Windows 10 Offer Remote Assistance Group doesn't work (non-admins) after Upgrade to Windows 10 1809

  • Thread starter Thread starter lforbes
  • Start date Start date


We have thousands of Windows 10 computer recently upgraded to 1809 from 1709.

We have an Offer Remote Assistance Local group that contains DomainName\Domain Users to give NON-Admins the ability to assist users using Advance Remote Assistance. Users who are in the Local Admin group work fine.

It worked fine in 1709 but after the upgrade to 1809 we get this error from another 1809 machine.

Error in Microsoft-Windows-RemoteAssistance/Admin
There was a problem interacting with COM object 833E4010-AFF7-4AC3-AAC2-9F24C1457BCE. An outdated version might be installed, or the component might not be installed at all.

The Firewalls are open and working fine for Local Admins doing RA. The Offer Remote Assistance group exists AND contains the DomainName\Domain users. If I run Component Services and go to RAServer Properties I can see the "Offer Remote Assistance" in the Access Permissions and the Launch and Activation Permissions for Remote Launch and Remote Activation.

We have done gpupdate /force

As of June 2019 I cannot find any KBs for Remote Assistance not working? Any ideas? Seems to be a DCOM issue.

