Windows 10 Do they Know they're terrible

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Is MS aware of the fact that they're terrible at everything, and they just don't care? Or should we send them a fruit basket with a card so they know that the only reason they have a customer base is that they're effectively the only game in town for a number of things, and even that would've changed if it wouldn't be a multi-year, multi-billion dollar operation to migrate the Federal and State Governments onto something that doesn't routinely light itself on fire?

I'm an IT Professional. A consultant. I'm well-versed with and use in my day-to-day operations 3 or 4 flavors of Linux, OSX, and of course Windows 10. Of the endpoint issues I end up having to resolve, 98% of them are on Windows. Of the annoying 'features' that pop up that nobody wants and you have to keep killing over and over and over and over again because they come back since Microsoft can't take a hint, 100% are on Windows.

Randomly detonated laptop? Did it run windows update last night? Oh yeah.

Can't communicate? Windows firewall. Is there a rule there to allow your traffic? yes, but that doesn't matter. Lobotomize the thing an then it'll work.

Bing search from the address bar? LMAO. First, no one in their right mind who knows how to change default search engines uses Bing for anything, ever. And I certainly don't want it web-searching what I'm trying to do on the local box. If I want I web search, I'll go to search engine from Chrome, thanks.

And I don't even want to get started on their communication protocols. Cheese, and rice, what a mess. RPC was the most poorly designed network interface in the history of the digital age. At least they finally managed to dump their NetBIOS proprietary garbage and acknowledge that most of the world would like to use standardized, non-proprietary, actually functional network services.

I'm just really having trouble coming up with something that they knocked out of the park, that works as expected. Even their own hardware running their OS blows up. My Surface Pro 4 was the worst money I've ever spent, and it only wins that category because it was more expensive than my Surface Pro 2. Both of which were plagued with power issues, random weirdness on the touch-screens, and a system log that looked like a breeding ground for little red exclamation marks.

Ah, my memories of trying to use SFC and DSIM to clean up 1803 and 1809. LOL What a train wreck.

Maybe I don't anything drastic to happen to Redmond. Just drive by with a big open truck of bananas, and let their code-monkeys chase it into traffic. Problem is that doesn't stop the board and management from making horrible decisions that have nothing to do with the cybersecurity landscape in the rest of the world.

Oh well. Stay terrible, Microsuck. You'll keep making money, and you'll keep us in jobs because your garbage solutions will continue to self-destruct. So I guess I'll focus on that as a positive.
