Re: Is WinPcap really a trojan?
Malke <notreally@invalid.invalid> wrote in news:#RXFxNz4HHA.3684
> ian wrote:
>> In message <>, Straight Talk
>> <> writes
>>> Try checking it against
>> Is this site for real? I've never come across it before.
> Virus Total is a well-known site that has been used by techs for years.
> Yes, it is for real and yes, sending the file to Virus Total for
> identification is a good idea.
> Malke
Of course, it could be this:
The user might not want to kill it if they use various programs that make
use of it. Wireless packet sniffing utils and such.
This is a completely offtopic section of my post, so you can quit reading
now if you don't want to read someone beg/ask for samples.
BugHunter is in need of fresh samples. Suspected malware is welcome at my
email address. Please zip encrypt with a password and rename it to .dat,
I'd be very happy with any samples any of you are willing to send me.
I can promise the samples will not be shared with anyone outside the
antimalware community.
Thanks for the shameless begging.
Dustin Cook
Author of BugHunter - MalWare Removal Tool - v2.2c