My clients love it when I enable shadow copies on their server and they can just click on a file and go to a previous version without me having to do a restore. I've no idea why Windows 10 (1803) doesn't have this feature. Sure you can enable protection but if you go to a file it shows zero previous version even if you just create a restore point, change the file, create another restore point and go to previous versions (empty). This is a known issue and you can try shadow copy explorer however that doesn't seem to always restore files correctly - often corrupt.
I realize a shadow copy is not an alternative to a backup but it should be as easy as right click a file - previous version - restore. MS has had this feature in Windows server for ages and it isn't a working option in Windows 10. MS keeps focusing on emojis and paint for windows 10 but I see zero progress on the core functionality of this OS.
I realize a shadow copy is not an alternative to a backup but it should be as easy as right click a file - previous version - restore. MS has had this feature in Windows server for ages and it isn't a working option in Windows 10. MS keeps focusing on emojis and paint for windows 10 but I see zero progress on the core functionality of this OS.