W. Watson
How does this work to get the download? Do I use the Continue button to get
to step 1 and download the validation program (GenuineCheck.exe) and then
execute it on the W2K machine? Apparently, it produces a validation code,
which is then entered into step 2. I'm assuming if it validates the code,
then the actual download button is revealed, correct?
Wayne Watson (Nevada City, CA)
Web Page: <speckledwithStars.net>
How does this work to get the download? Do I use the Continue button to get
to step 1 and download the validation program (GenuineCheck.exe) and then
execute it on the W2K machine? Apparently, it produces a validation code,
which is then entered into step 2. I'm assuming if it validates the code,
then the actual download button is revealed, correct?
Wayne Watson (Nevada City, CA)
Web Page: <speckledwithStars.net>