Image /RestoreHealth and sfc /scannow, they didn't make the IIS feature to comeback.

The problem is, I turned of my system restore. I welcome any ideas if there anyone has either copy/restore my IIS feature from Windows image, or anything else.

Here's the my dism /Online /Get-Features /import:table (notice any IIS-* feature is not present).

Deployment Image Servicing and Management tool
Version: 10.0.17763.1

Image Version: 10.0.17763.253

Features listing for package : Microsoft-Windows-Foundation-Package~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~~10.0.17763.1

-------------------------------------------- | --------
Feature Name | State
-------------------------------------------- | --------
Printing-PrintToPDFServices-Features | Disabled
Printing-XPSServices-Features | Disabled
SearchEngine-Client-Package | Disabled
MSRDC-Infrastructure | Disabled
TelnetClient | Disabled
TFTP | Disabled
TIFFIFilter | Disabled
WorkFolders-Client | Disabled
LegacyComponents | Disabled
DirectPlay | Disabled
Printing-Foundation-Features | Enabled
FaxServicesClientPackage | Disabled
Printing-Foundation-InternetPrinting-Client | Disabled
Printing-Foundation-LPDPrintService | Disabled
Printing-Foundation-LPRPortMonitor | Disabled
SimpleTCP | Disabled
MicrosoftWindowsPowerShellV2Root | Enabled
MicrosoftWindowsPowerShellV2 | Enabled
Windows-Identity-Foundation | Disabled
Microsoft-Windows-Subsystem-Linux | Disabled
HypervisorPlatform | Disabled
VirtualMachinePlatform | Disabled
Client-ProjFS | Disabled
NetFx4-AdvSrvs | Enabled
NetFx4Extended-ASPNET45 | Enabled
SMB1Protocol | Disabled
SMB1Protocol-Client | Disabled
SMB1Protocol-Server | Disabled
SMB1Protocol-Deprecation | Disabled
MediaPlayback | Enabled
Microsoft-Windows-NetFx3-OC-Package | Disabled
Microsoft-Windows-NetFx4-US-OC-Package | Disabled
Microsoft-Windows-Client-EmbeddedExp-Package | Disabled
Microsoft-Windows-NetFx3-WCF-OC-Package | Disabled
Microsoft-Windows-NetFx4-WCF-US-OC-Package | Disabled
Containers-DisposableClientVM | Disabled
Microsoft-Hyper-V-All | Disabled
Microsoft-Hyper-V | Disabled
Microsoft-Hyper-V-Tools-All | Disabled
Microsoft-Hyper-V-Management-PowerShell | Disabled
Microsoft-Hyper-V-Hypervisor | Disabled
Microsoft-Hyper-V-Services | Disabled
Microsoft-Hyper-V-Management-Clients | Disabled
HostGuardian | Disabled
Client-DeviceLockdown | Disabled
Client-EmbeddedShellLauncher | Disabled
Client-EmbeddedBootExp | Disabled
Client-EmbeddedLogon | Disabled
Client-KeyboardFilter | Disabled
Client-UnifiedWriteFilter | Disabled
DataCenterBridging | Disabled
DirectoryServices-ADAM-Client | Disabled
Windows-Defender-ApplicationGuard | Disabled
ServicesForNFS-ClientOnly | Disabled
ClientForNFS-Infrastructure | Disabled
NFS-Administration | Disabled
Containers | Disabled
SmbDirect | Disabled
MultiPoint-Connector | Disabled
MultiPoint-Connector-Services | Disabled
MultiPoint-Tools | Disabled
Internet-Explorer-Optional-amd64 | Enabled

The operation completed successfully.

The difference if I run dism.exe from my Windows Installer. Clearly a lot if feature is somehow gone.

Deployment Image Servicing and Management tool
Version: 10.0.17763.1

Image Version: 10.0.17763.1

Features listing for package : Microsoft-Windows-Foundation-Package~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~~10.0.17763.1

-------------------------------------------- | -----------------------------
Feature Name | State
-------------------------------------------- | -----------------------------
Printing-PrintToPDFServices-Features | Enabled
Windows-Defender-Default-Definitions | Enabled
Printing-XPSServices-Features | Enabled
SearchEngine-Client-Package | Enabled
MSRDC-Infrastructure | Enabled
TelnetClient | Disabled
TFTP | Disabled
TIFFIFilter | Disabled
WorkFolders-Client | Enabled
LegacyComponents | Disabled
DirectPlay | Disabled
Printing-Foundation-Features | Enabled
FaxServicesClientPackage | Enabled
Printing-Foundation-InternetPrinting-Client | Enabled
Printing-Foundation-LPDPrintService | Disabled
Printing-Foundation-LPRPortMonitor | Disabled
SimpleTCP | Disabled
MicrosoftWindowsPowerShellV2Root | Enabled
MicrosoftWindowsPowerShellV2 | Enabled
Windows-Identity-Foundation | Disabled
Microsoft-Windows-Subsystem-Linux | Disabled
HypervisorPlatform | Disabled
VirtualMachinePlatform | Disabled
Client-ProjFS | Disabled
NetFx4-AdvSrvs | Enabled
NetFx4Extended-ASPNET45 | Disabled
IIS-WebServerRole | Enabled
IIS-WebServer | Enabled
IIS-CommonHttpFeatures | Enabled
IIS-HttpErrors | Enable Pending
IIS-HttpRedirect | Disabled
IIS-ApplicationDevelopment | Enabled
IIS-NetFxExtensibility | Disabled
IIS-NetFxExtensibility45 | Disabled
IIS-HealthAndDiagnostics | Enabled
IIS-HttpLogging | Enable Pending
IIS-LoggingLibraries | Disabled
IIS-RequestMonitor | Disabled
IIS-HttpTracing | Disabled
IIS-Security | Enabled
IIS-URLAuthorization | Disabled
IIS-RequestFiltering | Enable Pending
IIS-IPSecurity | Disabled
IIS-Performance | Enabled
IIS-HttpCompressionDynamic | Disabled
IIS-WebServerManagementTools | Enabled
IIS-ManagementScriptingTools | Disabled
IIS-IIS6ManagementCompatibility | Disabled
IIS-Metabase | Disabled
WAS-WindowsActivationService | Disabled
WAS-ProcessModel | Disabled
WAS-NetFxEnvironment | Disabled
WAS-ConfigurationAPI | Disabled
IIS-HostableWebCore | Disabled
IIS-StaticContent | Enable Pending
IIS-DefaultDocument | Enable Pending
IIS-DirectoryBrowsing | Enable Pending
IIS-WebDAV | Disabled
IIS-WebSockets | Disabled
IIS-ApplicationInit | Disabled
IIS-ASPNET | Disabled
IIS-ASPNET45 | Disabled
IIS-ASP | Disabled
IIS-CGI | Disabled
IIS-ISAPIExtensions | Disabled
IIS-ISAPIFilter | Disabled
IIS-ServerSideIncludes | Disabled
IIS-CustomLogging | Disabled
IIS-BasicAuthentication | Disabled
IIS-HttpCompressionStatic | Enable Pending
IIS-ManagementConsole | Enable Pending
IIS-ManagementService | Disabled
IIS-WMICompatibility | Disabled
IIS-LegacyScripts | Disabled
IIS-LegacySnapIn | Disabled
IIS-FTPServer | Disabled
IIS-FTPSvc | Disabled
IIS-FTPExtensibility | Disabled
WCF-Services45 | Enabled
WCF-HTTP-Activation45 | Disabled
WCF-TCP-Activation45 | Disabled
WCF-Pipe-Activation45 | Disabled
WCF-MSMQ-Activation45 | Disabled
WCF-TCP-PortSharing45 | Enabled
MSMQ-Container | Disabled
MSMQ-Server | Disabled
MSMQ-Triggers | Disabled
MSMQ-ADIntegration | Disabled
MSMQ-HTTP | Disabled
MSMQ-Multicast | Disabled
MSMQ-DCOMProxy | Disabled
WCF-HTTP-Activation | Disabled
WCF-NonHTTP-Activation | Disabled
IIS-CertProvider | Disabled
IIS-WindowsAuthentication | Disabled
IIS-DigestAuthentication | Disabled
IIS-ClientCertificateMappingAuthentication | Disabled
IIS-IISCertificateMappingAuthentication | Disabled
IIS-ODBCLogging | Disabled
NetFx3 | Disabled with Payload Removed
SMB1Protocol | Disabled
SMB1Protocol-Client | Disabled
SMB1Protocol-Server | Disabled
SMB1Protocol-Deprecation | Disabled
MediaPlayback | Enabled
WindowsMediaPlayer | Enabled
Microsoft-Windows-NetFx3-OC-Package | Enabled
Microsoft-Windows-NetFx4-US-OC-Package | Enabled
Microsoft-Windows-Client-EmbeddedExp-Package | Enabled
Microsoft-Windows-NetFx3-WCF-OC-Package | Enabled
Microsoft-Windows-NetFx4-WCF-US-OC-Package | Enabled
Containers-DisposableClientVM | Disabled
Microsoft-Hyper-V-All | Disabled
Microsoft-Hyper-V | Disabled
Microsoft-Hyper-V-Tools-All | Disabled
Microsoft-Hyper-V-Management-PowerShell | Disabled
Microsoft-Hyper-V-Hypervisor | Disabled
Microsoft-Hyper-V-Services | Disabled
Microsoft-Hyper-V-Management-Clients | Disabled
HostGuardian | Disabled
Client-DeviceLockdown | Disabled
Client-EmbeddedShellLauncher | Disabled
Client-EmbeddedBootExp | Disabled
Client-EmbeddedLogon | Disabled
Client-KeyboardFilter | Disabled
Client-UnifiedWriteFilter | Disabled
DataCenterBridging | Disabled
DirectoryServices-ADAM-Client | Disabled
Windows-Defender-ApplicationGuard | Disabled
ServicesForNFS-ClientOnly | Disabled
ClientForNFS-Infrastructure | Disabled
NFS-Administration | Disabled
Containers | Disabled
SmbDirect | Enabled
MultiPoint-Connector | Disabled
MultiPoint-Connector-Services | Disabled
MultiPoint-Tools | Disabled
Internet-Explorer-Optional-amd64 | Enabled

The operation completed successfully.

I appreciate for any kind of suggestions and helps. Thank you.
