Every time I change the value of the following registry key to "0" and then reboot, the key gets deleted and then a few reboots later reappears with the default value of 3.
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Memory Management\PrefetchParameters\EnableSuperfetch
I've also tried running the following in the Windows PowerShell:
Disable-MMAgent -ApplicationPreLaunch
I've read many guides online suggesting to disable the SysMain service. However SysMain is required for things like memory compression and such that I find beneficial. But I'd much rather not have the SuperFetch enabled; I don't need Windows ravaging my hard drive for 2 to 3 minutes straight after boot and when I close memory hog programs, just so that commonly used applications like a web browser load 3 to 5 seconds faster.
So is there any way to get Windows to stop resetting the registry key? Am I modifying the wrong key for the latest feature update?
OS: Windows 10 Pro - 1903
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Memory Management\PrefetchParameters\EnableSuperfetch
I've also tried running the following in the Windows PowerShell:
Disable-MMAgent -ApplicationPreLaunch
I've read many guides online suggesting to disable the SysMain service. However SysMain is required for things like memory compression and such that I find beneficial. But I'd much rather not have the SuperFetch enabled; I don't need Windows ravaging my hard drive for 2 to 3 minutes straight after boot and when I close memory hog programs, just so that commonly used applications like a web browser load 3 to 5 seconds faster.
So is there any way to get Windows to stop resetting the registry key? Am I modifying the wrong key for the latest feature update?
OS: Windows 10 Pro - 1903