Windows 10 Storage Spaces Hanging

  • Thread starter Thread starter CiscoKid85
  • Start date Start date


Hi All,

I'm hoping someone may have some insight here or may be able to assist. For the better part of four years I've been using Storage Spaces w/ an ReFS volume (parity) of around 16TB (2 x 8TB, 2 x 6TB), without issues. Recently I had a disk failure and had to replace the drive. Rebalance worked as expected and all data was accessible. I've slowly been adding content so I'm approaching the limit of the volume. I also read about integrity streams so I went through a process of enabling that recursively. Almost immediately I noticed severe issues where the workstation would just freeze and fail to respond. I was able to back out the changes and set all integrity streams to false.. Still the instability persists. I haven't had any issues reading the data but any writes to the volume cause the workstation to stop responding for for disk activity to drop to 0%.

I'm at a loss of where to go from here or where to troubleshoot. Perhaps it's time to ditch SS entirely and migrate to a NAS. Or add the three drives as requested, expand the volume and see if the additional free space helps the situation. At this point I'm using 23.6TB out of a 25.4TB pool w/ 15.9TB provisioned on the parity virtual volume. I'm at a loss to understand why any (large - 10GB+) writes to the volume crash the system and necessitate a reboot.

Does anyone have any insight on this or suggestions?


