I have never seen this entry before in the left pane this shows:
Does anyone know what this is and can it be removed??
In the right pane under name is:
¯·°±º «¦¯º
±º« ³°¸°±
¼°² ¯°«
½¾ª» ¾«º
³¾¬« µ¾©¾ »¶
ª¬º ª¬½
Under type next to each is dword and the reg_sz the data points to a folder
on my d: drive
Does anyone know what this is and can it be removed??
In the right pane under name is:
¯·°±º «¦¯º
±º« ³°¸°±
¼°² ¯°«
½¾ª» ¾«º
³¾¬« µ¾©¾ »¶
ª¬º ª¬½
Under type next to each is dword and the reg_sz the data points to a folder
on my d: drive