Windows 10 Windows 10 1903 - Cannot connect to SMB share

  • Thread starter Thread starter Josh Catt
  • Start date Start date

Josh Catt

I have been testing feature update 1903 for windows 10 in our environment and I am encountering an issue I cannot find a solution for.

We currently use SMB shares for drive mapping to user/department shares and in 1903 we cannot connect to the production smb shares. However, we are able to connect to every other SMB share in our environment. When I look into the Event viewer I see the following:

The server failed the negotiate request.

Error: An invalid parameter was passed to a service or function.

Server name: \coloemcnas1

The server does not support any dialect that the client is trying to negotiate, such as the client has SMB2/SMB3 disabled and the server has SMB1 disabled.

This device is using the exact same settings as our developer NAS which 1903 can connect to without issue. Also, every version of windows 10 before 1903 is able to connect to the shares without issue.

I have ensured that SMBv1 is enabled as well. Any help would be appreciated.

Here is an output of Get-SmbClientConfiguration:

PS C:\WINDOWS\system32> Get-SmbClientConfiguration

ConnectionCountPerRssNetworkInterface : 4
DirectoryCacheEntriesMax : 16
DirectoryCacheEntrySizeMax : 65536
DirectoryCacheLifetime : 10
DormantFileLimit : 1023
EnableBandwidthThrottling : True
EnableByteRangeLockingOnReadOnlyFiles : True
EnableInsecureGuestLogons : True
EnableLargeMtu : True
EnableLoadBalanceScaleOut : True
EnableMultiChannel : True
EnableSecuritySignature : True
ExtendedSessionTimeout : 1000
FileInfoCacheEntriesMax : 64
FileInfoCacheLifetime : 10
FileNotFoundCacheEntriesMax : 128
FileNotFoundCacheLifetime : 5
KeepConn : 600
MaxCmds : 50
MaximumConnectionCountPerServer : 32
OplocksDisabled : False
RequireSecuritySignature : False
SessionTimeout : 60
UseOpportunisticLocking : True
WindowSizeThreshold : 8
