Hi guys,
So I am a bit new to the whole Linux environment, although I can work my way around, I am no way an expert. I am a biologist and know the commands in a general manner, but not necessarily what is going on underneath the hood for everything.
I have the Ubuntu WSL installed on my Windows 10 pro laptop.
I have been installing various things for some analyses I would want to perform in python, R, etc and have installed various environments with no issue.
However, today, something happened when I wanted to install nautilus. I typed in:
sudo at update
instead of
sudo apt update
I am using COMODO firewall, which prompted me as to how to treat the command/file. However, I noticed at that point that I had a typo and selected it to be 'contained' so as to not allow writing of anything that I wasn't sure.
I am not sure if the firewall setting worked, but now it seems my sudo command is broken.
Any time I use sudo now to install anything, it gives me the following error:
$ sudo apt-get update
sudo: unable to fork: Invalid argument
$ sudo apt install nautilus
sudo: unable to fork: Invalid argument
$ sudo apt-get install python3-matplotlib
sudo: unable to fork: Invalid argument
It seems it is a ubiquitous issue which comes up nomatter what I am trying to install. I installed some packages shortly prior to the
sudo at update
blunder, and I am convinced it may be something to do with this.
I typed in sudo-l and this is what it says:
$ sudo -l
[sudo] password for ogola:
Matching Defaults entries for ogola on Tom-HP:
env_reset, mail_badpass, secure_path=/usr/local/sbin\:/usr/local/bin\:/usr/sbin\:/usr/bin\:/sbin\:/bin\:/snap/bin
User ogola may run the following commands on Tom-HP:
I did make some changes to some files today, the ~/.bashrc file - to include setting
export DISPLAY=:0
to allow for displaying of GUIs using xming, a well as editing the sshd_config with the following changes/additions:
Change - PermitRootLogin no
Add - AllowUsers yourusername
Change - PasswordAuthentication yes
Add - UsePrivilegeSeparation no
Change - ListenAddress
Change - Port 2200
Could you please help me diagnose/fix the issue?
So I am a bit new to the whole Linux environment, although I can work my way around, I am no way an expert. I am a biologist and know the commands in a general manner, but not necessarily what is going on underneath the hood for everything.
I have the Ubuntu WSL installed on my Windows 10 pro laptop.
I have been installing various things for some analyses I would want to perform in python, R, etc and have installed various environments with no issue.
However, today, something happened when I wanted to install nautilus. I typed in:
sudo at update
instead of
sudo apt update
I am using COMODO firewall, which prompted me as to how to treat the command/file. However, I noticed at that point that I had a typo and selected it to be 'contained' so as to not allow writing of anything that I wasn't sure.
I am not sure if the firewall setting worked, but now it seems my sudo command is broken.
Any time I use sudo now to install anything, it gives me the following error:
$ sudo apt-get update
sudo: unable to fork: Invalid argument
$ sudo apt install nautilus
sudo: unable to fork: Invalid argument
$ sudo apt-get install python3-matplotlib
sudo: unable to fork: Invalid argument
It seems it is a ubiquitous issue which comes up nomatter what I am trying to install. I installed some packages shortly prior to the
sudo at update
blunder, and I am convinced it may be something to do with this.
I typed in sudo-l and this is what it says:
$ sudo -l
[sudo] password for ogola:
Matching Defaults entries for ogola on Tom-HP:
env_reset, mail_badpass, secure_path=/usr/local/sbin\:/usr/local/bin\:/usr/sbin\:/usr/bin\:/sbin\:/bin\:/snap/bin
User ogola may run the following commands on Tom-HP:
I did make some changes to some files today, the ~/.bashrc file - to include setting
export DISPLAY=:0
to allow for displaying of GUIs using xming, a well as editing the sshd_config with the following changes/additions:
Change - PermitRootLogin no
Add - AllowUsers yourusername
Change - PasswordAuthentication yes
Add - UsePrivilegeSeparation no
Change - ListenAddress
Change - Port 2200
Could you please help me diagnose/fix the issue?