Windows 10 Storage Spaces not available in Manage Storage Spaces after clean-Reinstall

  • Thread starter Thread starter Froglips
  • Start date Start date



Asus X370a motherboard

AMD Ryzen 3600 CPU

GSkill 16 GB 3000 MHz memory x2

Crucial M2.2080 SSD

WD 2TB HDD x5 connected to SATA 2-6

LG Bluray read/write drive connected to SATA 1

Window 10 Pro v1903, all updates installed

All Asus driver updates installed

Events: This was a motherboard replacement.

Pulled old motherboard which booted off a WD 75 GB Raptor HDD. Kept everything connected to same port where possible on new board. There was no Bluray drive connected in original setup. Booted new motherboard into Windows with no issues. Storage Space drive appeared and data completely intact.

Booted off UFEI flash drive to load clean install of Windows 10 Pro v1903 onto M2 drive. Windows install went normally. Booted into Windows, loaded all remaining Windows updates and Asus drivers. Opened Windows Explorer and noted no storage space drive. Opened Storage Space Manager and noted no SS drive and no drives available to create a SS drive.

Ran get-StoragePool

Get-StoragePool does return a pool.

FriendlyName OperationalStatus HealthStatus IsPrimordial IsReadOnly Size AllocatedSize

------------ ----------------- ------------ ------------ ---------- ---- -------------
Primordial OK Healthy True False 9.21 TB 9.1 TB

Attempted to run

Get-VirtualDisk -FriendlyName Media | select * | fl

Unfortunately this returned an error in command structure. Not surprising as I have never used this command.

I assumed the FriendlyName was Primordial but that does not appear to be the case.

I have searched and read several threads looking for solutions. In the most similar one, the PC owner finally discovered

that his Storage Space drive had be set to Manual Start. Unfortunately, he did not provide the sequence to

discover that nor how to correct it.

Suggestions welcome and pursued!
