I started getting this error message Session "PerfDiag Logger" failed to start with the following error: 0xC0000035 Microsoft-Windows-Kernel-EventTracing ID 2 <Data Name="ErrorCode">3221225525</Data>
<Data Name="LoggingMode">8388736</Data>
This is basically since I tried using Windows Update Blocker 1.3 from the 8th of August.
I reverted all the task schedules back to default including the blocker tool but on Windows restart I get Session "PerfDiag Logger" failed to start with the following error: 0xC0000035. I have absolutely no idea what the hell is this! I did a half an hour Windows System Restore to the date before on 7th of August but this error returned back again despite successful restore.
I then re-updated Windows updates back to all the latest updates and still bloody persists. Happens almost absolutely every single time on PC restart aside from the VSS errors that others have also reported. On some rare occasions this PerfDiag error does not appear on PC restart.
Any clues would be welcome.
<Data Name="LoggingMode">8388736</Data>
This is basically since I tried using Windows Update Blocker 1.3 from the 8th of August.
I reverted all the task schedules back to default including the blocker tool but on Windows restart I get Session "PerfDiag Logger" failed to start with the following error: 0xC0000035. I have absolutely no idea what the hell is this! I did a half an hour Windows System Restore to the date before on 7th of August but this error returned back again despite successful restore.
I then re-updated Windows updates back to all the latest updates and still bloody persists. Happens almost absolutely every single time on PC restart aside from the VSS errors that others have also reported. On some rare occasions this PerfDiag error does not appear on PC restart.
Any clues would be welcome.
