The o/s is now changing many saved pictures on hdd in windows 8.1

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J Post

on July 12 2015 Sharief K, Microsoft Forum Moderator Support Engineer, asked me to move this here...

csiPost asked on March 8th 2015

Funny, most of my o/s problems have many others experiencing the same,
but I seem to be alone on this one.
My latest un-google-able MS issue, not in any forum I could find & I'm on a few with all my
Windows problems...

Now Windows is changing many saved pictures on my drives, & it's not the drive
w/ W8.1 Pro 64 on it, it's a data HDD.
Some .jpgs I have saved as part of complete sets have later changed to copies of
pictures from other drives. The name stays the same but the content is of another pic,
from somewhere else on my system.
Oddly most of the impostors are dupes from a wallpaper folder on my boot SSD array.
This happens to many pics in different directories on one of my ICH RAID1 data arrays,
the one I use for pics. Some of the incorrect content seems to come from video frames
as well - this is truly weird and I have not a clue as to how to fix, or even go about
troubleshooting this latest unresolved W8 problem of which I have so many.

As the W8.1 well discussed insomnia issue continues to perplex me - only access denied,
Application, CAPI2, ID 315, errors still abound, with the other usual innocuous errors & warnings.

Anyone have any ideas - All input is appreciated.

Have clean SFC & Mbam scans.
Mbam found 8 things my BitDefender AV missed, mostly about Chrome which I don't use.
The other 2, an IE registry privilege elevation, and a FF pdfjs issue, which may have caused
my FireFox PDF viewing failures were later fixed.
All items deleted & SFC is still clean, no integrity violations as it just finished.
On second MBaM scan the PUP reappeared, I deleted it after quarantine & now 3 more scans
have been subsequently clean.

Although many problems have arisen since clean 8 & then 8.1 upgrade
none have been this serious or troubling.

Although I have fixed this same innocuous CBS.log issue before, sfc scan still shows the known false corrupt flagging of the .json files with each new scan, as described here...
[SOLVED] - telemetry.ASM-WindowsDefault.json ...says...
""When an advanced user runs the sfc.exe tool, the files are unintentionally flagged as corrupted.
There is no actual corruption on a device running this update, and a later updates will resolve this issue.""
So that should not be a problem. Right ?

No Malware, A/V fine. 3 scans now done with each.
Only other issues are insomnia while on MS account - local works fine.
Having to triple, or even 4 click files to open them, rarely, & fixed SOMETIMES with an ESC key press.
Lots of Error 131's: Metadata staging failed, result={2F... ...0D7} for container '0x80070490'
of which the container is always the same, seems to have been fixed since this was originally posted,
The other 5 well discussed log errors; store licensing, ESENT & schannel 36887 seem to have been fixed by subsequent windows updates.

Here's the CBS.log if anyone can help...

Update: One thing I notice that seems weird is the log has many references to AMD CPU architecture, when I have an Intel i5-650 in an Asus P7P55D Deluxe m/b w/12g Ripjawz CL7 ( 3 sticks, as I can't get the 4th slot to work) Booting from the ICH10R Raid1 Vertex4 SSDs.
I don't think the raid is the cause as some of the errant picture content comes from picture & video files on other, non Raid & Raid drives on other PCI controllers drives not on the motherboards ICH10R.

No takers so far on this one ? If So, Thanks.

-csiPost (now changed to J Post cause o/p was moved)
