Rob L. DI
I've been searching forums all over the net and have found many answers, sadly none of which are answers to the specific questions I'm looking for.
In short: I'm looking to clean up my start menu. The System installed applications need to be moved to folders.
I've already removed everything I want from the "Pin to Start" space and managed the groups, but I'm now down to the "All items" listing. There are many non-system apps in there that I have uninstalled/moved/organized via the below methods. But I still have a large number of apps STILL there that I can't throw in a subfolder because I cannot find them.
One of the best answers I found included the following text:
There're actually 2 locations for Start menu items.
%AppData%\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs
%ProgramData%\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs
The first one contains all Start menu entries for software installed "For me only". The second one contains everything installed "For everyone".
Which was great! That got me down most of the non-system apps (Like Office), but I'm still left with system apps that I would like to toss in a folder/organize, but are in neither location.
Examples of the 'problem' system apps being: "Alarms & Clock", Calculator, Calendar, Camera, Cortana, "Get Help", "Groove Music", and Xbox.
I skip down to 'Xbox' as searching for that app specifically gave me another "option" of uninstalling these 'core' programs. I don't want to (Can't) Uninstall some of these apps. Like Calculator & Cortana, they're useful. I just want to hide their icons or at least put it in a folder to 'remove' it from the start menu listing.
So my question: Where is the third location? Where can I find Cortana? (No, I don't work for the covenant.
In short: I'm looking to clean up my start menu. The System installed applications need to be moved to folders.
I've already removed everything I want from the "Pin to Start" space and managed the groups, but I'm now down to the "All items" listing. There are many non-system apps in there that I have uninstalled/moved/organized via the below methods. But I still have a large number of apps STILL there that I can't throw in a subfolder because I cannot find them.
One of the best answers I found included the following text:
There're actually 2 locations for Start menu items.
%AppData%\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs
%ProgramData%\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs
The first one contains all Start menu entries for software installed "For me only". The second one contains everything installed "For everyone".
Which was great! That got me down most of the non-system apps (Like Office), but I'm still left with system apps that I would like to toss in a folder/organize, but are in neither location.
Examples of the 'problem' system apps being: "Alarms & Clock", Calculator, Calendar, Camera, Cortana, "Get Help", "Groove Music", and Xbox.
I skip down to 'Xbox' as searching for that app specifically gave me another "option" of uninstalling these 'core' programs. I don't want to (Can't) Uninstall some of these apps. Like Calculator & Cortana, they're useful. I just want to hide their icons or at least put it in a folder to 'remove' it from the start menu listing.
So my question: Where is the third location? Where can I find Cortana? (No, I don't work for the covenant.
